How to transform a landscape in Adobe Photoshop.

Automatically replace the sky in an image with dramatic clouds, a starry night, or dozens of other options using Sky Replacement in Adobe Photoshop.

  1. Control the weather.

    With your landscape layer selected, go to Edit > Sky Replacement and choose a new sky background. Photoshop automatically adjusts the colors in the rest of the image to harmonize with the new mood.

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  2. Expand your options.

    You can never have too many sunny skies. Or brewing storms. Or stellar starscapes. Download more free skies, and then drag and drop the .sky file into Photoshop. They’ll be waiting in the Sky Replacement panel.

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  3. Touch up the rest.

    In the Layers panel, choose the landscape layer. Grab the Spot Healing Brush tool and scrub over objects to remove them seamlessly with Content-Aware sampling of the surrounding areas.

    A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

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