Printing presentations

LeanPrint optimizes the printing of Microsoft PowerPoint presentations by allowing you to print multiple slides on a single sheet of paper, and specify the toner intensity of the print output.

An optimized PowerPoint presentation

Optimizing presentations

LeanPrint adjusts the toner intensity of the contents of a PowerPoint presentation according to the selection in the LeanPrint Print Preview dialog. In the dialog, you can choose to print with light or dark toner intensity.

In addition, you have the option to print a specified number of slides per page. LeanPrint uses smart ways to fit multiple slides per page without significantly reducing the original slide size. LeanPrint optimizes the gutter and margin space so that the maximum space on a page is available for the slides. LeanPrint printing with 'N slides per page' option comes with a superior quality and bigger slide size as compared to the conventional print with the same option.

  • Slide Size of LeanPrint's output with '4 slides per page' is bigger and more readable as compared to Conventional Print's output with '4 slides per page'.

  • Slide Size of LeanPrint's output with '4 slides per page' is comparable in size and readability with respect to Conventional Print's output with '2 slides per page'.

  • Slide Size of LeanPrint's output with '6 slides per page' is comparable in size and readability with respect to Conventional Print's output with '4 slides per page'.


An example of how LeanPrint works with Microsoft Powerpoint presentations.

A few slides of a sample presentation printed conventionally and then using Adobe LeanPrint

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