resource module
This module allows to manipulate Substance 3D Painter resources and shelves.
Substance 3D Painter treats textures, materials, brushes, etc. as resources, and uses URLs to identify them. Resources can be in the shelf, or can be embedded directly in a project (like a baked ambient occlusion texture for example).
Manipulating resources
The resource module exposes the Resource
, which represents a resource currently available in Substance 3D Painter (either in the current project, current session, or in a shelf).
Listing all the resources of a shelf can be done with Shelf.resources()
, while search()
allows to search for specific resources. Specific resources can be shown with a filter directly in the Assets window with Resource.show_in_ui()
and show_resources_in_ui()
import substance_painter.resource # Get all the resources of a shelf: my_shelf = substance_painter.resource.Shelf("myshelf") all_shelf_resources = my_shelf.resources() for resource in all_shelf_resources: print(resource.identifier().name) # Find all resources that match a name: aluminium_resources ="aluminium") for resource in aluminium_resources: print(resource.identifier().name) # Show a single resource in the shelf: aluminium_resources[0].show_in_ui() # Show the list of resources found in the shelf: substance_painter.resource.show_resources_in_ui(aluminium_resources)
Internally, resources are identified with a URL; ResourceID
contains that URL. It can be manipulated directly, with no guaranty that the URL is referring to an actual resource.
import substance_painter.resource # Display the URL of a resource: envmap_resources ="bonifacio") for envmap in envmap_resources: envmap_id = envmap.identifier() print("The URL of the resource `{0}` is {1}" .format(, envmap_id.url())) print("The location of the resource `{0}` is {1}" .format(, envmap_id.location())) # It is possible to create a ResourceID from a URL. If there is no # resource corresponding to the URL, the ResourceID is still valid # but refers to a resource that doesn't exist. envmap2_id = substance_painter.resource.ResourceID.from_url( "resource://starter_assets/Bonifacio Street"); # It is possible to create a ResourceID from a context, a name and # a version (optional). This is equivalent to the above, with the # same caveat. envmap3_id = substance_painter.resource.ResourceID( context="starter_assets", name="Bonifacio Street") envmap4_id = substance_painter.resource.ResourceID( context="starter_assets", name="Bonifacio Street", version="d30facd8d860fc212f864065641cdca4e8006510.image"); # It is possible to get the ResourceID of a resource embedded in the # current project. This time it refers to an actual resource. envmap5_id = substance_painter.resource.ResourceID.from_project( name="Bonifacio Street"); # Finally, it is possible to get the ResourceID of a resource that # was imported in the current session: envmap6_id = substance_painter.resource.ResourceID.from_session( name="Bonifacio Street");
If the resource exists, it can be retrieved from its identifier with Resource.retrieve()
. When there are several versions of the same resource, Resource.retrieve()
will return the entire list, starting with the most recent one. On the contrary, if the resource doesn’t exist or was deleted, Resource.retrieve()
will return an empty list.
import substance_painter.resource # Create a ResourceID: envmap_id = substance_painter.resource.ResourceID(context="starter_assets", name="Bonifacio Street") # Get the resources corresponding to the ResourceID. There can be 0 if there # is no such resource, or more than 1 if there are multiple versions of the # resource. envmap_resources = substance_painter.resource.Resource.retrieve(envmap_id) print("{} resource(s) with that ID".format(len(envmap_resources)))
Importing resources
New resources can be imported, either to the current project with import_project_resource()
, to the current session with import_session_resource()
, or to a shelf with Shelf.import_resource()
. All three functions take a path to the resource to be imported, a Usage
indicating the type of that resource, and optionally a name and a group. This feature corresponds to the “Import resources” window.
Resources can be imported into a shelf, as long as it is not a read-only shelf. The Substance shelf, installed along the application, is read-only. A shelf is also read-only if its path on the file system is read-only. This can be checked with Shelf.can_import_resources()
- Example:
- See also:
Resources used by a project
It is possible to list the resources used by the layer stacks and mesh maps of a project with list_layer_stack_resources()
, and to update them with update_layer_stack_resource()
There may be other resources referenced by a project outside of the layer stack and mesh maps: see the substance_painter.display
module to query and modify them.
