How to send document to same email address twice via REST API? | Adobe Sign


How to send an agreement via REST API to the same email address twice?


Following are the instructions:

  1. Go to "".
  2. Select the AgreementsPOST/agreements option. 
  3. Select the Oauth Access-Token option, and provide necessary scopes.
  4. Once the access token is added, you can use the following Request Code:
"documentCreationInfo": {
     "recipientSetInfos": [
               "recipientSetRole": "SIGNER",
               "recipientSetMemberInfos": [{"email": ""}]
               "recipientSetRole": "SIGNER",
               "recipientSetMemberInfos": [{"email": ""}]
     "signatureFlow": "SEQUENTIAL",
     "name": "husband wife",
     "signatureType": "ESIGN",
     "fileInfos": [
"transientDocumentId": "(SAMPLE VALUE)3AAABLblqZhAJ9H6e23kZAfBUbItPvIhHTEyA6eZhziEp4KSntYcULpo43OEXwuWiWa-IM1r1EExYW0044CjCkliP4WFL5yKBUDq5DYSmSxVlFypcD0at8kK-BX-Mu3T9c_3GUqgDg0ArX0MmzWT72GLR_0M4Jq--mtuqGzq-VK1s-WGR6GcbedVY7XWAf3b3h-SpE08Hc-iF3zO7jQzi9newXSl-iW2JJsb_55tggkyxkXAkj74C1WD6KkJzgblK0JU-seh6QPDd0Fv6_mfQe2EPQA31nXj50aXwD_xlUBq7mg5FeaBnZ5bzgoqIWGHkbyeD2taaFdw*"}

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