Migrate context data from RoboHelp Server 9 to RoboHelp Server 10

You can migrate context data from Adobe RoboHelp Server 9 to Adobe RoboHelp Server 10.

While migrating, the following data is impacted:

  • Published RoboHelp projects
  • Information about areas
  • Information about users and groups
  • User or group permissions on areas
  • Usage data and statistics for reports

Usage data for RoboHelp projects is migrated only if you choose to migrate the corresponding projects.


While migrating RoboHelp Server 9 analytics data, operating system and browser data is not migrated to RoboHelp Server 10.

Note that Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases are not replicated during migration. Instead, the schema for these databases is updated, such that it becomes compatible with RoboHelp Server 10. Once the database schema has been updated, the database can no longer be used with the previous RoboHelp Server versions.

During migration, you can choose the contexts whose data you want to migrate to RoboHelp Server 10. For example, you can choose to migrate data for production contexts while not migrating the data for transient or test contexts.


You can migrate data for only RoboHelp Server 9 contexts to RoboHelp Server 10. Migration from earlier RoboHelp Server versions is not supported. Also, if you are migrating data from MS Access, then you must have MS Access runtime libraries installed on the machine where RoboHelp Server 10 is deployed.

Follow the steps given below to migrate data from RoboHelp Server 9 to RoboHelp Server 10: 

  1. In Configuration Manager, select File > Migrate Legacy Data.

    RoboHelp Server Migration settings

  2. Browse and select the RoboHelp Server 9 installation path. Specify a network path if RoboHelp Server 9 is installed on a machine different from the machine on which you’re installing RoboHelp Server 10.

  3. In the Contexts area, select one or more contexts to migrate.


    The existing contexts in RoboHelp Server 10 are displayed in the existing RoboHelp Server 10 Contexts box. If you choose to migrate a context with the same name as an existing context, all data in the existing RoboHelp Server 10 context is overwritten.

  4. Specify the following Database details:

    • Database URL - The URL of the database to which the content is to be migrated
    • Database Username - The Username required to log into the database
    • Database Password - The Password required to log into the database
    • JDBC Driver Class - The JDBC Driver class 
    • JDBC Driver Path - The JDBC Driver path 
  5. Specify the following Migration Settings:

    • Migrate All Projects - Migrate all RoboHelp projects published to the selected context
    • Migrate Usage Data - Migrate project usage data and statistics along with the projects
    • Migrate All Users or Groups And Their Permissions - Migrate information about users or groups and their permissions
  6. Specify the Server URL in the format http://<server-name>:<port-number>/<context-name>/server.

  7. Click Start Migration.


    If the migration of one or more contexts fails, RoboHelp Server continues migrating the other contexts that you selected in Step 3.

  8. Review the Migration Log. When migration is complete, click OK.


    If RoboHelp Server 9 is installed on a machine different from the machine on which you are installing RoboHelp Server 10, re-create the settings for Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server database management systems.

  9. Close the Configuration Manager window. RoboHelp Server automatically restarts the Tomcat service.

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