Log in to the Creative Cloud Website and navigate to the Synced files tab.
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Creative Cloud Synced files are being discontinued. Starting February 1, 2024, Adobe will begin to discontinue Creative Cloud Synced files for all free and paid personal users not associated with a Creative Cloud for Enterprise or a Creative Cloud for Teams business account. For more details, visit here.
Learn how to download a backup of your Synced files to your computer.
You can download your content from the Creative Cloud Website after Feb 1, 2024, using the Package Download capability.
Zipped files are available until Mar 2, 2024, after which they will no longer be available for both desktop and mobile.
How can I download the backup of the Synced files on the desktop?
Select Package files.
Poznámka:The process takes a while, depending on the number of files to back up. If you don't have any content in Creative Cloud Synced files, the package files button won’t be visible to you.
Select Download.
If you have more than 5GB of content, you'll see multiple zips.
Hover over each individual zipped file and select the three dots or the checkbox to see the download button.
How can I download the backup of the Synced files on mobile?
Log in to the Creative Cloud Website and navigate to the Synced files tab.
Select Package files.
Poznámka:The process takes a while, depending on the number of files to back up. If you don't have any content in Creative Cloud Synced files, the package files button won’t be visible to you.
Select Download.
If you have more than 5GB of content, you'll see multiple zips.
Select individual zipped files to get the download option.