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Adobe Content Authenticity Chrome browser extension

  1. Uporabniški vodnik za Creative Cloud
  2. Uvod v Creative Cloud
    1. Pogosta vprašanja | Creative Cloud
    2. Sistemske zahteve za Creative Cloud
    3. Sinhronizacija datotek v storitvi Creative Cloud | Znane težave
  3. Prenos, namestitev, nastavitev in posodobitev
    1. Prenos programov Creative Cloud
    2. Odpiranje programov Creative Cloud
    3. Odpiranje delovnega prostora
    4. Posodobitev programov Creative Cloud
    5. Spreminjanje jezika programov Creative Cloud
    6. Odstranitev namiznega programa Creative Cloud
    7. Odstranitev programov Creative Cloud
  4. Upravljanje računa
    1. Prehod s preskusne različice storitve Creative Cloud na plačljivo članstvo
    2. Ponastavitev gesla za Adobe
    3. Sprememba paketa Adobe
    4. Posodobitev podatkov o kreditni kartici in naslova plačnika
    5. Ogled in prenos računov za Adobe ter njihovo pošiljanje prek e-pošte
    6. Odpravljanje težav zaradi neuspelega ali zamujenega plačila
    7. Preklic preskusne različice ali naročnine za Adobe
    8. Iskanje podpore za brezplačne in ukinjene izdelke
  5. Ustvarjalne storitve
    1. Uporaba storitve Adobe Stock v programih Creative Cloud
    2. Uporaba pisav Adobe Fonts v programih Creative Cloud
    3. Nalaganje pisave v Creative Cloud
    4. Creative Cloud Market ni več na voljo
  6. Storitve sodelovanja in shranjevanja
    1. Kaj so dokumenti v oblaku
    2. Dokumenti v oblaku – pogosta vprašanja
    3. Ustvarjanje dokumentov v oblaku ali pretvarjanje datotek vanje
    4. Nastavitev dokumentov v oblaku za uporabo brez povezave
    5. Povrnitev na prejšnjo različico dokumenta v oblaku
    6. Deljenje svojega dela z drugimi za komentiranje
    7. Zakaj svojih dokumentov v oblaku ne morem videti brez povezave?
    8. Creative Cloud Libraries
    9. Sodelovanje v storitvi Creative Cloud Libraries in mapah
    10. Pogosta vprašanja o sodelovanju
    11. Sinhroniziranje datotek s prostorom za shranjevanje v oblaku
    12. Ugotavljanje, koliko prostora za shranjevanje v oblaku imate
    13. Nastavitev možnosti sinhronizacije
    14. Ukinitev sinhroniziranja datotek s storitvijo Creative Cloud
    15. Prenos sinhroniziranih datotek in vsebine
  7. Projekti
    1. Pregled projektov
    2. Ustvarjanje projektov
    3. Skupna raba projektov
    4. Ustvarjanje novih map in knjižnic
    5. Premikanje map in knjižnic
  8. Organiziranje knjižnic
    1. Ustvarjanje skupin v knjižnicah
    2. Brisanje skupin v knjižnicah
    3. Brisanje elementov v knjižnicah
    4. Premikanje elementov v knjižnicah
  9. Programi Creative Cloud za mobilne naprave
    1. Pogosta vprašanja | Programi za mobilne naprave
    2. Adobe Creative Cloud za mobilne naprave
  10. Podjetja in skupine
    1. Učenje in podpora za podjetja
    2. Učenje in podpora za skupine
    3. Vodnik za hiter začetek za člane skupine
  11. Adobe Content Authenticity
    1. Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    2. Orodje za pregled za Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    3. Razširitev za brskalnik Chrome Adobe Content Authenticity
    4. Nastavitev glede usposabljanja in uporabe za generativno umetno inteligenco s funkcijo Content Credentials
    5. Povezava računov za pripis zaslug za stvaritve

View or access Content Credentials on any webpage. 

The Adobe Content Authenticity Chrome browser extension allows you to view Content Credentials on any website, even those that don't yet offer built-in Content Credential display. By viewing Content Credentials associated with content you consume online, and depending on what the producer chooses to include in their Content Credentials, you can learn about: 

  • The identity information of who produced the content.

  • The tools and editing methods involved, including whether generative AI was used to generate or edit the content.

  • App or device information, including camera devices or editing software used to create and edit content.

Using the Chrome browser extension

After installing the extension on Chrome, it will automatically detect Content Credentials for images on each webpage you visit. The extension icon shows the number of Content Credentials detected on the page, and clicking it will display a list for you to inspect. 

A file can have multiple Content Credentials, but only the most recent ones are displayed.

Select the greater than (>) icon to view the information about how this content was made and who was involved.
Select > icon to view the information about the content

To inspect Content Credentials in full detail, select the Inspect button. This will direct you to Adobe’s Inspect tool. The extension also indicates if Content Credentials are not detected on the current page. 

Select the Inspect button highlighted in yellow to view the details.
Select Inspect button to view the details

How it works

Content Credentials associated with a given file can be attached as metadata to the file itself, stored in Adobe’s public Content Credentials cloud, or stored in both places. Every time you visit a website, the extension automatically scans each file on the page for Content Credentials and lists them for you to inspect.

  • You can apply Content Credentials for others to view using Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
  • The Chrome extension does not track your online activity or store information. It only identifies images on the web pages you visit and checks to see if Content Credentials are available for them. 

For developers: Prioritize your website’s Content Credentials implementation 

The developers can prioritize the implementation of their website's Content Credentials using a specific meta tag. 

If you own or manage a website that already supports the display of Content Credentials, you can prevent the Chrome extension from displaying its own UI elements (like the Content Credentials pin) on your site. Include the following meta tag inside your site’s <Head> tag and set the content value to false: 

<meta name="CR-allow-UI-injection" content="true/false">

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