Create and edit Adobe Connect Events

Create and manage Adobe Connect Events and the required AEM templates. Manage participants, invitations, campaign tracking and so on.

Create and modify templates and the Event Catalog

Adobe Connect event pages, Event Catalog, and emails are created using pre-defined templates. Before you can create an event page, create a template to address your requirements. Multiple templates can be designed, stocked, and shared in advance, to address the varied needs of an organization.

Create templates

You get more flexibility in designing pages, catalogs, and emails for events if you use templates to create them. Before you create an event, you can create a template to capture requirements for that event that are generic and applicable to other events. You can design and stock multiple templates in advance to address the varied needs of your organization. You can use pre-defined templates (and modify them further if necessary) for event pages, event catalogs, and emails.

You can create customized event page templates, including a landing page, a speaker information page, a registration page, and a login page. While two event page templates are included, Event Managers and Event Administrators can create any number of custom-branded templates by using several rich components such as images, tables, charts, carousels, and more.

Event Managers can create private templates and Event Administrators can create shared templates to address the various requirements of your organization. Typically, shared templates are created to ensure consistency and branding for all of your organization’s communications.


With Adobe Connect 12.4, start building responsive event pages and event catalogs. The new responsive templates are based on enhanced page components to take advantage of Adobe Experience Manager 6.5. In addition to responsive pages that adapt to different screen sizes, from phones to desktops, you can also take advantage of additional fonts introduced in this release.

Learn more about the new capabilities of event management templates from Create and edit Adobe Connect events for Adobe Connect 12.4.

To avoid interfering with the recently published events and catalogs, you can continue to use the existing templates. However, since the outdated templates are being deprecated and will soon be withdrawn, we advise you to start using these enhanced templates.

You can clone the new enhanced templates and customize them to suit your needs as before.  

Learn how to manage the usage of the existing and new enhanced templates and catalog from Manage Catalog and Templates.

  1. Go to Event Templates or Email Templates, in Event Management tab.

  2. Click the Edit templates link against Event Template or Email Template option.

  3. In the AEM instance launched, click Shared Template link in Event or Email Templates. Click Create New Template button in the upper-right corner of the screen, to create either an event template or an email template, respectively.

  4. Provide a template name, select the Access type, and select a base template.

  5. Click Create.

Adobe recommends

Event Templates

Adobe recommends

Create a two speaker event template in Adobe Connect

Adobe Systems Inc.

Manage templates

Event administrators can update, rename, delete, or copy existing templates. Event Managers can only create a private copy of the shared templates. Virtual Classroom Managers and Webinar Managers also have the permission to create a private copy of the existing templates. Also, for any renewed accounts that use Seminars and Events features, Seminar Administrators also have the permission to create a private copy of existing templates.

  1. Go to Event Templates or Email Templates, in Event Management tab.
  2. Click the Edit templates link against Event Template or Email Template option.
  3. In the AEM instance launched, click a requisite option in the left margin. Move the pointer above the existing templates to display the options Edit Template, Create a Copy, Delete Template, and Rename Template.

AEM components to design Adobe Connect templates

Adobe Connect uses AEM technology to design and lay out email and event templates and Event Catalog. The designed templates can be shared and access control governs their usage. Adobe Connect also offers AEM components customized for Adobe Connect users and administrators. These AEM components can be dragged onto the template area and configured to quickly design and layout templates.


With support of AEM 6.5, users of Adobe Connect 12.4 are able to access some additional components while creating events from responsive templates. Learn more about these components from AEM components to design Adobe Connect templates for users of Adobe Connect 12.4.


A container provides a demarcated area, in an event template, to contain any components you put there. Container helps demarcate an area of the page by allowing you to customize its background and restrict its dimensions.

Event Banner Small

Showcase the small event banner, uploaded as Small Banner Image in event information, on the various event pages and in the email. You can customize various properties of the event banner such as, size, description, alignment, and title. The content of the Title field is used by screen readers as alternative text. The recommended size for small images is 560x230 pixels.

Event Banner Large

Showcase the large event banner, uploaded as Large Banner Image in event information, on the various event pages and in the email. You can customize various properties of the event banner such as, size, description, alignment, and title. The content of the Title field is used by screen readers as alternative text. The recommended size for large images is 740x300 pixels.

Display a carousel view of the image uploaded as Large Banner Image in event information, for the featured events.

Event Duration

Display the duration of an event. The duration is calculated based on the timings mentioned in event details in Adobe Connect Central.

Event Information Brief

Display brief information about an event, entered as Event Information, in event information. You can also customize the font properties of the information.

Event Information Detail

Display the detailed information about an event, entered as Detailed Information field. You can also customize the font properties of the information.

Event List

Display a list of events, to create a catalog of events. You can filter the event listing using the existing event tags to display only selected events. You can showcase the events with logo, control alignment, display future events, control text formatting of the page, and so on. A few prominent settings available in this component are described below:

Events Per Page

Specifying various numeric options in this field provides users the option customize the number of events displayed per page. To provide users with multiple options, use Add Item link to add more values.

Tag Panel Position

Specify whether the Popular Tags panel is displayed on top of the components, on the right side of the components, or not displayed at all.

