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Dependencies management | Substance 3D Automation ToolKit

Dependencies management

Dependencies management

The API provides features for managing dependencies in a Substance document.

Exporting a package with its dependencies

The module sbsexporter helps exporting a package with its dependencies and resources in a self-contained

directory or zip in the same way as Substance Designer can do.

The sample function demos.demoExportWithDependencies() demonstrates this feature and using the SBSExporter.export() function.

To launch the demo use this command line in the folder demos/:

python -fct: demoExportWithDependencies -args: "../sample/argsDemoExportWithDependencies.xml"
python -fct: demoExportWithDependencies -args: "../sample/argsDemoExportWithDependencies.xml"
python -fct: demoExportWithDependencies -args: "../sample/argsDemoExportWithDependencies.xml"

The scripts will generate the folder sample/ExportSBS/ with two exports of the TerrainMultiFractal substance, one zipped and the other one in a folder.

The following code exports a package into a self-contained directory:

from pysbs import substance, sbscleaner, sbsexporter
# Parse the document to export
sbsDoc = substance.SBSDocument(aContext, aFileAbsPath)
# You may want to clean up the Substance before exporting it
# This will remove all isolated nodes, useless parameters, unused dependencies from the Substance
sbscleaner.cleanSubstance(sbsDoc) # User can pick whatever he wants to clean, see signature of sbscleaner.cleanSubstance()
# Create an exporter
aExporter = sbsexporter.SBSExporter()
# Export the package into an archived self-contained package, in the folder aDestFolderAbsPath
# The resources and dependencies of this package will be included in the archive, including the ones referred by the alias sbs://
aResultingArchive = aExporter.export(aSBSDocument = sbsDoc, aExportFolder = aDestFolderAbsPath,
aBuildArchive = True, aAliasesToExport = ['sbs'])
# Same as before, without archiving the resulting folder
aResultingPath = aExporter.export(aSBSDocument = sbsDoc, aExportFolder = aDestFolderAbsPath,
aAliasesToExport = ['sbs'])
from pysbs import substance, sbscleaner, sbsexporter # Parse the document to export sbsDoc = substance.SBSDocument(aContext, aFileAbsPath) sbsDoc.parseDoc() # You may want to clean up the Substance before exporting it # This will remove all isolated nodes, useless parameters, unused dependencies from the Substance sbscleaner.cleanSubstance(sbsDoc) # User can pick whatever he wants to clean, see signature of sbscleaner.cleanSubstance() sbsDoc.writeDoc() # Create an exporter aExporter = sbsexporter.SBSExporter() # Export the package into an archived self-contained package, in the folder aDestFolderAbsPath # The resources and dependencies of this package will be included in the archive, including the ones referred by the alias sbs:// aResultingArchive = aExporter.export(aSBSDocument = sbsDoc, aExportFolder = aDestFolderAbsPath, aBuildArchive = True, aAliasesToExport = ['sbs']) # Same as before, without archiving the resulting folder aResultingPath = aExporter.export(aSBSDocument = sbsDoc, aExportFolder = aDestFolderAbsPath, aAliasesToExport = ['sbs'])
from pysbs import substance, sbscleaner, sbsexporter 
# Parse the document to export 
sbsDoc = substance.SBSDocument(aContext, aFileAbsPath) 
# You may want to clean up the Substance before exporting it 
# This will remove all isolated nodes, useless parameters, unused dependencies from the Substance 
sbscleaner.cleanSubstance(sbsDoc)   # User can pick whatever he wants to clean, see signature of sbscleaner.cleanSubstance() 
# Create an exporter 
aExporter = sbsexporter.SBSExporter() 
# Export the package into an archived self-contained package, in the folder aDestFolderAbsPath 
# The resources and dependencies of this package will be included in the archive, including the ones referred by the alias sbs:// 
aResultingArchive = aExporter.export(aSBSDocument = sbsDoc, aExportFolder = aDestFolderAbsPath, 
                                     aBuildArchive = True, aAliasesToExport = ['sbs']) 
# Same as before, without archiving the resulting folder 
aResultingPath = aExporter.export(aSBSDocument = sbsDoc, aExportFolder = aDestFolderAbsPath, 
                                  aAliasesToExport = ['sbs'])

Impact propagation

This API allows to get all the Substances with a dependency on another Substance within a particular tree and

moving Substances from one folder to another making sure any relative paths are correctly updated.

Use the module sbsimpactmanager for propagating changes.

