Last updated on
May 24, 2023
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sbsbaker command line options
- sbsbaker [...] ambient-occlusion [...]
- sbsbaker [...] ambient-occlusion-from-mesh [...]
- sbsbaker [...] bent-normal-from-mesh [...]
- sbsbaker [...] color-from-mesh [...]
- sbsbaker [...] curvature [...]
- sbsbaker [...] curvature-from-mesh [...]
- sbsbaker [...] curvature-from-mesh-v2 [...]
- sbsbaker [...] height-from-mesh [...]
- sbsbaker [...] info [...]
- sbsbaker [...] normal-from-mesh [...]
- sbsbaker [...] normal-world-space [...]
- sbsbaker [...] opacity-mask-from-mesh [...]
- sbsbaker [...] position [...]
- sbsbaker [...] position-from-mesh [...]
- sbsbaker [...] run [...]
- sbsbaker [...] texture-from-mesh [...]
- sbsbaker [...] thickness-from-mesh [...]
- sbsbaker [...] uv-map [...]
- sbsbaker [...] world-space-direction [...]
Global options
- --doc-html, --doc
- Generate basic documentation html from the option's help.
- --help, -h, -?
- Display help about given subcommand. If no subcommand is provided, this help about global options is printed.
- --opt-descr
- Create json description of all available options
- --quiet, -q
- Disable warning messages.
- --verbose, -v
- Enable info and debug messages.
- --version, -V
- Display version of the program.
Subcommand ambient-occlusion
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
ambient-occlusion options
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --details [default: "0.6000000238418579"]
- A lower value will be more precise but will easily produce artifacts.
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --normal
- External normal map from file.
- --normal-format, --normal-invert [default: "1"]
- Invert green component in normal map depending on selected format. (0='OpenGL', 1='DirectX') Please note that --normal-invert is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- --normal-invert [default: "false"]
- Invert the normals.
- --normal-world-space [default: "false"]
- Tell if the normal map is in world space.
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --quality [default: "1"]
- Quality of the ambient occlusion. A higher quality is slower. (0='Low', 1='Medium', 2='High', 3='Very High')
- --spread [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Spread of the ambient occlusion
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --use-neighbors [default: "false"]
- Use unselected mesh parts to compute the ambient occlusion.
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand ambient-occlusion-from-mesh
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
ambient-occlusion-from-mesh options
- --antialiasing [default: "0"]
- Antialiasing method. (0='None', 1='Subsampling 2x2', 2='Subsampling 4x4', 3='Subsampling 8x8')
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --attenuation [default: "2"]
- How occlusion is attenuated by occluder distance (0='None', 1='Smooth', 2='Linear')
- --average-normals [default: "true"]
- Compute rays directions based on averaged normals.
- --cage-mesh
- Cage file..
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --enable-ground-plane [default: "false"]
- If enabled, adds an infinite plane under the baked mesh.
- --ground-offset [default: "0"]
- Offset of the ground plane from the mesh lowest point.
- --highdef-mesh
- High definition meshes..
- --ignore-backface [default: "true"]
- Ignore backfacing triangles when trying to match low and high resolution geometry.
- --ignore-backface-secondary [default: "0"]
- Ignore backfacing triangles for occlusion rays. (0='Never', 1='Always', 2='By Mesh Name')
- --invert-skew-correction [default: "false"]
- If enabled, bright areas correspond to averaged direction and dark areas correspond to straight directions.
- --match [default: "0"]
- Choose which method is used to match low and high resolution geometry. (0='Always', 1='By Mesh Name')
- --max-dist [default: "1"]
- Maximum Occluder Distance.
- --max-dist-relative-scale [default: "true"]
- Interpret the Occluder Distance as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --max-frontal [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max frontal distance for raytracing.
- --max-rear [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max rear distance for raytracing.
- --min-dist [default: "9.999999747378752e-06"]
- Minimum Occluder Distance (bias).
- --nb-second-rays [default: "64"]
- Number of secondary rays (in [1; 256]).
- --normal
- External normal map from file.
- --normal-format, --normal-invert [default: "1"]
- Invert green component in normal map depending on selected format. (0='OpenGL', 1='DirectX') Please note that --normal-invert is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- --normal-world-space [default: "false"]
- Tell if the normal map is in world space.
