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Creative Cloud Libraries

  1. Uporabniški vodnik za Creative Cloud
  2. Uvod v Creative Cloud
    1. Pogosta vprašanja | Creative Cloud
    2. Sistemske zahteve za Creative Cloud
    3. Sinhronizacija datotek v storitvi Creative Cloud | Znane težave
  3. Prenesite, namestite, nastavite in posodobite
    1. Prenos programa Creative Cloud
    2. Odprite programe Creative Cloud
    3. Odprite delovni prostor
    4. Posodobitev programov Creative Cloud
    5. Spreminjanje jezika programov Creative Cloud
    6. Odstranite namizni program Creative Cloud
    7. Odstranitev programov Creative Cloud
  4. Upravljanje računa
    1. Prehod s preskusne različice storitve Creative Cloud na plačljivo članstvo
    2. Ponastavitev gesla za Adobe
    3. Sprememba paketa Adobe
    4. Posodobitev podatkov o kreditni kartici in naslova plačnika
    5. Ogled in prenos računov za Adobe ter njihovo pošiljanje prek e-pošte
    6. Popravek neuspelega ali zamujenega plačila
    7. Preklic preskusne različice ali naročnine za Adobe
  5. Ustvarjalne storitve
    1. Uporaba storitve Adobe Stock v programih Creative Cloud
    2. Uporaba pisav Adobe Fonts v programih Creative Cloud
    3. Creative Cloud Market ni več na voljo
  6. Storitve sodelovanja in shranjevanja
    1. Kaj so dokumenti v oblaku
    2. Dokumenti v oblaku – pogosta vprašanja
    3. Ustvarite ali pretvorite datoteke v dokumente v oblaku
    4. Nastavite dokumente v oblaku za uporabo brez povezave
    5. Povrnitev na prejšnjo različico dokumenta v oblaku
    6. Delite svoje delo z drugimi za komentiranje
    7. Zakaj svojih dokumentov v oblaku ne morem videti brez povezave?
    8. Creative Cloud Libraries
    9. Sodelujte pri storitvah Creative Cloud Libraries in mapah
    10. Pogosta vprašanja o sodelovanju
    11. Sinhronizirajte datoteke s prostorom za shranjevanje v oblaku
    12. Ugotovite, koliko prostora za shranjevanje v oblaku imate
    13. Nastavite možnosti sinhronizacije
    14. Ukinitev sinhroniziranja datotek s storitvijo Creative Cloud
    15. Prenesite sinhronizirane datoteke in vsebino
  7. Projekti
    1. Pregled projektov
    2. Ustvarjanje projektov
    3. Skupna raba projektov
    4. Ustvarjanje novih map in knjižnic
    5. Premikanje map in knjižnic
  8. Organizirajte knjižnice
    1. Ustvarite skupine v knjižnicah
    2. Izbrišite skupine v knjižnicah
    3. Izbrišite elemente v knjižnicah
    4. Premaknite elemente v knjižnice
  9. Programi za mobilne naprave Creative Cloud
    1. Pogosta vprašanja | Programi za mobilne naprave
    2. Adobe Creative Cloud za mobilne naprave
  10. Podjetja in skupine
    1. Učenje in podpora za podjetja
    2. Učenje in podpora za skupine
    3. Vodnik hiter začetek za člane skupine
  11. Adobe Content Authenticity
    1. Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    2. Orodje za pregled za Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    3. Razširitev brskalnika Chrome Adobe Content Authenticity
    4. Usposabljanje in nastavitve uporabe generativne umetne inteligence za Content Credentials

Learn how Creative Cloud Libraries help you keep project-specific design elements together so you and your team can access them from your Creative Cloud apps.

What are Creative Cloud Libraries?

Creative Cloud Libraries let you gather design elements for specific projects, clients, or teams for use within any of your Creative Cloud apps. Libraries help ensure you and your team access the same elements for a project throughout its lifecycle – from creating initial imagery in Photoshop and Illustrator, or creating print collateral in InDesign.

Collect assets

Gather design assets created in various apps for a project or client – from color palettes, character styles, logos, mnemonics, or approved imagery. A library can contain up to 10,000 assets.

