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sbsrender base parameters and pattern variables | Substance 3D Automation ToolKit

sbsrender base parameters and pattern variables

Base parameters

With sbsrender command line it's possible to tweak some sbsar's exposed parameters with the flag --set-value . Within a sbsar some parameters are exposed by default, these are the base parameters as shown in the next examples, to set a base parameter values the name must starts with a $ (unlike user parameters $).

windows, depends the console escape using ' :

sbsrender render C:pathtofile.sbsar --set-value '$outputsize@11,11'
sbsrender render C:pathtofile.sbsar --set-value '$outputsize@11,11'
    sbsrender render C:pathtofile.sbsar --set-value '$outputsize@11,11' 

linux (macos) escape the $ using \ :

sbsrender render /path/to/file.sbsar --set-value $outputsize@11,11
sbsrender render /path/to/file.sbsar --set-value $outputsize@11,11
    sbsrender render /path/to/file.sbsar --set-value $outputsize@11,11

The list of the base parameters name:

Output Size: $outputsize@,

Output Format: $format@

Pixel Size: $pixelsize@,

Pixel Ratio: $pixelration@

Tiling Mode: $tiling@

Random Seed: $randomseed@

Pattern variables

SbsRender can replace some pattern by the content of its variable as shown in the next example:

sbsrender render C:pathtofile.sbsar --output-name map_{outputNodeName}
sbsrender render C:pathtofile.sbsar --output-name map_{outputNodeName}
    sbsrender render C:pathtofile.sbsar --output-name map_{outputNodeName}

The list of the available pattern variables:

{inputName} the name of the input sbsar file

{inputGraphUrl} the graph name

{outputNodeName} the processed output node's identifier

{inputPath} the directory path of the input sbsar file, usable only with --output-path flag

{outputIndex} the processed output node's index, 0, 1, 2 ... by creation order

{outputUsages} the processed output node's usages, if more than one usage is set they will be concatenated with _ (underscore)

{outputLabel} the processed output node's label

{outputGroup} the processed output node's group name

{outputUserData} the processed output node's user data

{colorspace} the processed output node's colorspace

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