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --ray-distrib [default: "1"]
- Angular Distribution of Occlusion Rays. (0='Uniform', 1='Cosine')
- --relative-to-bbox [default: "true"]
- Interpret the max distances as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --self-occlusion [default: "0"]
- Choose what geometry will cause occlusion. (0='Always', 1='Only Same Mesh Name')
- --skew-correction [default: "false"]
- Straighten rays direction based on a grayscale texture to avoid projection deformation.
- --skew-map
- External skew texture from file.
- --spread-angle [default: "180"]
- Maximum spread angle of occlusion rays.
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --use-cage [default: "false"]
- Use cage to cast rays.
- --use-lowdef-as-highdef [default: "false"]
- Use the low poly mesh as the high poly mesh.
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand bent-normal-from-mesh
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
bent-normal-from-mesh options
- --antialiasing [default: "0"]
- Antialiasing method. (0='None', 1='Subsampling 2x2', 2='Subsampling 4x4', 3='Subsampling 8x8')
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --average-normals [default: "true"]
- Compute rays directions based on averaged normals.
- --cage-mesh
- Cage file..
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --highdef-mesh
- High definition meshes..
- --ignore-backface [default: "true"]
- Ignore backfacing triangles when trying to match low and high resolution geometry.
- --ignore-backface-secondary [default: "0"]
- Ignore backfacing triangles for occlusion rays. (0='Never', 1='Always', 2='By Mesh Name')
- --invert-skew-correction [default: "false"]
- If enabled, bright areas correspond to averaged direction and dark areas correspond to straight directions.
- --map-type [default: "1"]
- Map Type. (0='World Space', 1='Tangent Space')
- --match [default: "0"]
- Choose which method is used to match low and high resolution geometry. (0='Always', 1='By Mesh Name')
- --max-dist [default: "1"]
- Maximum Occluder Distance.
- --max-dist-relative-scale [default: "true"]
- Interpret the Occluder Distance as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --max-frontal [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max frontal distance for raytracing.
- --max-rear [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max rear distance for raytracing.
- --min-dist [default: "9.999999747378752e-06"]
- Minimum Occluder Distance (bias).
- --nb-second-rays [default: "64"]
- Number of secondary rays (in [1; 256]).
- --normal-format, --normal-invert [default: "1"]
- Invert green component in normal map depending on selected format. (0='OpenGL', 1='DirectX') Please note that --normal-invert is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --ray-distrib [default: "1"]
- Angular Distribution of Occlusion Rays. (0='Uniform', 1='Cosine')
- --relative-to-bbox [default: "true"]
- Interpret the max distances as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --self-occlusion [default: "0"]
- Choose what geometry will cause occlusion. (0='Always', 1='Only Same Mesh Name')
- --skew-correction [default: "false"]
- Straighten rays direction based on a grayscale texture to avoid projection deformation.
- --skew-map
- External skew texture from file.
- --spread-angle [default: "180"]
- Maximum spread angle of occlusion rays.
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --use-cage [default: "false"]
- Use cage to cast rays.
- --use-lowdef-as-highdef [default: "false"]
- Use the low poly mesh as the high poly mesh.
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand color-from-mesh
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
color-from-mesh options
- --antialiasing [default: "0"]
- Antialiasing method. (0='None', 1='Subsampling 2x2', 2='Subsampling 4x4', 3='Subsampling 8x8')
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --average-normals [default: "true"]
- Compute rays directions based on averaged normals.
- --cage-mesh
- Cage file..
- --color-generator [default: "1"]
- Choose the method for generating colors from IDs. Vertex Color: reads the vertex color from the high definition meshes Material Color: reads the material color from the high definition meshes (works only for FBX files) Mesh ID: assigns a color per object from the high definition meshes Polygroup ⁄ Submesh ID: assigns a color per subobject (also called element) from the high definition meshes. (0='Random', 1='Hue Shift', 2='Grayscale')
- --color-source [default: "1"]
- Choose the source for color. (0='Vertex Color', 1='Material Color', 2='File ID', 3='Mesh ID ⁄ Polygroup')
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --highdef-mesh
- High definition meshes..