Tag Panel Title

Edit the title of the tag panel.

Show All Tags

Enabling this check box displays the upcoming events on the Event Catalog page without any filtering.

Show Only Selected Tags

When Show All Tags is not selected, you can select some of these tags to display only the corresponding upcoming events.

Event Logo

Choose whether to display the logo of the event on the Event Catalog page or not. You can also set the width of the event logo in pixels. Maximum value of width is 500px.

Date View

Set the first day of the week.

Display Future Events

Set number of days ahead of the current date to display upcoming events on catalog page up to this date.

Filter by Tags

You can enable or disable tag based filtering. When enabled, you can select a few tags and specify one of the following options:

  • Show events having any selected tags.

  • Show events having all the selected tags.

  • Show events having none of the selected tag.

Text Properties

In this tab, you can adjust the text properties for the various elements of the Event Catalog page such as, header, event name, and tag panel list.

Color Properties

In this tab, you can set the color properties, fill style, border color, and so on, for the header and the popular tags section.

Labels Configurations

In this tab, you can change the default values of different labels in the Event list component.

Event Login

Provide the login workflow to event attendees, on the Event Login page.

Add a logo of your event. Various parameters you can use to customize the display of the event logo are its size, description, alignment, and title. The content of the Title field is used by screen readers as alternative text. The recommended size is 200 x 120 pixels.

Event Name

Display the name of the event, mentioned as Name in event information. You can customize the font properties. The maximum length is 60 characters.

Event page menu

Insert a tabbed bar containing links to the various event pages namely, Event Info, Speaker Info, Event Registration, and Event Login Page. You can create the design and layout of these four pages individually. To customize a particular event page, click the link of that page in the Event page menu, and use the available AEM components to design the page. Modify the Page Menu Options in the settings of this component, to display the event pages and their name in the tabbed bar.

Event Registration

Provide the event registration workflow from where user register for a particular event, on the Event Registration page. The registration answer field allows a maximum of 2048 characters.

Event Start Time

Display the event start time, as mentioned in the event information in Adobe Connect Central, on event page or in email.

Event Time

Display the event time, as mentioned in the event information in Adobe Connect Central, on event page or in email.

Insert a header on the event page that displays the logo uploaded in Adobe Connect Central. You can also set the time zone of the various timings displayed on the page.

Horizontal Line

Draw a horizontal line to demarcate various sections of the event page, using this component. You can control the blank space above the line using the height parameter.

Horizontal Separator

Create a horizontal separator with specified blank space to improve readability of the event page, using this component. The height parameter controls the height of the blank space.

Create a button which links to event details, register page, speakers page, catalog page, or any other web page of your choice. You can customize the style of the button. The prominent customizations provided through the settings of this component are the following:

Link To

Provide the hyperlink of the destination of the Link Button. The available options are Event Details, Register Page, Speakers Page, Catalog Page, and Hyperlink. If you select the Hyperlink option, provide the destination link in the Hyperlink field.


Define the style of the button by selecting Round Corners, Round Corners with Arrow, Plain Button, or Custom Image. If you select Custom Image, you can construct your own button by uploading images in the Left Image, Center Image, and Right Image tabs.


Set the height of the button to display the button label as desired on the custom images uploaded.


Customize the various properties of the button like, label, font size, font color, and font family.

Speaker Brief Overview

Display the Speaker Overview, entered in the event information in Adobe Connect Central, in your event templates. You can also specify the font properties.

Speaker Detailed Overview

Display the Speaker Detailed Overview, entered in the event information in Adobe Connect Central, in your event templates. You can also specify the font properties.

Speaker Image

Display the Speaker Image, uploaded in the Event Information in Adobe Connect Central, in your event templates. You can also specify the various image properties such as, size, description, alignment, and title. The content of the Title field is used by screen readers as alternative text. The recommended size is 300 x 400 pixels.

Speaker Name

Display the Speaker Name, as mentioned in the event information in Adobe Connect Central, in your event templates. You can also specify the font properties.


Insert text using a WYSIWYG editor. You can also adjust the font properties of the text.

The Text component available in the email templates provides extra Runtime Fields. Using these fields you can insert the values of the following variables in your emails automatically.

  • Audio Conference Details

  • Event Creator Name

  • Event Description

  • Event Duration

  • Event Login Url

  • Event Name

  • Event Registration Url

  • Event Site Url

  • Event Start Time

  • Event Summary

  • Event Time

  • Event Url

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Login

  • Time Zone

  • User email

  • Speaker Name

  • Speaker Overview

  • Speaker Detailed Overview

  • Speaker Info Url


Text & Image

Insert text and images, and format their styles in one go, using this component. You can enter text using a WYSIWYG editor, set the font properties, upload an image, and format the properties of the image, like, alternative text, description, size, title, and alignment.

Time Zone

Set the time zone of all the timings displayed on a page. Any timing displayed on the page is converted to the specified time zone. You can align the time zone to left, center, or right.

Display a logo of your organization, that is added in Adobe Connect Central, on the event page or in the email. You can customize its properties such as, size, description, alignment and title.


