Set permissions for library files and folders


Learn how Administrators can set permissions for Adobe Connect libraries and users can manage the permissions for files and folders. Understand the default permission groups.

Administrators, limited administrators, and users with Manage permissions for a folder can set permissions for working with content in Adobe Connect libraries. An administrator must design the permissions structure for an account. Once the permissions structure is created, users with Manage permissions for folders in libraries can set permissions for those folders.

Workflow for setting permissions

To avoid listing and managing large numbers of users on the permission profile for a file or folder, use a group-based permission system. Create your system as follows:

Design a permissions system using groups

You can give certain groups access to parts of the system as appropriate. To design your system, understand libraries, groups, and permissions precedence. See Libraries, Built‑in permission groups, and Multiple permissions precedence.

Create folders using descriptive names

Use names that describe the contents of the folder—for example, Human Resource Content, Product Support Content, and so on. See Set permissions for content files and folders.

Create custom groups using descriptive names

Use names that describe the permissions of the group—for example, Human Resource Content Managers, Shared Content Viewers, and so on. See Create a custom group manually.

Assign permission types for your groups to specific folders or files

For example, assign the Human Resource Content Managers group permission to manage the Human Resources folder in the Shared Content folder. See Set permissions for content files and folders.

Add users to groups

It’s easier to create groups first, then add users to whichever groups are necessary for them to obtain appropriate permissions. See Add or remove group members.

Permissions assigned to users take precedence over permissions assigned to groups. If you want to deny a user access to certain folders, you can assign a user-based permission for those folders.


The Content, Training, Meetings, Seminars, and Event Management tabs in Adobe Connect Central each contain a library of files organized in folders. Files that you store in the Training, Meetings, Seminars, and Event Management libraries are available for activities in those respective tabs only. Files in the Content library can be accessed from all tabs in Adobe Connect Central.

Administrators, limited administrators, and users with Manage permissions can set permissions to determine which tasks each user can perform in the libraries.


Administrators set permissions for limited administrators in the Administration > Users and Groups section of Adobe Connect Central. By default, limited administrators can set permissions for content, but an administrator could choose to revoke this ability.

Except for the Seminar library, each library has the following two top-level folders:

Shared Content

When Adobe Connect is installed, only the Administrator has access privileges to the Shared folders. Administrators can assign permissions for the Shared folders in any way appropriate. Only members of the built-in group associated with that library can create functions (meetings, events, and so on) in the folder. However, Manage permissions for a Shared folder can be assigned to any user. For example, in the Meetings library, any user with Manage permissions for a folder can manage the folder. Only meeting hosts can create meetings in a folder.

User Content

When a user is assigned to a specific built-in group, Adobe Connect creates a user folder for that individual in the associated library. For example, any users assigned to the meeting host group receive a folder in the User Meetings folder in the Meetings library. It is this folder the user sees when accessing the Meetings tab. Users can manage their own user folders, including setting permissions that give other users access privileges to the folders.

Seminar library folders have a different structure. In the Seminar library, there are no user folders; instead, each folder represents a different seminar license that your organization purchased. Users assigned to the Seminar Administrators group have Manage permissions for all Seminars folders. Seminar Administrators can add and delete seminars, assign Manage permissions to other users, and create seminars.

Libraries in Adobe Connect.
Libraries in Adobe Connect.

A. Shared B. User C. My items D. Dashboard 

Built‑in permission groups and roles

Adobe Connect has eight built-in permission groups, each associated with a different library. Each member of a Built-in group has a user folder in the corresponding library. Each member of the Meeting Hosts and Training Managers groups also has a user folder in the Content library, and can author content for that folder.

You cannot change the permissions for these groups, but you can extend them by assigning individuals or groups to more than one built-in group. In addition, the administrator can create custom groups and assign these groups permissions for specific library folders.

There are eight built-in groups:

  • Administrators

  • Limited Administrators

  • Meeting Hosts

  • Training Managers

  • Virtual Classroom Managers

  • Seminar Administrators

  • Event Managers

  • Webinar Managers

  • Event Administrators

  • Authors

  • Learners

Each group reflects a specific set of access needs across all the libraries. There are groups for each purchased account feature. For example, the Event Manager group only exists if the Events feature is part of the account.

Administrators assign users and groups to the appropriate Built-in groups. Members of a Built-in group can create instances of the function associated with that library. For example, if you are a meeting host, you can create meetings.

