Using the Accelerometer APIs


Before you begin, see Accelerometer Functions.

Setting Accelerometer options


<cfset res = cfclient.accelerometer.getOptions()>
<cfset res.frequency=20000>
<cfset cfclient.accelerometer.setOptions(res)>

Watching Accelerometer changes

<cfclientsettings enableDeviceAPI=true>
<cfset opt=cfclient.accelerometer.getOptions()>
<!--- Assuming a <div> element is defined with id "result"--->
<cfset document.getElementById('result').innerHTML="Options object: #JSON.stringify(opt)#">
<cfset document.getElementById('result').innerHTML=document.getElementById('result').innerHTML+"Watch Id: #watchId#"> 
<cffunction access="public" name="callbackfunc" returntype="void" >
<cfargument name="acceleration">
<cfset document.getElementById('result').innerHTML=document.getElementById('result').innerHTML+"<br>Value from callback function"> 

<div id="result"/>


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