Charting enhancements

The server-side charting introduced in ColdFusion 10 that allowed you to create highly interactive charts has been further enhanced to produce visually more appealing charts.

Note that you will see some changes in the default look and feel of server-side charts because of the new underlying charting engine. This would mean you might need to make some changes to your existing charting code.

Note that the new look and feel will not be available for the following tag attributes:


  • labelFormat
  • seriesPlacement with percent as the value
  • sortXAxis
  • tipStlye
  • xAxisType
  • yAxisType
  • xOffset
  • yOffset


  • markerStyle: letterx , mcross , snow, and rcross .
  • paintStyle

ColdFusion 11 provides a utility to convert XML styles (used by the old charting system) to JSON styles (used by the new charting system).

To perform this conversion, you need to use cfchart_xmltojson.bat (or available in <cfusion_home>/bin folder:

cfchart_xmltojson.bat <xml_file_path>

Before you can use the cfchart_xmltojson utility in the J2EE configuration, set the CFUSION_HOME, WEBINF variables and set the path of jsp-api.jar to the right one in file.

The converted JSON style will be created in the same location as the XML file.

See this document for usage examples.

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