Adobe Connect application for desktop


Use the Adobe Connect application for seamless access to meeting room functionalities.

Adobe Connect offers multiple ways to collaborate and attend remote sessions. You can use the Adobe Connect application for desktop with Windows and Mac OS, and Adobe Connect for mobile in Android and iOS. 

The stand-alone Adobe Connect application for desktop is compatible with Adobe Connect 11 and later versions.


You can download the Adobe Connect application for desktop from the Downloads and Updates page. See Install Adobe Connect application to know how to install it in various environments.

Adobe Connect application Welcome screen
Adobe Connect application Welcome screen

A. Lists up to 20 recently visited meeting room URLs B. Lists the bookmarked meeting room URLs for quick access  C. Signs out of all active sessions of a user 

If you are a first-time user or if you log in with a new domain name once, Adobe Connect application remembers your domain name. In subsequent sessions, you need not type the entire meeting room URL; only the meeting room name suffices. 

While entering your login credentials, selecting Remember me on this computer stores your session. While the current session is active, you need not re-enter login credentials when joining meetings.

Use the Adobe Connect application for desktop for the following scenarios as these are not supported by Adobe Connect in a browser:


If you are a Presenter or a Host, install the Adobe Connect application before you attempt to upload content or share your screen, to avoid waiting when a meeting is in progress.

If you have launched a meeting in a browser, append ?proto=true to the meeting room URL to launch it in the Adobe Connect application. For example,

For scenarios such as overlapping meetings during an ongoing session in the Adobe Connect application in Windows, press Ctrl+N to launch a new session in a new window. Alternatively, right-click the application icon in your taskbar and click Adobe Connect.


Use Adobe Connect application to access meetings, seminars, recordings, and content. Use a browser to access Events and URLs of unsupported content types uploaded to the Content Library. To know which content types are not supported, see I cannot open content uploaded to Content Library in Install the Adobe Connect application.

Install the Adobe Connect application

Install the Adobe Connect application (and other updates) from the Downloads and Updates page. 

Installation of the Adobe Connect application does not require administrative privileges. The stand-alone installer installs the application inside a custom directory structure as opposed to the system directory structure. Your Adobe Connect account administrator can make it mandatory to install the Adobe Connect application to join a meeting, a training, or a webinar.


Close all the running instances of the application before installing a newer version.

The Adobe Connect application also supports lightning installation or upgrade path.

Deploy the Adobe Connect application in an enterprise

The Adobe Connect application works only for Connect 11 and later versions. You can centrally deploy the application across the enterprise through an MSI-based installer for Windows users. The push through MSI installer installs the application for all users setup on the machine. 

Use the Adobe Connect application with roaming profile

If the Adobe Connect application is installed with roaming profiles, the application and its shortcut are copied to the new machine. However, you must manually launch the application the first time on the new machine. If you uninstall the application, registry entries are removed only from the machine on which you initiated the uninstallation.

Recommendations for using the Adobe Connect application

  • If you are a presenter or a host, test your computer and network connections before a meeting begins. Run the Adobe Connect diagnostic test. 
  • Bookmark your frequently visited meeting room URLs for quick access; use the Recents tab on the Welcome screen. You can launch a bookmarked meeting room from the Favorites tab.

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