- Command Line overview
- sbsbaker
- sbscooker
- sbsmtools
- sbsmutator
- sbsrender
- sbsupdater
- Pysbs - Python API overview
- Getting started
- Examples
API Content
- API Content overview
Substance definitions
- Common interfaces
- compnode
- context projectmgr
- graph
- mdl
- modelannotationnames
- modelgraph
- modelgraphgenerator
- modelgraphimplementation
- modelnodenames
- modeloperand
- moduleannotation
- moduleconnection
- modulegraph
- modulegraphgenerator
- modulegraphimplementation
- modulegraphlibrary
- modulegraphregister
- modulenode
- modulenodeimplementation
- modulenodeinstance
- moduleoperand
- moduleoutputbridging
- moduleparaminput
- params
- projectmgrdoc
- sbsarchive
- sbscommon
- sbspreset
- sbsproject
- substance
- sbsenum
- sbslibrary
- sbsbakerslibrary
- Helpers
- Execution context
- API Change log
- Substance Maya toolset
- Substance 3D home
- Home
Command Line Tools
- Command Line overview
- sbsbaker
- sbscooker
- sbsmtools
- sbsmutator
- sbsrender
- sbsupdater
- Samples
- Setup and Getting Started
- Substance Maya toolset
- Changelog overview
Basic manipulation
Opening and writing a substance ¶
The API offers the ability to parse a .sbs or a .sbsar file to retrieve its content as a hierarchical object structure.
A .sbs file is parsed using a substance.SBSDocument object, whereas a .sbsar file is parsed using a sbsarchive.SBSArchive object.
Only a .sbs file can be created or modified through the API, so only the substance.SBSDocument has a writeDoc() function:
from pysbs import substance, sbsarchive # Creation of a SBSArchive object from an existing .sbsar file, and parsing: sbsarDoc = sbsarchive.SBSArchive(aContext, aSBSARFileAbsPath) sbsarDoc.parseDoc() # Parse the .sbsar file and put into sbsarDoc the object structure contained in the substance # Creation of a SBSDocument object from an existing .sbs file, parsing and writing sbsDoc = substance.SBSDocument(aContext, aSBSFileAbsPath) sbsDoc.parseDoc() # Parse the .sbs file and put into sbsDoc the object structure contained in the substance sbsDoc.writeDoc() # Write back the object structure into the same .sbs file on disk
Requesting information on a Substance ¶
The API can also be used to simply request information on a Substance (.sbs or .sbsar), to get information on the graphs it contains and their inputs and outputs.
Some common interfaces exists for SBSObject and SBSARObject, they are defined in the module common_interfaces.package
: base class forSBSDocument
: base class forSBSGraph
: base class forSBSParamInput
: base class forSBSGraphOutput
: base classes forSBSPreset
The following functions are available on both sbs and sbsar packages:
# Getting all the graphs of a package aGraphList = aDoc.getSBSGraphList() # Getting the outputs of a graph aOutputList = aGraph.getGraphOutputs() # Get all the output of a graph aOutput = aGraph.getGraphOutput(aOutputIdentifier='MyOutput') # Get a particular output aOutput = aGraph.getGraphOutputWithUsage(aUsage=sbsenum.UsageEnum.ROUGHNESS) # Get a particular output given its usage aOutput = aGraph.getGraphOutputWithUsage(aUsage='MyCustomUsage') # Same but with a custom usage # Getting the inputs of a graph aInputList = aGraph.getAllInputs() # Get all the inputs (images and parameters) aInputList = aGraph.getAllInputsInGroup(aGroup='MyGroup') # Get all the inputs of a particular GUI group named 'MyGroup' aParamList = aGraph.getInputParameters() # Get only the input parameters aImageList = aGraph.getInputImages() # Get only the input images # Or get a particular input: aInput = aGraph.getInput(aInputIdentifier='MyInput') aParam = aGraph.getInputParameter(aInputParamIdentifier='MyInputParam') aImage = aGraph.getInputImage(aInputImageIdentifier='MyInputImage') aImage = aGraph.getInputImageWithUsage(aUsage=sbsenum.UsageEnum.ROUGHNESS) # Get the parameter definition: aParam.getWidget() aParam.getDefaultValues() aParam.getMinValue() aParam.getMaxValue() aParam.getClamp() aParam.getStep() aParam.getLabels() aParam.getDropDownList() # Getting the attributes of a graph, an input or an output aGraph.getAttribute(aAttributeIdentifier=sbsenum.AttributeEnum.Author) aInput.getAttribute(aAttributeIdentifier=sbsenum.AttributeEnum.Description) aOutput.getAttribute(aAttributeIdentifier=sbsenum.AttributeEnum.Label) # Getting the parameter presets defined on a Graph aPresetList = aGraph.getAllPresets() # Get all the presets defined on the graph aPreset = aGraph.getPreset(aPresetLabel='MyPresetLabel') # Get one particular preset from its label aPresetInputList = aPreset.getPresetInputs() # Get all the preset inputs of a preset aPresetInput = aPreset.getPresetInput(aInputParam=aParam) # Get the preset input associated to a graph parameter aPresetInput = aPreset.getPresetInputFromIdentifier(aInputParamIdentifier='MyInputParam') # Get the preset input associated to a graph parameter identifier
On a SBSDocument
only, more information can be retrieved, such as its dependencies and resources, which could be helpful to build the dependency graph of a Substance, for version control purpose for instance:
# Get the list of dependencies directly included in the package, as SBSDependency objects: aDepdendencyList = sbsDoc.getSBSDependencyList() # Get the list of resources directly included in the package, as SBSResource objects: aResourceList = sbsDoc.getSBSResourceList() # Get the list of dependency paths recursively referenced by the package, as strings: aDependencyPathList = sbsDoc.getDependencyPathList(aRecurseOnPackages = True) # Get the list of resource paths recursively referenced by the package, as strings: aResourcePathList = sbsDoc.getResourcePathList(aRecurseOnPackages = True)
On a SBSGraph
, these lines allow to retrieve different lists of compositing nodes (SBSCompNode
# List all Input nodes inputNodes = aGraph.getAllInputNodes() # List all Output nodes outputNodes = aGraph.getAllOutputNodes() # List all Bitmap Filter nodes bitmapNodes = aGraph.getAllFiltersOfKind(sbsenum.FilterEnum.BITMAP) # List all CompInstance nodes instanceNodes = aGraph.getAllFiltersOfKind(sbsenum.FilterEnum.COMPINSTANCE) # List all CompInstance nodes that reference the Substance 'curvature.sbs' in the default package folder instanceOfCurvatureNodes = aGraph.getAllNodeInstancesOf(sbsDoc, 'sbs://curvature.sbs') # List all nodes connected to/from a node (on a particular input/output or not) connectedNodes = aGraph.getNodesConnectedTo(aRightNode=myNode) connectedNodes = aGraph.getNodesConnectedTo(aRightNode=myNode, aRightNodeInput=sbsenum.InputEnum.MASK) connectedNodes = aGraph.getNodesConnectedFrom(aLeftNode=myNode) connectedNodes = aGraph.getNodesConnectedFrom(aLeftNode=myNode, aLeftNodeOutput='myOutput')
Working with MDL graph (MDLGraph
) is done with almost the same functions:
# Getting all the MDL graphs of a package aMDLGraphList = aDoc.getMDLGraphList() # Getting the output/root node of a MDL graph aOutput = aMdlGraph.getGraphOutput() # Getting the input nodes of a graph (e.g. the Constant nodes that has been exposed) aInputList = aMdlGraph.getAllInputs() # Get all the inputs (images and parameters) aInputList = aMdlGraph.getAllInputsInGroup(aGroup='MyGroup') # Get all the inputs of a particular GUI group named 'MyGroup' aParamList = aMdlGraph.getInputParameters() # Get only the input parameters aImageList = aMdlGraph.getInputImages() # Get only the input of kind textures # Or get a particular input node: aInput = aMdlGraph.getInput(aInputIdentifier='MyInput') aParam = aMdlGraph.getInputParameter(aInputParamIdentifier='MyInputParam') aImage = aMdlGraph.getInputImage(aInputImageIdentifier='MyInputImage') aImage = aMdlGraph.getInputImageWithUsage(aUsage=sbsenum.UsageEnum.ROUGHNESS) # A custom string can be used # List all the nodes by category # - Constants nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllMDLConstants() nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllMDLConstantsOfType('mdl::float') nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllMDLConstantsWithName('roughness') # - Selectors nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllMDLSelectors() nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllMDLSelectorsWithName('tint') nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllMDLSelectorsOfType('mdl::color') # - MDL instances nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllMDLInstances() nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllMDLInstancesOf('mdl::operator*') nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllMDLInstancesOf('mdl::operator*(float,float)') # - MDL Graph instances nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllMDLGraphInstances() nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllMDLGraphInstancesOf(aSBSDocument=aDoc, aPath=aDoc.buildAbsPathFromRelToMePath('myMDL.sbs/MDL_Material')) # - Substance Graph instances nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllSBSInstances() nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllSBSInstancesOf(aSBSDocument=aDoc, aPath='pkg:///myGraph') nodeList = mdlGraph.getAllSBSInstancesOf(aSBSDocument=aDoc, aPath='sbs://perlin_noise_1.sbs')
Many objects in a .sbs file has a unique identifier (uid), accessible through the member ‘mUID’.
Some objects can be requested from their parent given their uid, that can be found either by reading the .sbs file, or, in the case of the nodes,
through Substance Designer user interface, by right clicking on a particular node and selecting: ‘Copy info to clipboard’
# Get a particular node from its uid myNode = aGraph.getNode(aNode='1289992758')
To know the signature, or definition, of a compositing node (SBSCompNode
) of any kind (e.g. Filter, Input, Output, Instance), the function SBSCompNode.getDefinition()
is helpful as it returns a CompNodeDef
object, which is the definition of a compositing node and contains:
- the node’s identifier
- the list of inputs of the node (
) - the list of outputs of the node (
) - the list of parameters the node can accept (
The same function exists for the other types of node:
- SBSParamNode.getDefinition() the Function nodes (
) - SBSParamsGraphNode.getDefinition() for the FxMap nodes (
) - MDLNode.getDefinition() for the nodes of a MDL graph (
# Get the definition of a node nodeDef = myNode.getDefinition() # Get a particular input / output / parameter aInput = nodeDef.getInput(aInput=sbsenum.InputEnum.MASK) # Standard filter input aInput = nodeDef.getInput(aInput='MyInput') # Custom input name aOutput = nodeDef.getOutput(aOutput=sbsenum.InputEnum.MASK) # Standard filter output aOutput = nodeDef.getOutput(aOutput='MyOutput') # Custom output name aParam = nodeDef.getParameter(aParameter=sbsenum.InputEnum.MASK) # Standard filter parameter aParam = nodeDef.getParameter(aParameter='MyParam') # Custom parameter name # Get all inputs / outputs / parameters or their identifiers inputList = nodeDef.getAllInputs() inputIdentifierList = nodeDef.getAllInputIdentifiers() outputList = nodeDef.getAllOutputs() outputIdentifierList = nodeDef.getAllOutputIdentifiers() paramList = nodeDef.getAllParameters() paramIdentifierList = nodeDef.getAllParameterIdentifiers()
Comments, Frames and Navigation Pin can also be requested (SBSGUIObject
), on a SBSGraph
, SBSFunction
or SBSParamsGraph
# List all comments, frames, or navigation pin guiComments = aGraph.getAllComments() guiFrames = aGraph.getAllFrames() guiNavPin = aGraph.getAllNavigationPins() # All the nodes included in a frame can be requested using: inFrameNodes = aGraph.getNodesInFrame(myFrame) # The node associated to a comment can be requested with: aNode = aGraph.getNodeAssociatedToComment(aComment=myComment) # Or the opposite: commentList = aGraph.getCommentsAssociatedToNode(aNode=myNode)