- --ignore-backface [default: "true"]
- Ignore backfacing triangles when trying to match low and high resolution geometry.
- --invert-skew-correction [default: "false"]
- If enabled, bright areas correspond to averaged direction and dark areas correspond to straight directions.
- --match [default: "0"]
- Choose which method is used to match low and high resolution geometry. (0='Always', 1='By Mesh Name')
- --max-frontal [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max frontal distance for raytracing.
- --max-rear [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max rear distance for raytracing.
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --relative-to-bbox [default: "true"]
- Interpret the max distances as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --skew-correction [default: "false"]
- Straighten rays direction based on a grayscale texture to avoid projection deformation.
- --skew-map
- External skew texture from file.
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --use-cage [default: "false"]
- Use cage to cast rays.
- --use-lowdef-as-highdef [default: "false"]
- Use the low poly mesh as the high poly mesh.
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand curvature
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
curvature options
- --algorithm [default: "0"]
- Choose curvature computation algorithm (per vertex ⁄ per pixel) (0='Per Pixel', 1='Per Vertex')
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --details [default: "0.5"]
- Reveal details in the curvature
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --enable-seams [default: "true"]
- Show seams on the curvature map
- --normal
- External normal map from file.
- --normal-format, --normal-invert [default: "1"]
- Invert green component in normal map depending on selected format. (0='OpenGL', 1='DirectX') Please note that --normal-invert is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- --normal-world-space [default: "false"]
- Tell if the normal map is in world space.
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --seams-power [default: "1"]
- Intensity of the seams on the map
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand curvature-from-mesh
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
curvature-from-mesh options
- --antialiasing [default: "0"]
- Antialiasing method. (0='None', 1='Subsampling 2x2', 2='Subsampling 4x4', 3='Subsampling 8x8')
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --average-normals [default: "true"]
- Compute rays directions based on averaged normals.
- --cage-mesh
- Cage file..
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --highdef-mesh
- High definition meshes..
- --ignore-backface [default: "true"]
- Ignore backfacing triangles when trying to match low and high resolution geometry.
- --intensity [default: "1"]
- Multiply the computed curvature by this value
- --invert-skew-correction [default: "false"]
- If enabled, bright areas correspond to averaged direction and dark areas correspond to straight directions.
- --match [default: "0"]
- Choose which method is used to match low and high resolution geometry. (0='Always', 1='By Mesh Name')
- --max-frontal [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max frontal distance for raytracing.
- --max-rear [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max rear distance for raytracing.
- --maximize-range [default: "true"]
- Ensures the resulting map occupies the whole spectrum of values
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --relative-to-bbox [default: "true"]
- Interpret the max distances as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --skew-correction [default: "false"]
- Straighten rays direction based on a grayscale texture to avoid projection deformation.
- --skew-map
- External skew texture from file.
- --soft-saturate [default: "true"]
- Softens the curvature values
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --use-cage [default: "false"]
- Use cage to cast rays.
- --use-lowdef-as-highdef [default: "false"]
- Use the low poly mesh as the high poly mesh.
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand curvature-from-mesh-v2
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
curvature-from-mesh-v2 options
- --antialiasing [default: "0"]
- Antialiasing method. (0='None', 1='Subsampling 2x2', 2='Subsampling 4x4', 3='Subsampling 8x8')
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --auto-minmax [default: "true"]
- Tonemapping bounds will be computed on a per UV Tile basis.
- --average-normals [default: "true"]
- Compute rays directions based on averaged normals.
- --cage-mesh
- Cage file..
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --highdef-mesh
- High definition meshes..
- --ignore-backface [default: "true"]
- Ignore backfacing triangles when trying to match low and high resolution geometry.
- --invert-skew-correction [default: "false"]
- If enabled, bright areas correspond to averaged direction and dark areas correspond to straight directions.
- --match [default: "0"]
- Choose which method is used to match low and high resolution geometry. (0='Always', 1='By Mesh Name')
- --max-dist-relative-scale [default: "true"]
- Interpret the Occluder Distance as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --max-frontal [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max frontal distance for raytracing.
- --max-rear [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max rear distance for raytracing.
