View and explore 3D models with Substance 3D Viewer

Substance 3D Viewer (beta) gives you the power to quickly view 3D models from your local library of assets with the Files workspace.

Open Viewer to get started, then:

  1. From the Home screen, click Open a folder.

    Alternatively, if you already have a file open, use File > Open folder…

  2. Navigate to the folder containing 3D models that you’d like to explore.

  3. Click Select folder to confirm.

  4. Viewer loads the first file it finds in the folder that you selected, and automatically opens the Files workspace.

  5. In the Files workspace, you can click a 3D file to open it with Viewer or click on a folder to explore further. Folders have a folder icon, and an arrow indicating that they can be opened.

  6. Use the Sort options to change how files and folders are organized.

  7. Once you’ve opened a folder, use the Back to folder button to return to previous folders.

  8. With a file open, you can switch to other workspaces and make changes, then return to the Files workspace to continue exploring.


    If you make changes in another Workspace, then return to the Files workspace and try to open a different file, you will be prompted to save your changes before the new file is opened.

  9. Once you’re done exploring the folder, you can open another folder or file with the Options button at the top right of the Files workspace.

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