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Content included in sbsproject module:

This module provides access to the contents of Substance Designer project preferences files (.sbsprj)

Project Manager

The ProjectMgr manages sbsprj files. You can get an instance the ProjectMgr from an instance of context.Context().

aContext = context.Context()
aProjectMgr = aContext.getProjectMgr()
# or give the sbsprj file directly as arg
aProjectMgr = aContext.getProjectMgr("foo.sbsprj")
aContext = context.Context() aProjectMgr = aContext.getProjectMgr() aProjectMgr.parseADoc("foo.sbsprj") # or give the sbsprj file directly as arg aProjectMgr = aContext.getProjectMgr("foo.sbsprj")
aContext = context.Context() 
aProjectMgr = aContext.getProjectMgr() 
# or give the sbsprj file directly as arg 
aProjectMgr = aContext.getProjectMgr("foo.sbsprj")

It also possible, like Designer, to load several project files. Values will be override by the most recently load and lists will be extended (aliases, filter paths…).

# give a list of sbsprj files
aContext = context.Context()
aProjectMgr = aContext.getProjectMgr(["foo.sbsprj", "bar.sbsprj"])
# or one by one
aContext = context.Context()
aProjectMgr = aContext.getProjectMgr()
# give a list of sbsprj files aContext = context.Context() aProjectMgr = aContext.getProjectMgr(["foo.sbsprj", "bar.sbsprj"]) # or one by one aContext = context.Context() aProjectMgr = aContext.getProjectMgr() aProjectMgr.parseADoc("foo.sbsprj") aProjectMgr.parseADoc("bar.sbsprj")
# give a list of sbsprj files 
aContext = context.Context() 
aProjectMgr = aContext.getProjectMgr(["foo.sbsprj", "bar.sbsprj"]) 
# or one by one 
aContext = context.Context() 
aProjectMgr = aContext.getProjectMgr() 

You can also get the context through the ProjectMgr.

aProjectMgr = context.ProjectMgr(aSbsPrjFilePath="foo.sbsprj")
aContext = aProjectMgr.getContext()
aProjectMgr = context.ProjectMgr(aSbsPrjFilePath="foo.sbsprj") aContext = aProjectMgr.getContext()
aProjectMgr = context.ProjectMgr(aSbsPrjFilePath="foo.sbsprj") 
aContext = aProjectMgr.getContext()

Get values from ProjectMgr

You can get values from the project file using getters.

tmplDirs = aProjectMgr.getSBSProject().getPreferences().getSbsTemplates().getDirs()
for dir in tmplDirs:
jpgCompression = aProjectMgr.getSBSProject().getPreferences().getGeneral().getImageOptions().getJpg().getWrite().getJpgQuality().getValue()
tmplDirs = aProjectMgr.getSBSProject().getPreferences().getSbsTemplates().getDirs() for dir in tmplDirs: print(dir.getUrl().getValue()) jpgCompression = aProjectMgr.getSBSProject().getPreferences().getGeneral().getImageOptions().getJpg().getWrite().getJpgQuality().getValue()
tmplDirs = aProjectMgr.getSBSProject().getPreferences().getSbsTemplates().getDirs() 
for dir in tmplDirs: 
jpgCompression = aProjectMgr.getSBSProject().getPreferences().getGeneral().getImageOptions().getJpg().getWrite().getJpgQuality().getValue()

Shortcut function helpers

ProjectMgr has shortcut functions. For instance it can populate the AliasUrlMgr directly with the sbsprj’s aliases.

# populate sbsprj's aliases
aProjectMgr = context.ProjectMgr(aSbsPrjFilePath=sbsPrj)
aContext = aProjectMgr.getContext()
# populate sbsprj's aliases aProjectMgr = context.ProjectMgr(aSbsPrjFilePath=sbsPrj) aProjectMgr.populateUrlAliasesMgr() aContext = aProjectMgr.getContext() print(aContext.getUrlAliasMgr().mUrlDict)
# populate sbsprj's aliases 
aProjectMgr = context.ProjectMgr(aSbsPrjFilePath=sbsPrj) 
aContext = aProjectMgr.getContext() 

Dependency path resolution method

Since 2019.1, Designer has two different dependency path storage methods.
  • The old one which is the default behaviour, is a relative storage. That means directory that are not subdirectories of the will be replaced by a dotdot symbol (dotdot or ../ in a path resolution mean “parent directory” or “go up one directory”).
  • The second method is a absolute storage. Dependencies that are not subdirectories of the package they will be written as absolute paths. This option is handled by the Preferences > Project > General > Dependencies Path > …absolute paths parameter of the sbsprj file.

This choice can be configured from the ProjectMgr. If you instantiate a ProjectMgr with a sbsprj file or if you parse it (with .parseADoc) it will use it in the pysbs execution context. You can retrieve this option or tweak the value using the following functions:

# Get dependency path storage method
aEnumDepsMethod = aProjectMgr.getDependenciesPathStorageMethod()
# Set dependency path storage method
aProjectMgr = context.ProjectMgr(aSbsPrjFilePath=sbsPrj)
# or
# Get dependency path storage method aEnumDepsMethod = aProjectMgr.getDependenciesPathStorageMethod() # Set dependency path storage method aProjectMgr = context.ProjectMgr(aSbsPrjFilePath=sbsPrj) aProjectMgr.setDependenciesPathStorageMethod(sbsproject.SBSPRJDependenciesPathStorageMethods.ABSOLUTE) # or aProjectMgr.setDependenciesPathStorageMethod(sbsproject.SBSPRJDependenciesPathStorageMethods.RELATIVE)
# Get dependency path storage method 
aEnumDepsMethod = aProjectMgr.getDependenciesPathStorageMethod() 
# Set dependency path storage method 
aProjectMgr = context.ProjectMgr(aSbsPrjFilePath=sbsPrj) 
# or 

OpenColorIO setting

For your different manipulations or sbs creation you may need to precise to SAT the location of config.ocio file. To do that the best way is to use ProjectMgr

ctx = context.Context()
# if you want to use an existing sbsprj file:
prj = ctx.getProjectMgr("/path/to/a/project.sbsprj")
# or without sbsprj file:
prj = ctx.getProjectMgr()
# if an ocio config file is already set in the sbsprj file no more actions is required.
# else add it with the below method:
# now, in instance you can set a resource colorspace:
a_resource.setColorSpace("Rec2020", ctx)
# or list all available colorspace:
ctx = context.Context() # if you want to use an existing sbsprj file: prj = ctx.getProjectMgr("/path/to/a/project.sbsprj") # or without sbsprj file: prj = ctx.getProjectMgr() # if an ocio config file is already set in the sbsprj file no more actions is required. # else add it with the below method: prj.setOcioConfigFilePath("/path/to/config.ocio/) # now, in instance you can set a resource colorspace: a_resource.setColorSpace("Rec2020", ctx) # or list all available colorspace: ocio_helpers.getColorSpaces(prj.getOcioConfigFilePath()))
ctx = context.Context() 
# if you want to use an existing sbsprj file: 
prj = ctx.getProjectMgr("/path/to/a/project.sbsprj") 
# or without sbsprj file: 
prj = ctx.getProjectMgr() 
# if an ocio config file is already set in the sbsprj file no more actions is required. 
# else add it with the below method: 
# now, in instance you can set a resource colorspace: 
a_resource.setColorSpace("Rec2020", ctx) 
# or list all available colorspace: 

sbsproject module

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