- --nb-second-rays [default: "32"]
- Number of sampled neighbouring points used in curvature estimation (in [1; 256]).
- --normal
- External normal map from file.
- --normal-format, --normal-invert [default: "1"]
- Invert green component in normal map depending on selected format. (0='OpenGL', 1='DirectX') Please note that --normal-invert is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- --normal-world-space [default: "false"]
- Tell if the normal map is in world space.
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --relative-to-bbox [default: "true"]
- Interpret the max distances as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --sampling-radius [default: "0.0010000000474974513"]
- Radius of the disk to get surface samples from.
- --self-occlusion [default: "0"]
- Choose what geometry will be tested for intersection. (0='Always', 1='Only Same Mesh Name')
- --skew-correction [default: "false"]
- Straighten rays direction based on a grayscale texture to avoid projection deformation.
- --skew-map
- External skew texture from file.
- --tonemapping-max [default: "1"]
- Curvature maximum value.
- --tonemapping-min [default: "-1"]
- Curvature minimum value.
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --use-cage [default: "false"]
- Use cage to cast rays.
- --use-lowdef-as-highdef [default: "false"]
- Use the low poly mesh as the high poly mesh.
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand height-from-mesh
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
height-from-mesh options
- --antialiasing [default: "0"]
- Antialiasing method. (0='None', 1='Subsampling 2x2', 2='Subsampling 4x4', 3='Subsampling 8x8')
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --auto-normalize [default: "1"]
- Normalization of the resulting map. (0='Relative to Ray Distances', 1='Relative to Low Poly Mesh (per UV Tile)', 2='Relative to Min⁄Max (per UV Tile)', 3='Manual')
- --average-normals [default: "true"]
- Compute rays directions based on averaged normals.
- --cage-mesh
- Cage file..
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --divisor [default: "1"]
- Divide every value of the resulting map by this parameter.
- --highdef-mesh
- High definition meshes..
- --ignore-backface [default: "true"]
- Ignore backfacing triangles when trying to match low and high resolution geometry.
- --invert-skew-correction [default: "false"]
- If enabled, bright areas correspond to averaged direction and dark areas correspond to straight directions.
- --match [default: "0"]
- Choose which method is used to match low and high resolution geometry. (0='Always', 1='By Mesh Name')
- --max-frontal [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max frontal distance for raytracing.
- --max-rear [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max rear distance for raytracing.
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --relative-to-bbox [default: "true"]
- Interpret the max distances as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --skew-correction [default: "false"]
- Straighten rays direction based on a grayscale texture to avoid projection deformation.
- --skew-map
- External skew texture from file.
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --use-cage [default: "false"]
- Use cage to cast rays.
- --use-lowdef-as-highdef [default: "false"]
- Use the low poly mesh as the high poly mesh.
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand info
Input options
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
Specific options
- --hide-bounding-box
- Do not print the bounding boxes of entities.
- --hide-location
- Do not print the location of entities.
- --hide-mesh
- Do not print information about mesh entities.
- --list-all
- Print basic information about all entities.
- --list-uv-tiles
- List uv tiles occupied in entities.
- --print-camera
- Print information about camera entities.
- --print-lighting
- Print information about lighting entities.
Subcommand normal-from-mesh
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
normal-from-mesh options
- --antialiasing [default: "0"]
- Antialiasing method. (0='None', 1='Subsampling 2x2', 2='Subsampling 4x4', 3='Subsampling 8x8')
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --average-normals [default: "true"]
- Compute rays directions based on averaged normals.
- --cage-mesh
- Cage file..
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --highdef-mesh
- High definition meshes..
- --ignore-backface [default: "true"]
- Ignore backfacing triangles when trying to match low and high resolution geometry.
- --invert-skew-correction [default: "false"]
- If enabled, bright areas correspond to averaged direction and dark areas correspond to straight directions.
- --map-type [default: "1"]
- Map Type. (0='World Space', 1='Tangent Space')
- --match [default: "0"]
- Choose which method is used to match low and high resolution geometry. (0='Always', 1='By Mesh Name')
- --max-frontal [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max frontal distance for raytracing.
- --max-rear [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max rear distance for raytracing.