Members of a Built-in group cannot access the Shared folder directory of the library of the group unless you assign them Manage permissions. You can also assign Manage permissions for a folder in the Shared folder directory to other users who are not part of that Built-in group. Although they can manage folders, they cannot create anything in that library, because they are not part of that Built-in group.

The following table summarizes the permissions each Built-in group has for each library:

Built-in group

Content library

Training library

Meetings library

Seminar library

Events library

Additional permissions


Everything but Publish





Manage users, groups, and user accounts; view content folders for all users


Publish/ Manage













Training Manager

Publish/ Manage personal folder






Virtual Classroom Manager

Publish/ Manage personal folder






Meeting Host

Publish/ Manage personal folder






Event Manager







Event Administrator






Assign users to Event Managers group, manage shared templates, configure analytics, manage event tags and email aliases

Seminar Administrator







Webinar Manager







Administrators group

Administrators have complete control of the entire Adobe Connect system. You can make any user an administrator by adding them to the Administrator group. Individual or other group permission cannot override the permissions for the members of the Administrator group.

Administrators can perform the following actions:

  • Manage the users and groups in the account, including creating, deleting, and editing them.

  • Manage the Content library, including viewing, deleting, moving, and editing files or folders. View reports for files. Set permissions for files or folders. Create subfolders.

  • Manage the Training library, including viewing, deleting, moving, and editing files or folders. View reports for files. Set permissions for files or folders. Create subfolders. Enroll users, send notifications to enrollers, and set up course and curriculum reminders.

  • Manage the Meetings library, including viewing, deleting, moving, and editing files or folders. View reports for files. Set permissions for files or folders. Create subfolders.

  • Manage the Event library, including viewing, deleting, moving, and editing files or folders. View reports for files. Set permissions for files or folders. Create subfolders. Send invitations, and change content and email options.

  • Manage the Seminar library, including viewing, deleting, moving, and editing files or folders. View reports for files. Set permissions for files or folders. Create subfolders.

  • View account information, account features, account quotas, and account reports. If your organization has purchased this option, customize the Adobe Connect branding.

Limited administrators group

Limited administrators have limited control of the Adobe Connect system. You can make any user a limited administrator by adding them to the Administrator - Limited group. Administrators can determine which permissions limited administrators have.

Authors group

If you assign a user to this group, Adobe Connect creates a folder for this user in the User folder of the Content library. (The shortcut called My Content points to this folder.) By default, a member of the Authors group has Publish and Manage permissions only for the My Content folder.

Your account limits the number of users that you can add to the Authors group.

Members of the Authors group can perform all the following actions if they have Publish permissions on the specified folder:

  • View content and content folders.

  • Publish and update content.

  • Send email messages containing links that send a notification to the author when the recipient accesses the link.

Training Managers group

Members of the Training Managers group are users who are responsible for organizing and coordinating training.

If you assign a user to this group, Adobe Connect creates a folder for this user in the User folder of the Training library. (The shortcut My Training points to this folder.) By default, a Training Manager can manage only their folder in the User Training folder.

A Training Manager can perform the following actions:

  • Manage their own user folder in the Training library, performing all file-management functions, and create and manage courses and curriculums, enroll users, send notifications to enrollers, and set up reminders.

  • Have access to folders in the Content library.

  • View training reports for the courses or curriculums that they created.

Virtual Classroom group

The number of participant allowed in this group is set to 25 for trial accounts and 200 for paid accounts. Members of this group can create virtual classrooms with the applicable capacity in the My Trainings section. The group members also have access to the Event Management section.

  • All Training Manager permissions

    • Access to Content and Training tabs

    • My Content and My Training folders, with manage permissions

    • Content dashboard

    • Shared Training, with manage permissions

    • Training Catalog, with manage permissions

    • Users and Groups (Training tab)

    • Training dashboard

    • Can see reports inside specific training

    • Reports tab with permissions to Content, Course, Curriculum, Virtual Classrooms, Learner, and Saved Queries sections.