Insert a title using a WYSIWYG editor and set its display style, using this component.

Event Associator

Event Associator component associates an AEM page with an Adobe Connect event. You can create a one-on-one mapping to an event on the associated Adobe Connect instance. You can modify the event association any time. You can specify which Event Page, a AEM page represents. For more information, see AEM Webinars Integration with Adobe Connect.

Event Calendar Invite

This component inserts a Download Calendar Invite button on the Registration Confirmation page. You can customize the text of the Event invitation email and can also change the label of the button.

AEM page actions to manage Adobe Connect template

AEM instance provides various page actions to manage the templates you design.

Create New Template

You can also select the page action, Create a new template, to start creating a fresh template. Select a base template and whether you want the new template to be Shared or Private.

Create a Copy

Create a copy of an existing template, with a different name. You can also specify whether the new template is shared with others or is private.

Reset Template

Reset the design and layout of a template to another template. After clicking Reset Template, you can select a base template from a list.

Delete Template

Click to delete the template that is open. When you delete a template, the events using the template revert to using the system default template.

Page Title & Background

Set the title of the page, background settings like, image, color, and more.

Activate Template

Activate a template, after you edit it, for the changes to take effect on the publish instance. All the pages published live using a template, start using the updated version of the template, once the edited template is activated. Activate newly created templates, for the templates to be available for use.

Creating an event

You create an event using the Event wizard. It guides you through the tasks of creating a name and including a summary and detailed information about the event. You can select an image to associate with the event. You can also select the content, determine participants, and define various phases in which emails are sent to participants.

Events are built around content, such as a course or curriculum, a meeting, virtual classroom, or a seminar. The content must exist in the appropriate library before you create the event. You cannot create the content when you create the event. You can use any single file from your Content, Meetings, Training, or Seminar library.

Adobe recommends

Creating an Event in Adobe Connect

Adobe Systems Inc.

Start the Event wizard

To start the Event wizard, click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central, navigate to the event folder, and click New Event.


To quickly copy settings from an existing event, select it and click Duplicate Event. Then enter a unique name, URL, and start and end dates for the event.

Enter event information

On the first page of the Event wizard, select the event template. Then, enter background details about the event, such as name, summary, and detailed information. The event template, event name, time zone, and language are required. Other fields are optional.

The various event pages are created using AEM. AEM server used to host your pages depends on whether you are using hosted Adobe Connect or your own Adobe Connect server. For the field ‘Host Event URLs on’, choose the destination of the Event Pages. To host the Event Pages on your own AEM server, select External AEM Server. This option is available on the accounts that are already linked with an External AEM server.

To allow for simplified event registration, you can create events that do not require a password. Participants can log in to such events using just their email address. To enable users to register for an event without them having to provide a password, select the Register Without Password option when creating an event. It helps non-registered, guest users log in easily, by entering their email address. Users who are registered on the Adobe Connect server, are required to log in using their user name and password for all events.

If allowed by Account Administrators, you can select Register with Social Profiles to allow users to register for event using their Facebook or Google+ accounts. The option to use social profiles to register and log in, is available only on hosted offering of Adobe Connect and not on the on-premise deployments.

While creating an event, you can categorize the event as a Live event or an On-demand event. In a Live event, a presenter conducts a meeting or a seminar, or leads a virtual classroom. In an On-demand event, users can access training courses, curriculum, or content from the Adobe Content library. Normally, Live events are scheduled in advance and participants join for a stipulated time. On-demand events are for presenting pre-recorded content—users can log in to On-demand events at their convenience. If you create an on-demand event, you can present content either from the Adobe Connect library or from a training course or curriculum. If you create a live event, you can present an Adobe Connect meeting, seminar, or virtual classroom.

You can use banners on event pages and in the event emails to make the content more appealing. You can provide small and large images for banners. Recommended size for small images is 560x230 pixels and for large images is 740x300 pixels.

You can provide the following information about the speaker. Information about the speaker is added to the emails and the event pages.

  • The name of the speaker

  • An image of the speaker—the image can be a photograph or any other image (for example a company logo)

  • A brief overview of the speaker

  • A detailed overview of the speaker


Event Administrators can apply the Featured Event tag to display an event in the Featured Events section of the Event Catalog. You can also add a logo, banner images, an image for the speaker, and details about the speaker. You can edit event information after you create the event.


If you change the event start date to a future date, participants and presenters can still enter the meeting room at any time.

Select content

Content for an event must exist before you create an event. After you select a type of content, you cannot change the content type. You can, however, substitute different content of the same type. For example, if you create an event based on a seminar, you can substitute a different seminar for the one you originally used when creating the event.

Create registration

You determine the questions that participants must answer on the registration form. The information creates a guest profile for tracking the participant. Four mandatory questions are preselected on the Create Registration form. They include E‑mail address, Password, Retype password, and Name. You can select any of the other questions.


When an event is created for registration without Password - Password, Retype password are dimmed and unavailbale.

For events that include guests (for example, people who find your event listing on your organization’s public website), you may obtain the company name and URL for screening purposes. For example, if the applicant works for a competitor, consider denying access. Select the Enable Campaign Tracking option to report on registrations by campaign source.