- --normal-format, --normal-invert [default: "1"]
- Invert green component in normal map depending on selected format. (0='OpenGL', 1='DirectX') Please note that --normal-invert is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --relative-to-bbox [default: "true"]
- Interpret the max distances as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --skew-correction [default: "false"]
- Straighten rays direction based on a grayscale texture to avoid projection deformation.
- --skew-map
- External skew texture from file.
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --use-cage [default: "false"]
- Use cage to cast rays.
- --use-lowdef-as-highdef [default: "false"]
- Use the low poly mesh as the high poly mesh.
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand normal-world-space
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
normal-world-space options
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --normal
- External normal map from file.
- --normal-format, --normal-invert [default: "1"]
- Invert green component in normal map depending on selected format. (0='OpenGL', 1='DirectX') Please note that --normal-invert is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- --normal-type [default: "0"]
- The type of map to bake. (0='Normal', 1='Tangent', 2='Binormal')
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand opacity-mask-from-mesh
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
opacity-mask-from-mesh options
- --antialiasing [default: "0"]
- Antialiasing method. (0='None', 1='Subsampling 2x2', 2='Subsampling 4x4', 3='Subsampling 8x8')
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --average-normals [default: "true"]
- Compute rays directions based on averaged normals.
- --cage-mesh
- Cage file..
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --highdef-mesh
- High definition meshes..
- --ignore-backface [default: "true"]
- Ignore backfacing triangles when trying to match low and high resolution geometry.
- --invert-skew-correction [default: "false"]
- If enabled, bright areas correspond to averaged direction and dark areas correspond to straight directions.
- --match [default: "0"]
- Choose which method is used to match low and high resolution geometry. (0='Always', 1='By Mesh Name')
- --max-frontal [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max frontal distance for raytracing.
- --max-rear [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max rear distance for raytracing.
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --relative-to-bbox [default: "true"]
- Interpret the max distances as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --skew-correction [default: "false"]
- Straighten rays direction based on a grayscale texture to avoid projection deformation.
- --skew-map
- External skew texture from file.
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --use-cage [default: "false"]
- Use cage to cast rays.
- --use-lowdef-as-highdef [default: "false"]
- Use the low poly mesh as the high poly mesh.
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand position
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
position options
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --axis [default: "0"]
- Select which axis positions you want to bake (0='X', 1='Y', 2='Z')
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --mode [default: "0"]
- Select the processing mode (0='All Axis', 1='One Axis')
- --normalization [default: "1"]
- Positions normalization type (0='BBox', 1='BSphere')
- --normalization-scale [default: "1"]
- Positions normalization scale (0='Selected Materials', 1='Full Scene')
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand position-from-mesh
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
position-from-mesh options
- --antialiasing [default: "0"]
- Antialiasing method. (0='None', 1='Subsampling 2x2', 2='Subsampling 4x4', 3='Subsampling 8x8')
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --average-normals [default: "true"]
- Compute rays directions based on averaged normals.
- --axis [default: "0"]
- Select which axis positions you want to bake (0='X', 1='Y', 2='Z')
- --cage-mesh
- Cage file..
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --highdef-mesh
- High definition meshes..
- --ignore-backface [default: "true"]
- Ignore backfacing triangles when trying to match low and high resolution geometry.
- --invert-skew-correction [default: "false"]
- If enabled, bright areas correspond to averaged direction and dark areas correspond to straight directions.
- --match [default: "0"]
- Choose which method is used to match low and high resolution geometry. (0='Always', 1='By Mesh Name')
- --max-frontal [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max frontal distance for raytracing.
- --max-rear [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max rear distance for raytracing.
- --mode [default: "0"]
- Select the processing mode (0='All Axis', 1='One Axis')
- --normalization [default: "1"]
- Positions normalization type (0='BBox', 1='BSphere')
- --normalization-scale [default: "1"]
- Positions normalization scale (0='Selected Materials', 1='Full Scene')
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --relative-to-bbox [default: "true"]
- Interpret the max distances as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --skew-correction [default: "false"]
- Straighten rays direction based on a grayscale texture to avoid projection deformation.
- --skew-map
- External skew texture from file.
