Configuring DSN using service name for Oracle 12c RAC in ColdFusion (2016 release)

Set up a DSN using a service name

There are situations where you need to set up a DSN for Oracle database (RAC) using service name instead of SID. In such situations, use a JDBC connection string to define the DSN.

  1. Log in to the ColdFusion admin page.

    Navigate to Data Sources-> Create a new DSN -> Select Other as a driver.

  2. Specify the following settings:

    jdbc:macromedia:oracle://hostname:port;ServiceName=servicename;AlternateServers=(alternatehostname:port);ConnectionRetryCount=2; ConnectionRetryDelay=5


    • servicename - a name that is typically composed of the database name and domain name, is used to specify connections to Oracle RAC because the nodes in a RAC system share a common service name.
    • AlternateServers  - a comma-separated list of servers and port names.
    • Driver class – macromedia .jdbc.MacromediaDriver. Enter the name of the driver in the Driver Name field(Optional).
    • Username – A user defined to the database
    • Password – The password for the username
  3. Click Submit.

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