Customize registration

You have a considerable flexibility in designing a registration page for an event, including custom multiple-choice, short-answer, and yes/no questions. You can also change the order of questions and delete questions at any time.

Event Administrators can introduce a join button in the registration confirmation email. Instead of the long, personalized link to join an event, the registrant sees only the Join button.

Select event participants

For an event limited to registered guests and accepted users, you can select users and groups to be participants or presenters in your event. These users are able to log in to the event directly. Uninvited users who have the URL to the event meeting room can attempt to log in as guests. As a host, you can grant admission to guests on an individual basis.

E‑mail options

The penultimate step in the Event wizard is to send participants email invitations containing the date, time, duration, and URL of the event. You can make your event emails more appealing and eye-catching by using rich HTML-based emails. You can design different templates for different types of emails. For example, an event invitation can contain information about the date, time, duration, and URL of the event. You can send invitations as you create the event. Alternatively, you can create and send the invitations later.

Define triggers to send various notifications to users, such as event reminders and registration approval notifications. You can either set a specific date for these notifications or set a relative date.

You can create up to four custom triggers. You can select a template for a custom trigger and set up recipient groups and email aliases to which users can send queries. You can set a specific date for the custom trigger or a date relative to the date you create the event.

To ensure that you configured email triggers correctly, send a test mail to your email ID before you publish the event.

Campaign IDs

You can add a campaign ID to use with the email options for the event to track email campaigns. For more information, see Use campaign tracking with an event.

Preview and modify registration and event pages

You can preview registration and event pages, modify them (for example, by changing their logos), and make them public.

Preview a registration or event page

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the event and click its name in the list.
  3. Next to Participant View, select one or more of the following pages to generate a preview:
    • Event Login

    • Event Landing

    • Event Registration

    • Speaker Information

Make a folder and a catalog public

The event listing page, which can be branded for your organization, displays a list of upcoming events and displays the following for each:

  • Event logo

  • Event name

  • Description (the Event Information text)

  • A Register button, which takes the user to a registration form

  • An Event Details button, which takes the user to the event information page; it includes the Detailed Information text

    The Event Catalog lists all the events created in Adobe Connect. Also, the events in a single folder appear on one listing page, if you make the folder public.

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click Make This Folder Public.

    The folder is now public and a URL is listed. The URL can be made available and anyone can view the event listing page from the hosted public pages.

Preview an event listing page for a specific folder

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the folder containing the events whose listing page you want to view.
  3. Make the folder public, if necessary. The button above the list of folders and events is a toggle between private and public. If the button says Make This Folder Public, click the button.
  4. Click the URL below Public Event Listing URL For This Folder.

    The event information appears exactly as it appears on the event listing page.

  5. To close the preview window, click the Close button in the upper-right corner.

    Remember to make this folder private again after you preview the page if you do not want the folder to be publicly available yet.

Preview the event listing for a single event

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the event and click its name.
  3. Next to Participant View, click Preview Event Landing, Event Registration, or Speaker Information page.

    The event information appears exactly as it appears on the event listing page.

  4. To close the preview window, click the Close button in the upper-right corner.

Preview event emails

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the event and click its name.
  3. Click the Email Options tab.
  4. Click Send Test Email. Preview the test emails that are sent to your email id based on the email options you selected.

Change the logo associated with the event

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the event and click its name.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Edit Information link above the title bar

    • Click the Edit link inside the title bar.

  4. Click Browse to find a new image file for the event.
  5. Select the image file, and click Open.
  6. Click Save.

Change the small banner associated with the event

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the event and click its name.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Edit Information link above the title bar

    • Click the Edit link inside the title bar.

  4. Click Browse to find a new small banner image file for the event.
  5. Select the image file, and click Open.
  6. Click Save.

Change the large banner associated with the event

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the event and click its name.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Edit Information link above the title bar

    • Click the Edit link inside the title bar.

  4. Click Browse to find a new large banner image file for the event.
  5. Select the image file, and click Open.
  6. Click Save.

Change the image of the speaker for the event

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the event and click its name.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Edit Information link above the title bar

    • Click the Edit link inside the title bar.

  4. Click Browse to find a new speaker image file for the event.
  5. Select the image file, and click Open.
  6. Click Save.

Publish events

When you publish an event, the following events occur:

  • All selected email message options become active. For example, if you selected the first option, send email invitations, the invitations are automatically sent and you can no longer customize them. You can, however, still customize any other selected email messages. You can also edit the invitation text and then invite more people—the new text is used.

  • The registration form with its associated URL becomes available, and prospective attendees can begin registering for your event.

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the event and click its name in the list.

    The Event Information page appears. Next to Status, the following message appears: “This event has not been published and listed on your site. Emails have not been sent.”

  3. Click Publish.

    A confirmation message appears: “Publishing this event will send email based on your selected mail options.”

  4. Click Publish again.

    The Event Information page appears with this status message: “This event has been published. E‑mail options are active.” The Publish button disappears.

Change an existing event

Before an event occurs, you can change its beginning time, change participant permissions, or make other modifications.

Check the Current Participants list periodically to ensure that you have enough licenses for the number of attendees listed. In addition, ensure that all attendees meet approval criteria.