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --use-cage [default: "false"]
- Use cage to cast rays.
- --use-lowdef-as-highdef [default: "false"]
- Use the low poly mesh as the high poly mesh.
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand run
Batch options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --json
- Json file describing an execution plan.
Subcommand texture-from-mesh
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
texture-from-mesh options
- --antialiasing [default: "0"]
- Antialiasing method. (0='None', 1='Subsampling 2x2', 2='Subsampling 4x4', 3='Subsampling 8x8')
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --average-normals [default: "true"]
- Compute rays directions based on averaged normals.
- --cage-mesh
- Cage file..
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --filtering-mode [default: "1"]
- Select the filtering mode used for texture pixel interpolation (0='Nearest', 1='Bilinear')
- --high-poly-uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to map the texture on the high resolution mesh (0='UV 0', 1='UV 1', 2='UV 2')
- --highdef-mesh
- High definition meshes..
- --ignore-backface [default: "true"]
- Ignore backfacing triangles when trying to match low and high resolution geometry.
- --invert-skew-correction [default: "false"]
- If enabled, bright areas correspond to averaged direction and dark areas correspond to straight directions.
- --map-type [default: "1"]
- Map Type. (0='World Space', 1='Tangent Space')
- --match [default: "0"]
- Choose which method is used to match low and high resolution geometry. (0='Always', 1='By Mesh Name')
- --max-frontal [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max frontal distance for raytracing.
- --max-rear [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max rear distance for raytracing.
- --normal-format, --normal-invert [default: "1"]
- Invert green component in normal map depending on selected format. (0='OpenGL', 1='DirectX') Please note that --normal-invert is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- --normal-map [default: "false"]
- Makes the required computation to transfer tangent space normal map
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --relative-to-bbox [default: "true"]
- Interpret the max distances as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --skew-correction [default: "false"]
- Straighten rays direction based on a grayscale texture to avoid projection deformation.
- --skew-map
- External skew texture from file.
- --texture-file
- Texture file to apply on the high resolution mesh
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --use-cage [default: "false"]
- Use cage to cast rays.
- --use-lowdef-as-highdef [default: "false"]
- Use the low poly mesh as the high poly mesh.
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand thickness-from-mesh
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
thickness-from-mesh options
- --antialiasing [default: "0"]
- Antialiasing method. (0='None', 1='Subsampling 2x2', 2='Subsampling 4x4', 3='Subsampling 8x8')
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --auto-normalize [default: "1"]
- Normalization of the resulting map. (0='Relative to Ray Distances', 1='Relative to Min⁄Max (per UV Tile)', 2='None')
- --average-normals [default: "true"]
- Compute rays directions based on averaged normals.
- --cage-mesh
- Cage file..
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --highdef-mesh
- High definition meshes..
- --ignore-backface [default: "true"]
- Ignore backfacing triangles when trying to match low and high resolution geometry.
- --invert-skew-correction [default: "false"]
- If enabled, bright areas correspond to averaged direction and dark areas correspond to straight directions.
- --match [default: "0"]
- Choose which method is used to match low and high resolution geometry. (0='Always', 1='By Mesh Name')
- --max-dist [default: "0.10000000149011612"]
- Maximum Occluder Distance.
- --max-dist-relative-scale [default: "true"]
- Interpret the Occluder Distance as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --max-frontal [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max frontal distance for raytracing.
- --max-rear [default: "0.009999999776482582"]
- Max rear distance for raytracing.
- --min-dist [default: "9.999999747378752e-06"]
- Minimum Occluder Distance (bias).
- --nb-second-rays [default: "64"]
- Number of secondary rays (in [1; 256]).
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --ray-distrib [default: "1"]
- Angular Distribution of Occlusion Rays. (0='Uniform', 1='Cosine')
- --relative-to-bbox [default: "true"]
- Interpret the max distances as a factor of the mesh bounding box.
- --self-occlusion [default: "0"]
- Choose what geometry will cause occlusion. (0='Always', 1='Only Same Mesh Name')
- --skew-correction [default: "false"]
- Straighten rays direction based on a grayscale texture to avoid projection deformation.
- --skew-map
- External skew texture from file.
