ColdFusion MX: Configuring the Oracle JDBC thin driver

ColdFusion Enterprise and J2EE Editions include DataDirect Technologies JDBC type IV driver for Oracle. This high-performance database connectivity component from the leading Oracle JDBC driver vendor supports the latest Oracle database enhancements and the full JDBC 3.0 specification, including pooling enhancements, BLOB/CLOB updates including read/write support, support for Multiple Open Results Sets, and savepoints. No special ColdFusion Server configuration is required to use this driver.Note: Oracle Ref Cursors are only supported with the DataDirect Technologies Oracle JDBC Driver.

Customers may, however, choose instead to use the Oracle JDBC Type IV thin driver to connect to Oracle databases. This driver is distributed by Oracle and is included with the Oracle client software.

Note: For JDK versions 1.2 or 1.3, classes12.jar should be used. For JDK 1.4, ojdbc14.jar should be used.

This TechNote describes how to configure ColdFusion MX to use the Oracle JDBC Type IV thin driver. NOTE: The Oracle thin driver does not comply to the JDBC 3.0 specification.

Configuring ColdFusion MX to use the Oracle JDBC thin driver

  1. Enter the class path in the Class Path field on the ColdFusion MX Administrator's Java and JVM page.

    For example, C:\Oracle\ora81\jdbc\lib\, where the Oracle Client is installed in C:\Oracle and the file is located in C:\Oracle\ora81\jdbc\lib.

    Note: Use a comma (,) to separate class paths when this field contains multiple values.
  2. Click Submit Changes to update Java and JVM Settings for ColdFusion MX.
  3. Restart the ColdFusion MX Application Server service.

    Note: On Unix platforms, from the cf_root/runtime/bin directory, run coldfusion restart
  4. Use the ColdFusion MX Administrator Data Source page to add a new data source for the thin client:

    For example:
    1. Name the data source ps_db when it will connect to the ps-db Oracle database.
    2. Select Other in the driver field to tell ColdFusion you will describe another type of driver.
    3. Click Add to add the data source and display the default driver window for this driver.
  5. Enter the following in the JDBC URL field:


    Where ps_db is the name of the database server.

    Where 1521 is the port number for the data source connection (assuming the Oracle default port 1521).

    Where pubs is the Oracle System Identifier (SID).

    Note: The information in this field is case-sensitive.
  6. Enter the following in the Driver Class field:


    Note: The information in this field is case-sensitive.
  7. Enter a valid username and password in the Username and Password fields.

    Where the username and password are defined as user account information on the database server.
  8. (Optional) Enter the name of the driver in the Driver Name field.
  9. Click submit to apply the changes to the data source.

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