Also check the most current registration reports, which show information about your attendees and invitees. If you selected or customized questions to help identify potential participants, you can also view the responses to questions.

Notify users of a change

If you modify an existing event, for example, by setting a new start time, you can easily notify users by email.

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the name of the event you want to change.
  4. Open the E‑mail Options page and select Show Reminder When Updates Need To Be Sent.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Open the Event Information page and scroll to the Status field.
  7. Click Edit/Send Notifications, make any necessary changes, and click Send.

Change event information

You can edit the text on the Event Information page for event participants. If you select the email option “Notify users when event has been updated,” any invitee whom you have previously notified about the event automatically receives updated information.


If you sent prior invitations without selecting the “Notify users when event has been updated” option, do so before changing the profile information. Selecting the option ensures that potential attendees are aware of your changes.

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the name of the event you want to change.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Edit link next to Event Information.

    • Click the Edit Information link.

  5. Change any of the following:
    • Edit the event name. The name appears in the event list and in reports. This is a required field.

    • Edit the event information. The information can be up to 254 characters in length. This text appears on the Event Information page and in event reports.

    • Edit detailed information about the event (up to 4000 characters in length).

    • Enable (or disable) registration using social profiles, by selecting (or deselecting) the check box, Register with Social Profiles.

    • Edit the start time or end time of the event.

    • Edit the time zone of the event.

    • Change the registration limit for attendees based on your account license.

    • Edit the small banner, large banner, speaker image, and event logo. The logo file can be in BMP, GIF, JPG, or PNG format. The best size to use is 100x135 pixels.

    • Change the language for the event. Customarily you select the language used by the presenter or the language used by most event attendees.

    • Change the event user policy to add new users as guests or full Adobe Connect users. Adobe Connect Administrators configure the appropriate Event User Policy for the system.

    • Change the option to approve participants after they register for the event. (In general, it is best to have this option selected because it allows you to control who has access to the event.)

    • Change the option for the event to be visible in the Event Catalog.

    • Change the option to allow participants to directly join a live event after registering.

    • Modify speaker details and associate tags to the event.

    • Enable (or disable) Engagement Tracking for participants, by selecting (or deselecting), the check box Enable opt out for participants. This option may or may not be made available by your Account Administrator.

  6. Save your changes in one of two ways:
    • Click Save.

    • Click Save and Rebuild.

Change registration questions

You can change any registration question, except the required questions (first name, last name, email, and password), which the system uses to validate a user.

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event you want to change.
  4. Click Registration Questions.
  5. Modify the registration questions:
    • To add a question to the registration page, select the check box to the left of the question and click Save.

    • To remove a question from the registration page, deselect the check box to the left of the question and click Save.

  6. To modify, delete, or add custom questions, click Customize.
    • To change the order of questions in the list, select the check box to the left of the question, and click Shift Up or Shift Down.

    • To delete a question, select the check box to the left of the question and click Remove.

    • To modify a custom question, click the question text in the Customize window.

    • To add a question, click the button that corresponds to the type of custom question you want to add: New Multiple Choice, New Short Answer, or New Yes/No.

  7. When you finish, click Return To Registration Menu.

Add a multiple-choice question

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event you want to change.
  4. Click Registration Questions.
  5. Click Customize.
  6. Click New Multiple Choice.
  7. In the Question window, type a question in the box.
  8. Type a possible answer for Answer 1. You can delete an answer at any time by clicking the Delete button next to it.
  9. Click the Add Above or Add Below buttons to add another answer above or below Answer 1. If you click Add Above, Answer 1 becomes Answer 2.
  10. Type another possible answer.
  11. Repeat steps for a maximum of four answers.
  12. Alternatively, you can provide all answers in one step. Select Specify Answers As Comma Separated (CSV) Value, to use the option to provide all the answers in one step as comma separated or new line separated values.
  13. To require that users answer the question, select Response Is Required.
  14. Click Save. The Customize Registration window appears, showing your new question.

Add a short-answer question

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event you want to change.
  4. Click Registration Questions.
  5. Click Customize.
  6. Click New Short Answer.
  7. Type a question in the box.
  8. Select a validation type for the question.
  9. To require that users answer the question, select Response Is Required.
  10. Click Save. The Customize Registration window appears, showing your new question.

Add a yes/no question

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event you want to change.
  4. Click Registration Questions.
  5. Click Customize.
  6. Click New Yes/No.
  7. Type a question in the box.
  8. To require that users answer the question, select Response Is Required.
  9. Click Save. The Customize Registration window appears, showing your new question.

Change event content

You can replace event content only with content of the same type, for example, you can replace one meeting with another. You cannot add any new content to the Content library from here. You can select only existing content for your event.

If you purchased Adobe Presenter, you can publish presentations from PowerPoint to the Content library for your event. To use an existing presentation for an event, republish it to a different folder. If you do not, the reporting information for the original presentation is merged with the event-specific report data. In addition, event-specific data is carried over into future reports for the original presentation.

