You provide IM-specific configuration information to the IM event gateway in a configuration file. You specify the configuration file location when you configure the IM event gateway instance in the ColdFusion Administrator. ColdFusion provides sample XMPP and Lotus Sametime event gateway configuration files in the cf_root\WEB-INF\cfusion\gateway\config directory on J2EE configurations, and cf_root\gateway\config directory on server configurations. The configuration file can have the following information.
Note: The default value in the table is the value the gateway uses if the configuration file omits the property, not the value in the default configuration files. |
Property |
Default value |
Description |
userID |
none |
(Required) The IM user ID to use to connect to the IM server. |
password |
none |
(Required) Password for the user. |
secureprotocol |
none |
XMPP only.Required if you set securerequirement to true.The protocol to use for secure communications. The following values are valid:
securerequirement |
false |
XMPP only.Specifies whether the gateway must use secure communications. The following values are valid:
serverip |
XMPP: Sametime: |
Address of XMPP or Lotus Sametime server to which to send messages. Can be a server name or IP address. |
serverport |
XMPP: 5222Sametime:1533 |
Port on the server to which to send the messages.If the XMPP secureprotocol parameter is set to SSL, specify 5223. |
retries |
-1 |
Integer number of times to retry connecting to the IM server on gateway startup or if the Gateway gets disconnected.0 = do not to retry-1 = try forever |
retryinterval |
5 |
Real number of seconds to wait between connection attempts. The minimum is 1 second. |
onIncomingMessageFunction |
onIncomingMessage |
Name of CFC method to call to handle an incoming message. If you specify the property without a value, such as "onIncomingMessageFunction=", the gateway does not send this event to a CFC. |
onAddBuddyRequestFunction |
onAddBuddyRequest |
Name of CFC method to call to handle an incoming buddy request. If you specify the property without a value, the gateway does not send this event to a CFC. |
onAddBuddyResponseFunction |
onAddBuddyResponse |
Name of CFC method to call to handle an incoming response to a buddy request sent by ColdFusion. If you specify the property without a value, the gateway does not send this event to a CFC. |
onBuddyStatusFunction |
onBuddyStatus |
Name of CFC method to call to handle an incoming buddy status message, such as If you specify the property without a value, the gateway does not send this event to a CFC. |
onIMServerMessageFunction |
onIMServerMessage |
Name of CFC method to call to handle an incoming message method. If you specify the property without a value, the gateway does not send this event to a CFC. |
Note: If you do not have a CFC method to handle any of the event types, specify the corresponding property without a value. Use the following entry in the configuration file, for example, if you do not have a method to handle IMServerMessage events: onIMServerMessageFunction= |