- Example:
Custom preview
When a resource is imported, a thumbnail is automatically generated for it. It is possible to replace that thumbnail with a custom preview by using Resource.set_custom_preview()
, or reset the preview with Resource.reset_preview()
- Example:
Resource crawling
When Substance 3D Painter is opened, it will browse the different shelves to discover and index resources, and display their thumbnail. When it regains focus after switching to another application, it will do so again, in case the user added a new asset to their shelf folder. This process is referred to as resource crawling.
When a shelf starts crawling, an event substance_painter.event.ShelfCrawlingStarted
is emitted for that shelf. When crawling is finished, an event substance_painter.event.ShelfCrawlingEnded
is emitted for that shelf. At any time, Shelf.is_crawling()
will tell if a shelf is crawling or not.
It is possible from a Python script to explicitly trigger a new resource crawling with Shelves.refresh_all()
- Example:
- class substance_painter.resource.
Resource(handle: _substance_painter.resource.ResourceHandle) -
A Substance 3D Painter resource.
identifier() → ResourceID -
Get this resource identifier.
- Returns
The resource identifier.
- Return type
- Raises
RuntimeError – If the resource is invalid.
See also
location() → ResourceLocation -
Get the location of this Resource.
- Returns
The location of this resource.
- Return type
- Raises
RuntimeError – If the resource is invalid.
- static
retrieve(identifier: ResourceID) -
Retrieve a list of resources matching the given identifier.
- Parameters
identifier (ResourceID) – A resource identifier.
- Raises
- ValueError – If the name of the identifier is empty or if the context of the identifier doesn’t exists.
- ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
- Returns
The list of resources matching the given identifier. If the identifier has a valid version, this method will return only one or zero resources, otherwise the list may contain several resources. In case of several resources are returned, the most up to date resource will be at the begining of the list.
- Return type
set_custom_preview(preview_image: str) → None -
Replace the current preview of this resource with a custom image.
- Parameters
preview_image (str) – File path to an image on the disk to use as the new preview.
- Raises
- ValueError – If the resource metadata cannot be modified.
- ValueError – If
is not a valid path to a valid image. - ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
The preview image can be a JPEG, a PNG or an XPM.
category() → str -
Get the category of this resource, ex: “wood” for a material.
- Raises
RuntimeError – If the resource is invalid.
- Returns
the category of this resource
- Return type
usages() → List[Usage] -
Get the usages of this resource.
- Raises
RuntimeError – If the resource is invalid.
- Returns
the usages of this resource
- Return type
See also
gui_name() → str -
Get the GUI name of this resource.
- Raises
RuntimeError – If the resource is invalid.
- Returns
the GUI name of this resource
- Return type
type() → Type -
Get the type of this resource.
- Raises
RuntimeError – If the resource is invalid.
- Returns
the type of this resource
- Return type
See also
tags() → List[str] -
Get the tags of this resource.
- Raises
RuntimeError – If the resource is invalid.
- Returns
the tags of this resource
- Return type
internal_properties() → dict -
Get a dictionnary of the resource internal properties. The current implementation only extracts metadata on Substance resources.
- Raises
RuntimeError – If the resource is invalid.
- Returns
a dictionnary containing internal properties about this resource
- Return type
children() → List[Resource] -
Get child resources. For example substance graphs of a substance package.
- Raises
RuntimeError – If the resource is invalid.
- Returns
Resources contained in this resource.
- Return type
parent() → Optional[Resource] -
Get parent resource. For example the substance package a substance graph is originating from.
- Raises
RuntimeError – If the resource is invalid.
- Returns
The parent resource that owns this resource.
- Return type
reset_preview() → None -
Remove any custom preview for this resource and resets to the default one.
- Raises
- ValueError – If the resource metadata cannot be modified.
- ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
show_in_ui() → None -
Highlight this resource in the application shelf UI (Assets window).
- Raises
ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
See also
- class substance_painter.resource.
ResourceID(context: str, name: str, version: Optional[str] = None) -
A Substance 3D Painter resource identifier.
The resource is identified by a context, a name, and a version. The context and the name are mandatory while the version is optional. The version is a string that looks like a hash, and may also contain an extension.
A ResourceID object is only an identifier. It provides no guarantees that the resource actually exists.
