Access files across devices
Save your creative work as a cloud document and access it at your desk, on your laptop, or iPad. It's in the cloud wherever you work.
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- Zrušenie skúšobnej verzie alebo predplatného Adobe
- Nájdite podporu pre bezplatné a ukončené produkty
- Čo sú dokumenty v cloude
- Často kladené otázky týkajúce sa cloudových dokumentov
- Vytváranie alebo konverzia súborov do cloudových dokumentov
- Nastavenie cloudových dokumentov na používanie offline
- Vrátenie predchádzajúcej verzie dokumentu v cloude
- Zdieľajte svoju prácu na komentovanie
- Prečo nemôžem vidieť svoje cloudové dokumenty offline?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Spolupráca v službe Creative Cloud Libraries a v priečinkoch
- Najčastejšie otázky o spolupráci
- Synchronizácia súborov pomocou cloudového úložiska
- Zistite, koľko máte cloudového úložiska
- Nastavenie možností synchronizácie
- Ukončenie synchronizácie súborov Creative Cloud
- Prevzatie synchronizovaných súborov a obsahu
- Príručka používateľa služby Creative Cloud
- Úvod do služby Creative Cloud
- Stiahnutie, inštalácia, nastavenie a aktualizácia
Spravovať konto
- Zmeňte skúšobnú verziu služby Creative Cloud na platené členstvo
- Obnovte heslo Adobe
- Zmena plánu Adobe
- Aktualizácia kreditnej karty a fakturačnej adresy
- Zobrazenie, stiahnutie alebo zaslanie faktúry Adobe e-mailom
- Náprava neúspešnej alebo zmeškanej platby
- Zrušenie skúšobnej verzie alebo predplatného Adobe
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- Usporiadať knižnice
- Mobilné aplikácie Creative Cloud
- Podniky a tímy
- Adobe Content Authenticity
Learn about the benefits of cloud documents, how they differ from Creative Cloud Libraries and synced files, and where to find more information about using cloud documents.
What are cloud documents?
Cloud documents are cloud-native files that you can open and edit in compatible apps. With cloud documents, your work is always updated, across every device, wherever you are.
You can work with cloud documents in the following Creative Cloud apps:
Adobe XD | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Fresco | Adobe Aero | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe InDesign
Benefits of cloud documents
Keep your files current
Keep your work up to date with the handy Autosave feature. No more losing unsaved work. And, you can pick up where you left off on any device.
Access documents from different apps
Save artworks as cloud documents in Photoshop and edit them in Adobe Fresco. Or vice versa. No boundaries for your documents or your creativity.
Locate past versions
Easily view any version of your cloud document. Autosave keeps past versions ready at hand.
Work offline
Open a file on your device to later work offline. Your offline version automatically syncs when you reconnect.
Retain high quality
Save your documents with full fidelity. Convenience and quality—you get them both with cloud documents.
Difference between cloud documents and other Creative Cloud files
Your Creative Cloud plan includes different types of cloud storage—cloud documents, libraries, and Creative Cloud files (synced files). These have different uses and benefits.
The cloud document files are stored online and accessible from any device with an Internet connection, while local files are stored on your computer’s hard drive and can only be accessed from that specific device.
Starting December 11, 2023, new users and organizations will not be entitled to Creative Cloud Synced files. Starting February 1, 2024, Creative Cloud Synced files will be discontinued for personal accounts that existed before December 11, 2023 (learn more here). Starting October 1, 2024, Creative Cloud Synced files will be discontinued for business accounts associated with organizations that existed before December 11, 2023 (learn more here).
Cloud documents
With cloud documents, your work is always updated wherever you are and saved to the cloud automatically in the background. The shared format for Photoshop, Photoshop on the iPad, and Adobe Fresco, lets you move seamlessly between them, while XD cloud documents allow real-time collaboration. You can manage your cloud documents right in your app’s Home screen or in the Creative Cloud website.
Libraries let you collect and share design elements—graphics, images, character styles, brushes, and color palettes—specific to a project or client. Access these assets in your favorite Creative Cloud apps. Libraries help ensure you and your team are using the same elements across documents and projects.
Synced files (or Creative Cloud files)
Synced files (or Creative Cloud files) are saved to the cloud and are accessible from any connected device. Changes you make are synced automatically. You manage synced files in the Creative Cloud website and can even upload other files related to a project, so all your assets are together. (Adobe Fresco and Adobe Aero don't support Creative Cloud files.)