Organize and share

Organize design assets into groups or save them into separate libraries based on brands, projects, types of assets, or clients. Share the libraries with team members so everyone can access the approved design elements and assets.

Incorporate into designs

Create unified designs, websites, brochures, presentations, artwork, and more using the most up-to-date assets from your libraries.

Create and use libraries

Create and use libraries in Creative Cloud apps

You can view and use only the assets relevant to the app you are working in. For example, while you can add Photoshop layer styles to a library, those styles are relevant only to Photoshop.

Click the links below for details on how to create and use libraries in your Creative Cloud apps: 


For step-by-step information on how to create and use Creative Cloud Libraries, see the style guide.

Access libraries in your Creative Cloud desktop app

The Creative Cloud desktop app is a convenient place to manage and organize your assets in a workspace that provides more elbow room than the Libraries panel in applications. You can access Your libraries in the Files tab of the Creative Cloud desktop app.


You can also access and manage your Creative Cloud Libraries in the Creative Cloud website.

Use libraries in mobile apps

You can access Creative Cloud Libraries in all mobile apps such as Adobe Capture, Creative Cloud mobile app, and Adobe Fresco. Most mobile apps can use applicable library assets, but can't save assets to a library. In contrast, you can't use library assets in Adobe Capture, but you can save shapes, color themes, brushes, and patterns directly to a library.

Add Adobe Stock images to libraries

Access Adobe Stock images from libraries in a Creative Cloud app

Search for an Adobe Stock image directly from the library in your Creative Cloud app. When you've found an image you like, you can do any of the following:

 Drag the watermarked image from the Libraries panel to your creative project and use it as a placeholder. 

 License it directly in the Library panel using the cart icon.

 Add the watermarked image to your library using the plus sign, then license it once you are sure it is the right image.

Search for Stock images in the Library panel.
Search for Stock images in the Library panel. Then drag the placeholder directly to your project, license it, or add it to your library.

Save an Adobe Stock image to your libraries

You can go to the Adobe Stock website and save a watermarked preview of an Adobe Stock image to any of your libraries. For more information, see Using Adobe Stock.

Save Adobe Stock image to your Libraries
Save watermarked Adobe Stock images to your libraries

Create library assets using Capture in-app extension

With the Capture in-app extension in Photoshop, quickly turn images into various design elements, such as color themes, patterns, vector shapes, and gradients. These are automatically saved to your libraries and instantly usable in your current project, or other Adobe applications. Learn more.

Use libraries in the Adobe Express app

Access assets from your Creative Cloud Libraries and the libraries shared with you within the Adobe Express app. Learn more.

Access libraries in other apps

MS Word and PowerPoint

The Creative Cloud add-on for Microsoft Word and PowerPoint lets you access your libraries within Word and PowerPoint. Incorporate your design assets into your presentations, reports, brochures, and other collaterals. For details, see Adobe Creative Cloud Add-in for Word and PowerPoint.


Create automatic workflows called zaps by connecting your Creative Cloud Libraries with Google Sheets, Slack, or any of the other 1,500+ apps available on Zapier. For details, see Creative Cloud Libraries for Zapier


Adobe Creative Cloud for Gmail lets you share links to content stored in Creative Cloud Files, Libraries, and Mobile Creations directly in your Gmail messages. 

Share libraries with your team

You can share libraries with your team using the Creative Cloud website, the Creative Cloud desktop app, or any of your Creative Cloud desktop apps. Your team members need either a free or a paid Creative Cloud membership to use Creative Cloud Libraries. When you share, you can also give them either view or edit permission. For details on sharing, see Collaborate on libraries.

Browse and follow public libraries

Learn how you can browse and save publicly available libraries in the Creative Cloud desktop app and later use them for your brand and creative projects. 

Export or import Creative Cloud Libraries


Libraries support color data for a single swatch or color themes. Libraries only support process colors. Spot colors are not supported and are added as process colors to libraries.

Your assets are stored locally on your device and synchronized with Creative Cloud.

The maximum number of collaborators is 1000 regardless of whether they have view or edit capabilities. If the library is public, it can have unlimited followers.

The maximum file size for a single library element is 1 GB.

You can learn more about Creative Cloud Libraries with these resources:


Video tutorials where Creative Cloud Libraries are demonstrated in mobile apps:

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