from pysbs import context, sbsimpactmanager
aContext = context.Context()
aSBSFile = 'myAbsPath/' # The Substance to look for
aTreePath = 'myAbsPath/ToTree/' # The folder tree to browse
# Getting all the Substances referencing another Substance
IM = sbsimpactmanager.SBSImpactManager()
referencingSBS = IM.getAllSubstancesWithDependencyOn(aContext, substancePath=aSBSFile, withinTree=aTreePath)
# Updating all references of a Substance that has been moved to another path
# This process can be interactive or not
aNewPath = 'myNewAbsPath/'
updatedSBS = IM.declareSBSMoved(aContext, oldPath=aSBSFile, newPath=aNewPath, withinTree=aTreePath, interactiveMode=True)
from pysbs import context, sbsimpactmanager aContext = context.Context() aSBSFile = 'myAbsPath/' # The Substance to look for aTreePath = 'myAbsPath/ToTree/' # The folder tree to browse # Getting all the Substances referencing another Substance IM = sbsimpactmanager.SBSImpactManager() referencingSBS = IM.getAllSubstancesWithDependencyOn(aContext, substancePath=aSBSFile, withinTree=aTreePath) # Updating all references of a Substance that has been moved to another path # This process can be interactive or not aNewPath = 'myNewAbsPath/' updatedSBS = IM.declareSBSMoved(aContext, oldPath=aSBSFile, newPath=aNewPath, withinTree=aTreePath, interactiveMode=True)
from pysbs import context, sbsimpactmanager 
aContext = context.Context() 
aSBSFile = 'myAbsPath/'  # The Substance to look for 
aTreePath = 'myAbsPath/ToTree/'         # The folder tree to browse 
# Getting all the Substances referencing another Substance 
IM = sbsimpactmanager.SBSImpactManager() 
referencingSBS = IM.getAllSubstancesWithDependencyOn(aContext, substancePath=aSBSFile, withinTree=aTreePath) 
# Updating all references of a Substance that has been moved to another path 
# This process can be interactive or not 
aNewPath = 'myNewAbsPath/' 
updatedSBS = IM.declareSBSMoved(aContext, oldPath=aSBSFile, newPath=aNewPath, withinTree=aTreePath, interactiveMode=True)

Get all substance dependencies recursively

This API allows you to get a list of all the substance dependencies from a substance file or a directory (can be a tree directory). For each dependency found a status is given like if the file exist or if there is a warning like a wrong substance version. Use the module sbsimpactmanager, more details in docstring

from pysbs import context, sbsimpactmanager
# init an impactmanager instance with a context
im = sbsimpactmanager.SBSImpactManager(context.Context())
# get a dependencies tree of a sbs file
result_tree = im.getSBSTreeDependencies("/tmp/a/", escapeDefaultSbs=True, escapeMismatchVersion=False, checkMissingFile=True)
# same for a directory tree
# result_tree = im.getSBSTreeDependenciesForAllSubstanceInTree("/tmp/a/substance/directory", escapeDefaultSbs=True, escapeMismatchVersion=False, checkMissingFile=True)
# get missing dependencies
missing_files = im.missingFiles
# get mismatch version dependencies
mismatch_files = im.mismatchVersionFiles
# reset impact manager
from pysbs import context, sbsimpactmanager # init an impactmanager instance with a context im = sbsimpactmanager.SBSImpactManager(context.Context()) # get a dependencies tree of a sbs file result_tree = im.getSBSTreeDependencies("/tmp/a/", escapeDefaultSbs=True, escapeMismatchVersion=False, checkMissingFile=True) # same for a directory tree # result_tree = im.getSBSTreeDependenciesForAllSubstanceInTree("/tmp/a/substance/directory", escapeDefaultSbs=True, escapeMismatchVersion=False, checkMissingFile=True) # get missing dependencies missing_files = im.missingFiles # get mismatch version dependencies mismatch_files = im.mismatchVersionFiles # reset impact manager im.reset()
from pysbs import context, sbsimpactmanager 
# init an impactmanager instance with a context 
im = sbsimpactmanager.SBSImpactManager(context.Context()) 
# get a dependencies tree of a sbs file 
result_tree = im.getSBSTreeDependencies("/tmp/a/", escapeDefaultSbs=True, escapeMismatchVersion=False, checkMissingFile=True) 
# same for a directory tree 
# result_tree = im.getSBSTreeDependenciesForAllSubstanceInTree("/tmp/a/substance/directory", escapeDefaultSbs=True, escapeMismatchVersion=False, checkMissingFile=True) 
# get missing dependencies 
missing_files = im.missingFiles 
# get mismatch version dependencies 
mismatch_files = im.mismatchVersionFiles 
# reset impact manager 

Dependency path resolution method

Since 2019.1, Designer has two different dependency path storage methods.
  • The old one which is the default behaviour, is relative storage. Directory that are not subdirectories of the will be replaced by a dotdot symbol (dotdot or ../ in a path resolution mean “parent directory” or “go up one directory”).
  • The second method is a absolute storage. Dependencies that are not subdirectories of the package they will be written as absolute paths.

This option is handled by the Preferences > Project > General > Dependencies Path > …absolute paths parameter of the sbsprj file.

This choice can be configured from the ProjectMgr. If you instantiate a ProjectMgr with a sbsprj file or if you parse it (with .parseADoc) it will be used in the pysbs execution context. You can retrieve this option or tweak the value using the following functions:

# Get dependency path storage method
aEnumDepsMethod = aProjectMgr.getDependenciesPathStorageMethod()
# Set dependency path storage method
aProjectMgr = context.ProjectMgr(aSbsPrjFilePath=sbsPrj)
# or
# Get dependency path storage method aEnumDepsMethod = aProjectMgr.getDependenciesPathStorageMethod() # Set dependency path storage method aProjectMgr = context.ProjectMgr(aSbsPrjFilePath=sbsPrj) aProjectMgr.setDependenciesPathStorageMethod(sbsproject.SBSPRJDependenciesPathStorageMethods.ABSOLUTE) # or aProjectMgr.setDependenciesPathStorageMethod(sbsproject.SBSPRJDependenciesPathStorageMethods.RELATIVE)
# Get dependency path storage method 
aEnumDepsMethod = aProjectMgr.getDependenciesPathStorageMethod() 
# Set dependency path storage method 
aProjectMgr = context.ProjectMgr(aSbsPrjFilePath=sbsPrj) 
# or 

Project Manager How To contains more information about the sbs project manager.

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