32-bit plug-ins don't appear


32-bit plug-ins that you used in previous versions of Audition don't appear in the Effects Menu or Effects Rack in Audition CC.


With the release of Adobe Audition CC, Audition is now a 64-bit program. Upgrade any plug-ins that were designed to work in a 32-bit environment to a 64-bit version or use a bridge.

To use 32-bit VST plug-ins in a Windows environment, install JBridge. You can download the utility from http://jstuff.wordpress.com/jbridge.  It's not necessary to wrap the VST plug-ins. To enable it, go to Edit > Preferences > Effects > Scan 32-bit VST Effects Using jBridge.

For Mac OS, rewrap the VST plug-ins through the JBridgeM utility, which you can download from http://jstuff.wordpress.com/jbridgem/.  The utility creates new VST files that are used in Adobe Audition


The move to a 64-bit environment was designed to improve the use of memory and hardware.  (It does not imply that Audition CC captures or edits 64-bit audio.)

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