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Last updated on
Jun 13, 2021
How to cancel Send in Bulk transactions that are currently showing up under the Out for Signature section on the Manage tab?
Adobe Sign Web UI
Go to the Manage tab.
Under Bulk sends, select the parent Send in Bulk transaction you want to cancel.
In the action list on the right, click the Cancel link.
- If the Cancel link is not available, then at least one of the child agreements has been signed, and the remaining agreements may not be canceled by bulk action. They must be canceled individually
You can notify other parties through email by entering reason or else can leave it blank not to notify and proceed to Cancel.
- If the Cancel link is not available, then at least one of the child agreements has been signed, and the remaining agreements may not be canceled by bulk action. They must be canceled individually
Additional information
You cannot cancel the global Send in Bulk transaction if one of the signers had signed the document already. The Cancel button is deactivated.