How to download Signed document along with Audit report and supporting document through Adobe Sign REST API? | Adobe Sign


How to download Signed document along with Audit report and supporting document through Adobe Sign REST API rather making a separate call to download Audit report using the following method.

GET /agreements/{agreementId}/auditTrail


Adobe Sign REST API Swagger App


  1. Go to
  2. Click GET /agreements/{agreementId}/combinedDocument.
  3. Click the oAuth Access-token button.
  4. Access token is generated automatically once its authorization is accepted.
  5. Provide the  agreementId .
  6. Under  attachSupportingDocuments , select true from the drop-down.
  7. Under attachAuditReport, select true from the drop-down.
  8. Click the Try it out! button.

Result: It downloads the combined PDF of Signed, supporting document and Audit report.

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