Last updated on
May 24, 2023
- Command Line overview
- sbsbaker
- sbscooker
- sbsmutator
- sbsrender
- sbsupdater
- Pysbs - Python API overview
- Getting started
- General topics
- Examples
API Content
- API Content overview
Substance definitions
- Common interfaces
- compnode
- context projectmgr
- graph
- mdl
- modelannotationnames
- modelgraph
- modelgraphgenerator
- modelgraphimplementation
- modelnodenames
- modeloperand
- moduleannotation
- moduleconnection
- modulegraph
- modulegraphgenerator
- modulegraphimplementation
- modulegraphlibrary
- modulegraphregister
- modulenode
- modulenodeimplementation
- modulenodeinstance
- moduleoperand
- moduleoutputbridging
- moduleparaminput
- params
- projectmgrdoc
- sbsarchive
- sbscommon
- sbspreset
- sbsproject
- substance
- sbsenum
- sbslibrary
- sbsbakerslibrary
- Helpers
- Execution context
- API Change log
- Substance Maya toolset
- Substance 3D home
- Home
Pysbs - Python API
- Pysbs - Python API overview
- Getting started
- General topics
- Examples
API Content
- API Content overview
Substance definitions
- Common interfaces
- compnode
- context projectmgr
- graph
- mdl
- modelannotationnames
- modelgraph
- modelgraphgenerator
- modelgraphimplementation
- modelnodenames
- modeloperand
- moduleannotation
- moduleconnection
- modulegraph
- modulegraphgenerator
- modulegraphimplementation
- modulegraphlibrary
- modulegraphregister
- modulenode
- modulenodeimplementation
- modulenodeinstance
- moduleoperand
- moduleoutputbridging
- moduleparaminput
- params
- projectmgrdoc
- sbsarchive
- sbscommon
- sbspreset
- sbsproject
- substance
- sbsenum
- sbslibrary
- sbsbakerslibrary
- Helpers
- Execution context
- API Change log
- Samples
- Setup and Getting Started
- Substance Maya toolset
- Changelog overview
sbsmtools command line options
Global options
- --doc-html, --doc
- Generate basic documentation html from the option's help.
- --help, -h, -?
- Display help about given subcommand. If no subcommand is provided, this help about global options is printed.
- --opt-descr
- Create json description of all available options
- --quiet, -q
- Disable warning messages.
- --verbose, -v
- Enable info and debug messages.
- --version, -V
- Display version of the program.
Subcommand Info
Subcommand export
Export Options
- --alias
- Define a custom alias path (e.g. 'myproject:⁄⁄path⁄to⁄myproject⁄library'). This option is mandatory if your filter have a dependency with some custom alias.
- --input-graph
- Select specific graph to be rendered. If no graph are selected, all graphs are rendered.
- --inputs, --input
- Specify a Substance 3D Designer file to cook a graph as sbsm. Can be given multiple times
- --output-name
- Set the output name of the generated files, if the correct file extension is not present it will be added. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputName} : replaced by the input filename. - {inputGraph} : replaced by the input graph identifier.
- --output-path
- Set the output path for the generated files. By default the path is empty, i.e. the files will be saved in the current directory. You can use the following patterns that will be replaced by the program when saving the result of the process: - {inputPath} : replaced by the input filepath.