See also
- classmethod
from_project(name: str, version: Optional[str] = None) -
Create a ResourceID object for a resource located in the current project.
- Parameters
- name (str) – The resource name.
- version (str, optional) – The resource version (hash-like string).
- Returns
The resource corresponding to the given name.
- Return type
- classmethod
from_session(name: str, version: Optional[str] = None) -
Create a ResourceID object for a resource located in the current session.
- Parameters
- name (str) – The resource name.
- version (str, optional) – The resource version (hash-like string).
- Returns
The resource corresponding to the given name.
- Return type
- classmethod
from_url(url: str) -
Create a ResourceID object from its URL. URLs must have
as a scheme. The version is encoded as a query string, that looks like a hash.A resource URL looks like this:
- Parameters
url (str) – The resource URL.
- Returns
The resource corresponding to the given URL.
- Return type
- Raises
- ValueError – If
is not a valid URL. - ValueError – If the URL scheme is not
. - ValueError – If the resource name is invalid.
- ValueError – If
location() → ResourceLocation -
Get the location of this ResourceID.
- Returns
The location of this resource.
- Return type
url() → str -
Get the URL form of this ResourceID.
- Returns
The URL of the resource.
- Return type
- Raises
- ValueError – If the ResourceID doesn’t have a context.
- ValueError – If the ResourceID doesn’t have a name.
context: str -
Context of the resource.
- Type
name: str -
Name of the resource.
- Type
version: str = None -
Hash identifying the version of the resource.
- Type
- classmethod
- substance_painter.resource.
search(query: str) → List[Resource] -
List Substance 3D Painter resources that match the given query.
- Parameters
query (str) – A resource query string. See text query documentation.
- Returns
The list of resources that match the given query.
- Return type
- Raises
ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
See also
- substance_painter.resource.
list_layer_stack_resources() → List[ResourceID] -
List the resources referenced by the layer stacks and mesh maps of the current project.
- Returns
The list of resource identifiers referenced.
- Return type
- Raises
- ProjectError – If no project is opened.
- ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
See also
- substance_painter.resource.
update_layer_stack_resource(old_resource_id: ResourceID, new_resource: Resource) → List[ResourceID] -
Replace resources from the layer stacks and mesh maps in the current project.
Given a resource identifier, replace any resource having the same identifier with the new resource. The new resource must be compatible with the ones it replaces (see note); otherwise, an error is thrown.
The new resource must be of the same type as the resources it replaces. For example a base material resource cannot be updated with a smart material resource.
- If the resource is a Substance material, it must have the same number and names of outputs.
- If the resource is a Substance filter, it must have the same number and names of inputs and outputs.
- Returns
The list of identifiers of all the resources that have been replaced.
- Return type
- Parameters
- old_resource_id (ResourceID) – The identifier of the resource(s) to update.
- new_resource (Resource) – The new resource to use instead.
- Raises
- ProjectError – If no project is opened.
- TypeError – If
is not a ResourceID. - TypeError – If
is not a Resource. - RuntimeError – If
is not a valid resource. - RuntimeError – If
cannot be used in place ofold_resource_id
. - ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
See also
- substance_painter.resource.
import_project_resource(file_path: str, resource_usage: Usage, name: Optional[str] = None, group: Optional[str] = None) → Resource -
Import a resource into the current opened project.
- Parameters
- file_path (str) – The file path to the resource to be imported.
- resource_usage (Usage) – The resource usage.
- name (str, optional) – The name of the resource if different from the file name.
- group (str, opional) – An optional group name, can be used in resource queries.
- Returns
The imported resource object.
- Return type
- Raises
- ProjectError – If no project is opened.
- ValueError – If parameters validation failed.
- RuntimeError – If import failed.
- ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
- substance_painter.resource.
import_session_resource(file_path: str, resource_usage: Usage, name: Optional[str] = None, group: Optional[str] = None) → Resource -
Import a resource into the current session.
- Parameters
- file_path (str) – The file path to the resource to be imported.
- resource_usage (Usage) – The resource usage.
- name (str, optional) – The name of the resource if different from the file name.
- group (str, opional) – An optional group name, can be used in resource queries.
- Returns
The imported resource object.
- Return type
- Raises
- ValueError – If parameters validation failed.
