Unable to start API Manager after installation

Unable to start API Manager after installation

If you are unable to start API Manager after installation, it is due to the following reasons:

  • The Data Store fails to start properly
  • The Analytic Server fails to start properly

Obsolete data in Data Store

The Data Store contains obsolete information, such as, an old key value of the IP of Analytic Server. The old information due to an improper uninstallation of API Manager.

Remove all traces of a prior installation of API Manager.

Error "Could not get resource from pool" while running start.bat 

The Data Store fails to start due to incorrect machine IP of the Data Store in <API Manager Home>/conf/config.xml. Correct the IP and restart the Data Store.

If the issue still persists, go to the remote Data Store and check for bind IP in the file:

  • Windows - <API Manager Home>/database/datastore/redis.conf.windows.properties
  • Unix - /<API Manager Home>/database/datastore/redis.conf.properties

In the file, search for bind IP and check if the Data Store is bound to localhost or Change the bind property to the correct machine IP.


This scenario occurs in case of full installer. In case of Add-ons, you can specify the host.

No Analytic Server node found

Make sure that the Analytic Server is running. If the Analytic Server fails to start, make the readDefault flag True in <API Manager Home>/conf/default_conf.xml. Restart the Analytic Server.

If the issue still persists, flush the Data Store, as shown below:

  1. Open the command prompt and navigate to <API Manager Home>/database/datastore and enter the command redis-cli.exe. The prompt changes to
  2. Enter flushall.
  3. Open <API Manager Home>/conf/password.properties and add the line adminpassword=WhatEverYouWantToSet.
  4. Open default_conf.xml and set readDefault value to True.

Start up issues in case of In-VM installation

Cannot find API Manager home

Change the ColdFusion 2016 home directory in <ColdFusion 2016 Home>/cfusion/bin/jvm.config. Change the value of the parameter -Dapim.home.

If the CF home directory is incorrect, the ColdFusion startup script (cfstart.bat) fails to load the API Manager libraries. The script throws an error even though your ColdFusion instance runs properly.

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