iOS 6 Compatibility FAQ

The next update to the Digital Publishing Suite (DPS) iOS viewer will support iOS 7 and greater, and will not be compatible with iOS 6. This update will be available in early September 2015.

DPS policy change overview

The iOS viewer included in the next release of the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite will support iOS 7 and greater, and will not be compatible with iOS 6. The minimum supported phone and tablet devices on iOS 7 are the iPhone 4 and iPad 2, respectively.

If you choose to update your app please note the following:

  • Users running iOS 6 will continue to have access to content on their existing viewers as long as you continue to publish content with a target viewer version that matches the iOS 6-compatible viewer version that is running on the device.
  • Users who have previously downloaded the app using their Apple ID will be able to install the most recent iOS 6-compatible version from the App Store if the app is not currently on their iOS 6 device.
  • New users on iOS 6 devices will not be able to install the app on their iOS 6 device unless they upgrade to iOS 7 or later. Users on iPhone 3GS will not be able to upgrade to iOS 7 or later.

Frequently asked questions

The following FAQ addresses scenarios for customers who have released an updated application.

Will users on iOS 6 devices be able to download future content?

Yes, as long as you continue to publish content with a target viewer version that matches the iOS 6 compatible version that is running on the device.

Will users on iOS 6 who removed the app from their device be able to install an iOS 6-compatible version of the app?

Yes. When a user attempts to install the app from the App Store a dialog appears that will allow a user to download the last compatible version of the app. If the user confirms the install message the older version will be installed on the device.

Please refer to Apple’s developer documentation for more details.

Will new users on iOS 6 who have never installed the app be able to install an iOS 6-compatible viewer app on their device?

No. When the user attempts to install the app over-the-air in the App Store an alert will appear indicating the app is incompatible.

What will happen to existing users on iOS 6 when they attempt to update the app?

The update will not appear in the App Store application’s Updates view.

If the user browses to the app in the iOS App Store an “Update” button will appear along with the app. If the user taps the “Update” button a dialog prompt will appear indicating that the latest version of the app is incompatible.

From iTunes on the desktop, attempting to update the app will bring up an alert in iTunes indicating that the app could not be installed.

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