Note: For content other than courses and curriculum, the system tracks only whether the user has viewed the event. For example, users who view only the first slide in a presentation are reported as having attended the event. In contrast, users who view only a few of the slides in a course or curriculum are not reported as having attended. In other words, users must complete and return the course to appear on the report as attendees. (Also, you can view Time In and Time Out information by viewing the event By Attendee report.)

Note: The duration is not reported in the Event Reports when on-demand recording content is chosen as the presentation type.


  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event you want to change.
  4. At the top of the Event Information page, click the Select Content link.
  5. If the required content does not appear in the list, navigate to the file or folder where it resides:
    • Click the appropriate link at the top of the tab (for example, Shared Content if you are replacing content).

    • Scroll to the folder or file that you want. Either select the check box to the left of it or click the folder or file, as appropriate. If you are in the Content library, click Up One Level to navigate to a higher folder directory.

  6. Click Save.

Change event templates

You can replace an existing template for your event landing page with a predefined AEM template. In addition, you can edit a predefined template in AEM and use the customized template for your event landing page.

To change an event template:

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.

  2. Click Event Templates.

  3. Select the required event template.

To edit a template, click Edit Template and edit the template in the design view using AEM Sidekick components.

Change email templates

You can replace an existing template for email notifications with a predefined AEM template. In addition, you can edit a predefined template in AEM and use the customized template for email notifications.

To change an email template:

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.

  2. Click Email Templates.

  3. Select the appropriate email template.

To edit a template, click Edit Template and edit the template in the design view using AEM Sidekick components.

Change event email options

You can change email options for any of the email notification, reminders, or follow‑up messages before they are sent. (Some messages are selected by default.)

You can customize an email message. In several types of messages, you can attach a Microsoft Outlook Calendar (iCal) entry that adds the event to the recipient’s Outlook Calendar. You can also request responses from the participants. Select the Request Response check box, when customizing the email. The option is selected by default. Only Microsoft Outlook users on Windows can send back a response to the Event organizers.

When you customize an email form, there are several fields in curly brackets ({}) in the Message Body area. In general, do not change any of the fields, unless you have a specific reason. The curly brackets contain variables that the system replaces with actual values that are specific to your event. For example, the event-time field displays the start time you specified. You may want to change the time to 15 minutes earlier to ensure that the actual event begins on time. To change the time, type the new time in the event-time field.


You can add any of the extra runtime fields to the email message. {user-email} is the email address of the Event Manager and not of the invited attendees. For the recipient’s login-ID in the event notification, use the {login} field.

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event.
  4. Click the Email Options link at top of the Events tab. Do any of the following:
    • Select the check box to the left of the email messages you want to send.

    • Deselect any email messages you do not want to send.

    • Click Customize next to any messages that you want to edit. For example, you can change the name of the creator to the name of the host, or the time to Greenwich Mean Time.

  5. Click Save to save your changes or Cancel to exit the email form.

  6. Click Send Test Email to preview the email before it is sent to the intended recipients.

Edit the mailing list

You can add and delete users, groups, and guests from the mailing list.


Each time you create an event, the system creates a group named after the event and populates it with the invited users. This arrangement lets you easily invite the same people to a follow‑up event. To invite the same people, select the group from the previous event in the Users And Groups list.

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Click the event.
  4. Click Participant Management.
  5. Edit users or guests:
    • Click Add Guest and type or paste in email addresses for all your invitees; use commas to separate the addresses.

    • Click Add User/Group and, in the Available Users And Groups list, select each user and/or group that you want to invite.

    • Click Registration Groups and, in the Possible Groups list, select each group you want to invite. (You must be an account administrator to select event registration groups.)

    • Click Import/Export List and then click Browse to navigate to a comma-separated value (CSV) file.

    • Click Edit/Send Invitations to customize and send the event invitation. (You can edit the invitation, but do not change any of the items in curly brackets ({}) in the message body.)


    You may choose to add any of the extra runtime fields to the email message. {user-email} is the email address of the Event Manager and not of the invited attendees. For the recipient’s login-ID in the event notification, use the {login} field.

Tips for creating event mailing lists

Keep in mind the following, when you create mailing lists:

  • A guest is an Adobe Connect user with limited access. Guests can attend only those events for which they are approved. Also, guests cannot log in to Adobe Connect Central.

  • Anyone with an Adobe Connect account in your organization is a user.


Before sending out invitations, check with your Adobe Connect Central administrator for licensing issues. If more people register for the event than you have licenses for, attendees may not be able to join the event when they try to log in.

If the number of guests you are planning to invite is limited, you can type or copy and paste their email addresses using the Add Guest function. If this number is high, you can import a comma-separated values (CSV) file of users.

If you are inviting Adobe Connect users, you can use the Select Participants page to add users to the event invitation list and assign them permissions.

After you create the list, you can send out the invitations using default text or a customized invitation.

Add and manage event participants

You can add or remove participants for an event and change participant or presenter permissions if you are an administrator or presenter. You can add participants to an event at any time after creating an event. Participants can be added as guests, users, or groups.

Add guests

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired event and select it.
  3. In the Event Information page, click Participant Management in the navigation bar.
  4. Click Add Guest.
  5. In the box, type or paste the email addresses of the people you want to invite. (Separate the email addresses with commas.)

