Using new SmoothScrollingOptions enum in Bundler SDK

Some developers working with Bundler SDK reported an issue where they were getting errors, while setting SmoothScrollingOptions in a Folio to be exported, using exportMiniFolio() method.

Following is a script to set/include SmoothScrollingOptions enum's value , while exporting to a folio.

Below code shows how you can use this :

  f, docs[0], docs[1], folioMetadata,
   [ "widedimension", 1024 ],
   [ "narrowdimension", 768 ],
   [ "assetformat", "png" ],
   [ "tocimagefile",File("/c/temp/bundler/input/BundlerSDK_Folio/Adobe_Stack/tocPreview.png") ],
   [ "fpoassetdirectory",File("/c/temp/bundler/input/OverlayResources")],
            ["smoothscrolling", SmoothScrollingOptions.noSmoothScroll],
   [ "contentstackid", "SimpleExampleID" ]

Here is the full script, just to avoid any confusion about the parameters used in above function call.

function getFilenameForDoc(doc)
 return (new File(doc.fullName)).name;

function getLastCharOfName(doc)
 var name = getFilenameForDoc(doc);
 var dot = name.lastIndexOf(".");
 return (dot > 0) ? name.charAt(dot - 1) : "";

function getDocuments()
 if (app.documents.length < 1) throw "Expected at least one open document.";
 var portrait = null;
 var landscape = null;
 for (var i = 0, n = app.documents.length; i != n; ++i)
  var lastChar = getLastCharOfName(app.documents[i]).toLowerCase();
  if (lastChar == "h" || lastChar == "l")
   if (!landscape) landscape = app.documents[i];
  else if (lastChar == "v" || lastChar == "p")
   if (!portrait) portrait = app.documents[i];

 return [portrait, landscape];

function exportMiniFolio(f)
 var docs = getDocuments();
 if (!docs[0] && !docs[1]) throw "Failed to resolve either a landscape or a portrait document. You must specify at least one to export.";
 var folioMetadata = [
  [ "magazineTitle", "Cat Painter's Digest" ],
  [ "folioNumber", "1066" ],
  [ "description", "Our best folio ever!" ]
  Note: the 4th parameter is a list of key/value pairs that can be used to set up parameters
  Available settings:
  assetformat: One of "png", "jpeg" or "auto" (default is png)
  narrowdimensions: The narrow dimension for the output assets
  widedimensions: The wide dimension for the output assets
  jpegquality: If assetformat is jpeg, one of "max", "high", "med", "low" or "min"
  tocimagefile: File to be used as this content stack's TOC image
  fpoassetsdirectory: File to be used as root for relative paths in FPO resources
  smoothscrolling: The smooth scrolling behavior for this stack (optional; default is 'no smooth scrolling')
  spreads: If an integer, the page index to include. If a string, must be 'all' to include all pages (default is 'all')
  contentstackid: If included, the explicit ID to be used for this stack. If omitted, ID is autogenerated
  f, docs[0], docs[1], folioMetadata,
   [ "widedimension", 1024 ],
   [ "narrowdimension", 768 ],
   [ "assetformat", "png" ],
   [ "tocimagefile",File("/c/temp/bundler/input/BundlerSDK_Folio/Adobe_Stack/tocPreview.png") ],
   [ "fpoassetdirectory",File("/c/temp/bundler/input/OverlayResources")],
             ["smoothscrolling", SmoothScrollingOptions.noSmoothScroll],
   [ "contentstackid", "SimpleExampleID" ]

 // Call simple utility function that resolves portrait and landscape documents by using a simple
 // naming convention, then packages the result as a mini-Folio
catch (e)
 alert("Oops: " + e);


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