- --spread-angle [default: "180"]
- Maximum spread angle of occlusion rays.
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --use-cage [default: "false"]
- Use cage to cast rays.
- --use-lowdef-as-highdef [default: "false"]
- Use the low poly mesh as the high poly mesh.
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand uv-map
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
uv-map options
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --mode [default: "1"]
- How svg shapes will be colored. (0='Random', 1='Hue Shift', 2='Grayscale', 3='Uniform', 4='Material ID Color')
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --padding [default: "0"]
- Padding to add to the svg shapes.
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]
Subcommand world-space-direction
Input and output options
- --disable-gpu [default: "no"]
- Disable GPU Raytracing.
- --force-dxr [default: "no"]
- Force DXR Raytracing on video cards that support it partially.
- --force-optix [default: "no"]
- Force Optix Raytracing.
- --input-selection
- Select a submesh⁄subgroup of a mesh. Mesh subpart selection can be specified using this syntax for : @ where the additional @ is optional. If no material id is specified, all the ids will be used for the process. can either be the name of a mesh part or of a transform group. In this case, all the mesh parts parented directly or inderectly to this node will be used for the process.
- --inputs
- Mesh files to process. This option is implicit, so you can just provide a list of files at the end of your arguments, they will be interpreted as inputs.
- --name-suffix-high [default: "_high"]
- High Poly name suffix.
- --name-suffix-low [default: "_low"]
- Low Poly name suffix.
- --nodxr [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable DirectX Raytracing.
- --nooptix [default: "no"]
- [Deprecated] Disable Optix raytracing.
- --output-format [default: "png"]
- Format to use for output image file. Default='png'. Formats Supported: surface, dds, bmp, jpg, jif, jpeg, jpe, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, wap, wbmp, wbm, psd, psb, hdr, exr, webp.
- --output-name [default: "{inputName}_{bakerName}"]
- Set the output name of the generated files, without the extension."The name is "{inputName}_{bakerName}" by default. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName}. Replaced by the input name. - {bakerName}. Replaced by the baker name. - {udim}. Replaced by the UDIM id of the baked tile (MARI convention).
- --output-path [default: ".⁄"]
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the output path is the current directory.You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath}. Replaced by the path of the first processed sbs.
- --per-fragment-binormal [default: "no"]
- Controls whether the binormal of the tangent frame has to be computed in the fragment shader (true) or in the vertex shader (false). - Set by default to 'false' for unitytspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'false' for mikktspace tangent space plugin. - Set by default to 'true' otherwise.
- --recompute-tangents [default: "no"]
- Force to recompute tangents; do not load tangents from the mesh if available.
- --tangent-space-plugin [default: "⁄home⁄colin⁄workspace⁄sat⁄dev⁄build⁄build-batchtools-Desktop-Debug⁄bin⁄"]
- Set the plugin file used to compute the meshes tangent space frames.
world-space-direction options
- --apply-diffusion [default: "true"]
- Whether to use diffusion as a post-process after dilation, or not.
- --dilation-width [default: "1"]
- Width of the dilation post-process (in pixels) applied before diffusion.
- --direction [default: "1"]
- Input direction. (0='From Texture', 1='From uniform Vector')
- --direction-file
- Input texture file giving a direction per pixel to be translated from world space coordinates to texture space coordinates
- --direction-x [default: "0"]
- World space direction vector component
- --direction-y [default: "-1"]
- World space direction vector component
- --direction-z [default: "0"]
- World space direction vector component
- --normal-format, --normal-invert [default: "1"]
- Invert green component in normal map depending on selected format. (0='OpenGL', 1='DirectX') Please note that --normal-invert is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
- --output-size ,
- Output size of the generated map. and are the exponents of powers of 2 that give the actual width and height. In other words, you must provide the logarithm in base 2 of the actual width and height. For example '--output-size 10,11' means a 1024x2048 map.
- --udim
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as a UDIM id (MARI convention) (e.g "1022"). [default: "1001"]
- --uv-set [default: "0"]
- Select UV set used to bake meshes information.
- --uv-tile ,
- Coordinates of the uv tile to compute, given as two zero-based indices, e.g. "1,2". [default: "0,0"]