Using the Flash Remoting service with ColdFusion Java objects

You can run various kinds of Java objects with ColdFusion, including JavaBeans, Java classes, and Enterprise JavaBeans. You can use the ColdFusion Administrator to add additional directories to the classpath.

Add a directory to ColdFusion classpath

  1. Open the ColdFusion Administrator.
  2. In the Server Settings menu, click the Java and JVM link.
  3. Add your directory to the Class Path form field.
  4. Click Submit Changes.
  5. Restart ColdFusion.
    When you place your Java files in the classpath, the public methods of the class instance are available to your SWF movie. For example, assume the Java class utils.UIComponentsexists in a directory in your ColdFusion classpath. The Java file contains the following code:

    package utils;
    public class UIComponents
    public UIComponents()
    public String sayHello()
    return "Hello";

Note: You cannot call constructors with Flash Remoting. Use the default constructor.

In ActionScript, the following javaService call runs the sayHello public method of the utils.UIComponents class:

import mx.remoting.*;
import mx.rpc.*;

// Connect to service and create service object
var javaService:Service = new Service(
null );
// Call the service sayHello() method
var pc:PendingCall = javaService.sayHello();
// Tell the service what methods handle result and fault conditions
pc.responder = new RelayResponder( this, "sayHello_Result", "sayHello_Fault" );

function sayHello_Result(re:ResultEvent)
// Display successful result
trace("Result is: " + re.result);

function sayHello_Fault(fe:FaultEvent)
// Display fault returned from service
trace("Error is: " + fe.fault.description);

Note: For more information about using Java objects with ColdFusion, see Using Java objects

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