  6. When you finish, click Save.

Add participants

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired event and select it.
  3. In the Event Information page, click Participant Management in the navigation bar.
  4. Click Add User/Group.
  5. In the Available Users And Groups list, select a user or group and click Add. You can also click Search to find a user or group that is not listed.

    As you add users and groups, the Current Participants list on the right is updated to reflect your changes.


    Each time you create an event, the system creates a group named after the event and populates it with the invited users. This arrangement lets you easily invite the same people to a follow‑up event. To invite the same people, select the group from the previous event in the Users And Groups list.

  6. When you finish, click OK.

Add event participants using a CSV file

If you have a comma-separated values (CSV) file that contains names and email addresses, you can import the file to add participants to an event. Keep in mind these requirements, when you import a CSV file:

  • Empty lines in the file are not allowed. If the CSV file contains empty lines, the import operation fails.

  • Names that contain a comma must be in quotes. For example, the name John Doe, Jr., must appear in the CSV file as “John Doe, Jr.” for the file to import correctly.

  • Do not include a header row in the CSV file.

  • At minimum, the CSV file must contain columns for first name, last name, and email address. For example:












  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired event and select it.
  3. In the Event Information page, click Participant Management in the navigation bar.
  4. Click Import/Export List.
  5. Click Browse, and navigate to the desired CSV file.
  6. Click Upload.

Remove participants from an event

  1. Click the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired event and select it.
  3. In the Event Information page, click Participant Management in the navigation bar.
  4. Select the groups or users that you want to delete from the participants list.
  5. Click Remove.

    Participants that are removed from the event do not receive an invitation and cannot join the event unless event access is changed to Anyone.

Change permissions of event participants

Users can opt out of receiving event invitation emails. For such users, instead of permission in Participant Management you see an opted out status. Event Hosts or Event Managers cannot change the permissions for the users who have opted out.

  1. Select the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired event and select it.
  3. In the Event Information page, click the Participant Management link in the navigation bar.
  4. In the Users And Groups list, select the user or group whose permission you want to change.
  5. Click Set User Role. From the pop‑up menu, select the new permission type to assign. The permission types are: Denied, Invited, Pending Approval, Participant, Presenter, and Host. (Presenter and Host are available only if the event is a meeting or seminar.) If you are the administrator, you can provide special access to specific users or groups to perform detailed event-related configuration tasks. These tasks include editing group membership, configuring event analytics, creating campaign IDs, and managing event tags and email aliases.

Designate a group for approved event registrants

You can designate a group that event registrants are automatically assigned to when they are approved for the event. This arrangement is useful when you conduct a follow‑up event because you have the registered attendees organized into one group.

Note: Only account administrators can select event registration groups.


  1. Select the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the desired event and select it.
  3. Click the Participant Management link in the navigation bar.
  4. Click Registration Groups.
  5. In the Possible Groups list, select a group and click Add. The selected group name appears in the Current Group Membership list.

Convert guests to full users

If you are an Administrator, you can convert existing guests to full users. This distinction can be important because only full users, not guests, can log in to the Adobe Connect Central administration site. Full users also appear on enrollment and permission lists.

  1. Select the Administration tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Select Users And Groups.
  3. Select Manage Guests.
  4. In the Current Guests list, select a guest.
  5. Click Convert To User.

    Conversely, if you wanted to change a full user into a guest, you would select a user in the Current Users list and then click Convert to Guest.

Send and manage event invitations

If you are an administrator, an event host, or a user with permissions to manage a specific Event library folder, you can send event invitations.

An event invitation is an email message that is sent to event attendees, informing them of the date, time, duration, and URL of the event. The way that invitations are sent depends on the type of event:

Invitees Only

If your event is for registered users only, you create a custom email message in Adobe Connect Central. You can send the email to all registered participants and presenters, presenters only, or participants only. You can customize the subject and message body. You can attach a Microsoft Outlook Calendar iCal so that participants can add the event to their Outlook Calendar.


If your event is open to anyone who receives the event URL, you can create an email message in your default email program. This message contains a pre-populated subject and a pre-populated message (event date, time, duration, location, and summary), but you can edit the text.

  1. Select the Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.

  2. Navigate to the desired event and select it.

  3. In the Event Information page, click the Participant Management link in the navigation bar.

  4. Click Edit/Send Invitations in the navigation bar.

  5. (Optional) If you want to send a blind copy of the invitation to anyone, add the email address in the BCC Recipients box. This can be useful if, for example, you want coworkers to know that you sent the invitation.

  6. Edit the subject and the message body.

    If you edit the text, there are several fields in curly brackets ({}). In general, do not change any of the fields, unless you have a specific reason. The curly brackets contain variables that the system replaces with actual values that are specific to your event.


    If you add any of the extra runtime fields to the email message, {user-email} is the email address of the Event Manager and not of the invited attendees. For the recipient’s login-ID in the event notification, use the {login} field.

  7. To attach an iCal, select the check box next to the Attach Microsoft Outlook Calendar Event (iCal) To Email Message option.

  8. Click Send.

Opt out from event invitations

Event Administrators can edit an event template to provide an option for invitees to opt out of all event invitations in the future.