- RuntimeError – If import failed.
- ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
- substance_painter.resource.
show_resources_in_ui(resources: List[Resource]) → None -
Highlight a list of resources in the application shelf UI (Assets window).
- Parameters
resources (List[Resource]) – Resources to highlight
- Raises
ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
See also
- See also:
- class substance_painter.resource.
Shelf(_name: str) -
Class providing information on a given Substance 3D Painter shelf. A shelf is identified by a unique name.
can_import_resources() → bool -
Check if resources can be imported into this shelf. Resources can be imported into a shelf, as long as it is not a read-only shelf. The Substance shelf, installed along the application, is read-only. A shelf is also read-only if its path on the file system is read-only.
- Returns
if resources can be imported. - Return type
- Raises
ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
See also
import_resource(file_path: str, resource_usage: Usage, name: Optional[str] = None, group: Optional[str] = None, uuid: Optional[str] = None) → Resource -
Import a resource into this shelf.
- Parameters
- file_path (str) – The file path to the resource to be imported.
- resource_usage (Usage) – The resource usage.
- name (str, optional) – The name of the resource if different from the file name.
- group (str, opional) – An optional group name, can be used in resource queries.
- uuid (str, opional) – An optional uuid. If a resource already exists with the same uuid, it will be replaced.
- Returns
The imported resource object.
- Return type
- Raises
- ValueError – If parameters validation failed.
- RuntimeError – If import failed.
- ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
is_crawling() → bool -
Check if this shelf is currently discovering resources in folders.
- Returns
if this shelf is discovering resources,False
otherwise. - Return type
- Raises
ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
See also
name() → str -
- Returns
The shelf name. Each shelf is identified by a unique name.
path() → str -
- Returns
The associated path
- Raises
- ValueError – If the shelf doesn’t exist anymore.
- ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
- class substance_painter.resource.
Shelves -
Collection of static methods to manipulate shelves.
- static
add(name: str, path: str) → Shelf -
Add a new shelf. This shelf will only be valid during the application session. The shelf will not be visible from application general settings menu.
- Parameters
- name (str) – Name of the new shelf. This name must be unique and must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens. Use
to check if name is already used. - path (str) – Folder path to monitor.
- name (str) – Name of the new shelf. This name must be unique and must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens. Use
- Returns
Newly added shelf.
- Return type
- Raises
- ValueError – If
are invalid. See logs for details. - ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
- ValueError – If
See also
- static
all() → List[Shelf] -
List all shelves.
- Returns
List of existing shelves.
- Return type
- Raises
ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
- static
application_shelf() → Shelf -
This is the shelf containing the default content shipped with the application.
- static
exists(name: str) → bool -
Tell whether a shelf with the given name exists.
- Parameters
name (str) – Shelf name to searh for.
- Returns
if a shelf with the given name exists. - Return type
- Raises
ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
- static
refresh_all() -
Forces discovering of resources in all shelves folders. Discovering is also done automatically when the application window gets focus.
- Raises
ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
- static
remove(name: str) -
Removes a shelf. No project must be opened. Deleting a shelf which was not created by the Python API is not possible and will raise an exception.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the shelf to delete. Use
to check if a shelf exists. - Raises
- ProjectError – If a project is opened.
- ValueError – If the shelf doesn’t exist.
- ValueError – If the shelf was not created with the Python API.
- ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
See also
- static
user_shelf() → Shelf -
This is the shelf located in the user Documents folder where new resources are created by default. The user can select a different default shelf in the settings, and this will be reflected when using this function.
- Raises
ServiceNotFoundError – If Substance 3D Painter has not started all its services yet.
See also
- static
Project related operations, whether they are initiated through the Python API or in the UI, can trigger the following events. See substance_painter.event
for more details.
- class substance_painter.event.
ShelfCrawlingStarted(shelf_name: str) -
Event triggered when a shelf starts reading the file system to discover new resources.
See also
shelf_name: str -
Name of the shelf discovering resources.
- Type
- class substance_painter.event.
ShelfCrawlingEnded(shelf_name: str) -
Event triggered when a shelf has finished discovering new resources and loading their thumbnails.
See also
shelf_name: str -
Name of the shelf that has finished discovering resources.
- Type