Disable internet access from CS5 Community Help Client for system administrators

Adobe CS5 applications ship with a new help application named the Adobe® Community Help Client. The client is designed to display help content which is hosted on an Adobe Help website. The content can be cached on the local machine, and updated when edits are made to the online contents. Some corporate infrastructures will wish to disable the Help Client from accessing the internet. To do this, administrators will need to ensure they have the latest help content and deploy it locally, as well as modify the Community Help Clients preferences so that the default system web browser is used, and instructed to use only the local help contents.


  1. On a test machine, launch the Adobe Community Help Client

    Mac OS: /Applications/Adobe/Adobe Help.app

    Windows: /Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Help/Adobe Help.exe
  2. Open the Preferences dialog
  3. Click on the the Download Preferences pane and enable all of the contents you want to have available locally for your users.
  4. Click on the Local Content pane and confirm that the help contents your users need are listed and show a status of Current. If they do not, select the help content item and click the Update button to download the latest content.
  5. After all desired content is downloaded, click on the General Settings pane.
  6. Set the Accessibility Mode to "Open Help in Browser".
  7. Set the Display Local Help content only option to "Yes".
  8. Click on the Updater Settings pane.
  9. Choose the option "Manually update my locally stored content."
  10. Click the Done button to close the Preferences dialog box.
  11. Quit the Adobe Community Help client.
  12. Gather the Community Help client's Local Store folder and deploy it to the same path on your end user's machine. 


    %appdata%\chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1\Local Store\

    Mac OS:

    [user name]/Library/Preferences/chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1/Local Store/

Additional information

This solution must be done for all user accounts on multi-user machines.

The syntax in the Community Help Client's preferences file (chc-pref.xml) which represents the appropriate data for redirecting help to the local browser and to only use the local content looks like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <adobe-chc> <preference accessibleMode="true" displayLocalHelpContent="true" /> </adobe-chc>


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