To provide this option, add the runtime field Invitations Opt Out URL to a template. The invite contains a link to opt out. Upon clicking it, the users get a confirmation email with a link to opt out.

Event Administrators can download the opt out report to check the status of each participant.

Download the Opted Out Users report
Download the Opted Out Users report


Depending on your license and your permissions, all the tabs displayed in the top row in Adobe Connect Central may not be visible.

Add the opt out option to a template

To add the option for users to opt out from future event invitations, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Adobe Connect Central and access Event Management > Email Templates page.

  2. Select the relevant event invitation template and click Edit template.

  3. Insert a Text component from the AEM Sidekick and add the Invitations Opt Out URL runtime field.

Download the opt out report

To download the opt out report, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Adobe Connect Central and access Event Management > Event Administration > Email Opt Out page.

  2. Click Download Opt Out Report and save the CSV file locally.


The users who opt in after opting out, are not listed in the CSV report.

Facilitate opt in

To facilitate opt in for the interested users, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Adobe Connect Central and access Event Management > Event Administration > Email Opt Out page.

  2. Copy the Opt-in link from Event Invitations Opt-in Link For Your Account section.

  3. Share the link with the users who want to opt in to receive event invitations again.

Use campaign tracking with an event

Use the campaign tracking option to track registered users based on campaign source. The Events registration and attendance reports list campaign sources alongside user names. Common campaigns include email offerings, search engine campaigns, and banner ad campaigns.

By default, the Enable Campaign Tracking option is selected on the Campaign IDs page when you create an event. You can select the campaign tracking option after you publish the event and send invitations. In this case, invitees who already registered using the registration URL in your original email invitation are not tracked.


To track a campaign, modify the registration URL for the event. You can’t change the registration URL for the Event Listings page and the Event Information page. If you want to use the Event Listing page or the Event Information page, you cannot track a campaign.

Manage Campaign IDs

Event creators can add Campaign IDs to their events, when creating or editing their events. They can reuse existing Campaign IDs, from a unique tab.

Event Administrators create Campaign IDs that can be used across all events. To create a Campaign ID, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Events Management > Event Administration > Campaign IDs.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter the Campaign ID and an alias. Optionally, add comments to describe the Campaign ID.

    To use space in the name of an ID, use %20 encoding in the name instead of the space. If you use space in the ID name, some Event pages may not load properly.

  4. Click Save.

Add campaign tracking to an existing event

  1. Open Adobe Connect Central and click the Event Management tab.
  2. Open an event. Click Campaign IDs.
  3. Specify the Campaign ID in the Campaign Id for E-mails field.
  4. Optionally, select Campaign IDs and click Get URLs, to generate the associated Event Page URLs for existing campaign IDs created by an Event Administrator.
  5. Click Save.

The Campaign ID automatically appears in the email templates that you use to send email notifications for the event.

Add a campaign ID to the event URLs

Once the campaign tracking is enabled, Adobe Connect tracks the origin of participants using the campaign ID. Adobe Connect adds the specified campaign ID to the automatically generated invitation email. If you share the event URL via other channels, generate and use the URL containing the Campaign IDs. Follow are the steps below to create a URL with the campaign ID.

  1. Open Adobe Connect Central. Click Event Management.
  2. Open the event and click Campaign IDs.
  3. Select one or more campaign IDs and click Get URLs. Event Administrators create the campaign IDs.
  4. Copy the Event Page URLs for offline usage.

Test the URL with campaign tracking ID

To test the new URL, you disable email invitations, publish the event, register for the event, and then check the registration report.

  1. Open Adobe Connect Central and click the Event Management tab.
  2. Select the event to display the Event Information page.
  3. Select E‑mail Options.
  4. Deselect the Send Event Invitations option.
  5. Click Save.
  6. At the bottom of the Event Information page, the status message reads, “This event has not been published and listed on your site. Emails have not been sent.” Click Publish.
  7. A confirmation message appears. Click Publish again. The Event page displays and the status message now reads, “This event has been published. E‑mail options are active.”
  8. To test your modified registration URL, register for the event. Open a web browser in a new window.
  9. In the word-processing application, copy the modified registration URL (with the campaign ID parameter and custom campaign ID added). Paste the URL into the new web browser window and press Enter or Return.
  10. In the registration form, fill out the required fields using your name and email address.

  11. Click Submit.
  12. Check your email program for an event confirmation message.

  13. Now that you have registered for the event, you can see your name and the campaign tracking ID in the registration reports. Open Adobe Connect Central and click the Event Management tab.
  14. Select the event to display the Event Information page.
  15. Select Reports.
  16. Select User Information Report.
  17. In Registration Report, click Download Report Data. In the Excel spreadsheet that opens, check that the correct ID number appears in the Campaign Tracking ID column next to your name.

Cancel events

You can cancel an event that you previously created and send participants an email informing them about the cancelation. Only event hosts can cancel an event.

  1. Open Adobe Connect Central and click the Event Management tab.
  2. Select the event to cancel from the list of events and click Cancel.
  3. Click the Send Email link to send the cancelation email to participants.

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