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- Čo sú dokumenty v cloude
- Často kladené otázky týkajúce sa cloudových dokumentov
- Vytváranie alebo konverzia súborov do cloudových dokumentov
- Nastavenie cloudových dokumentov na používanie offline
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No Internet access? Learn how to make your cloud documents available offline in Adobe Fresco, Adobe Aero, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, and Adobe InDesign. You can also make them available offline permanently through the Creative Cloud desktop app.
Can I work on cloud documents while offline?
Yes, you can work offline on any cloud document that you have opened recently. To make one available offline, you simply have to open it.
How to check if your cloud document is ready for offline use
Select Your files or Files > Your files.
Your files on the Creative Cloud desktop app display. Your files on the Creative Cloud desktop app display. Poznámka:For apps available on iPad, select the folder icon in the left rail to view your Cloud documents.
Look for the indicator that a local copy is available.
A - Online only B - Available offline (or no icon in some mobile apps) A - Online only B - Available offline (or no icon in some mobile apps)
How to make your cloud document available offline
If your cloud document shows or
, open the cloud document and it becomes available to you offline. Some apps let you make a cloud document always be available offline.
What happens when I come back online?
When you're back online, your updated document is automatically uploaded to Creative Cloud and is available across all your devices.
Can I set a document to always be available for working offline?
Yes, you can make your cloud documents always available offline in the Creative Cloud desktop app. With this setting, you don't need to open a document before you go offline. It remains stored permanently in the cloud, but your local copy syncs with any changes you might make on a different device.
Open the Creative Cloud desktop app. (Select the
icon in your Windows taskbar or the macOS menu bar.)
In the Files tab, select Your files.
Your cloud documents display. Your cloud documents display. Your cloud documents are displayed in the Your files section.
Select the More actions icon
in the right sidebar, and then select Make available offline always.
You can now always access your document offline. You can now always access your document offline.
Your cloud document now becomes available for offline editing in your app. When you're back online, your updated cloud document is automatically uploaded to Creative Cloud and is available across all your devices.