  • All Event Manager permissions

    • My Events tab, with manage permissions

    • Shared Events, with manage permissions

    • Event dashboard

    • Can see reports inside specific event

    • Can view Event Catalog (Can edit Event Catalog if also a member of Event Administrators group)

    • Ability to create his own event and email templates (Cannot edit shared templates unless also a member of Event Administrators group)

    • Ability to see available Event tags when creating or editing Events (Cannot apply Featured Event tag unless also a member of Event Administrators group)

    • Ability to see available email aliases when customizing event email triggers and selecting Reply To option

    • Ability to see available Campaign IDs when creating or edition events

Event Managers group

If you assign a user to this group, Adobe Connect creates a folder for this user in the User folder of the Event library. An Event Manager can perform the following actions:

  • Manage events in the shared folders if they are hosting the event and have manage permissions for the folder that contains an event.

  • Manage their own Event library user folder, performing all file-management functions, and create and manage all aspects of an event in this folder.

  • View event reports.

  • Create events and manage their own folders in the Event library.

  • Create private templates or make private copies of existing shared templates.

  • Assign attendee roles when setting up the event in the Participant Management tab.

Event Administrators group

Members of the Event Administrators group assign users to the Event Managers group and perform the overall administration of an event. An Event Administrator can perform the following actions:

  • Assign Event Manager role to the registered users.

  • Create custom event templates and manage existing shared templates. Update, rename, delete, or copy existing templates.

  • Create and manage tags in the Event Catalog. Event tags make it possible to filter the events in the Event Catalog.

  • Apply the Featured Event tag to display an event in the Featured Events section of the Event Catalog.

  • Create Reply To options for email triggers

  • Configure analytics, by providing Adobe SiteCatalyst credentials.

Using the tags and the templates, Event Administrators control the Event Catalog layout and branding completely.

Meeting Hosts group

Members of the Meeting Hosts group create meetings.

If you assign a user to this group, Adobe Connect creates a folder for this user in the User folder of the Meetings library. Meeting hosts can manage only their My Meetings folders in the User Meetings folder. Meeting hosts can manage meetings in the Shared folders if they are hosting the meeting and have Manage permissions for the folder that contains the meeting.

A meeting host can perform the following actions:

  • Manage their User Meetings folder, performing all file-management functions, and create and manage meetings, which involve adding, deleting, and assigning attendance permissions to presenters and participants. Create and organize meeting rooms. Edit a meeting or change its participant list.

  • View meeting reports.

  • Create content.

  • View content files and folders for which they have access permissions.

  • Publish and update content.

Seminar Administrators group

Because of the way seminars are licensed, the permissions for Seminar Administrators are different from other groups.

Unlike other libraries, the Seminar library does not have a User folder. The Seminar library consists only of the Shared folder, and each folder in this directory corresponds to a seminar license that your organization purchased. Only Seminar Administrators and Account Administrators can manage these folders. A Seminar Administrator can manage all the folders in the Seminar library.

Seminar Administrators can perform the following actions:

  • Manage all Seminar library folders, performing all file-management functions, and create and manage seminars, which involve adding, deleting, and assigning attendance permissions to presenters and participants; creating and organizing seminar rooms; and editing a seminar or changing its participant list.

  • View seminar reports.

Webinar groups

The defined groups are Webinar Manager 25, Webinar Manager 100, Webinar Manager 500, and Webinar Manager 1000. The numbers indicate the maximum participant capacity. The group with capacity of 25 participants is created for trial accounts. These groups are available as system groups with membership driven by the number of licenses provisioned in any account. A user can be a member of only one of these three groups at a time.

The members can create seminars in the My Seminar tab within the license they own. Also, the members cannot access the seminars they do not have access to.

  • All Seminar Administrator permissions

    • Access to Seminars tab, Seminar Sessions, Seminar Calendar, and Seminar Dashboard with access to content they own

    • Can schedule sessions in My Seminars tab, from shared seminar licenses and named webinar license they own

    • No access to User Seminars tab

  • All Event Manager permissions

    • My Events tab, with manage permissions

    • Shared Events, with manage permissions

    • Event dashboard

    • Can see reports inside specific event

    • Can view Event Catalog (Can edit Event Catalog if also a member of Event Administrators group)

    • Ability to create his own event and email templates (Can edit shared templates if also a member of Event Administrators group)

    • Ability to see available Event tags when creating or editing Events (Can apply Featured Event tag if also a member of Event Administrators group)

    • Ability to see available email aliases when customizing event email triggers and selecting Reply To option

    • Ability to see available Campaign IDs when creating or edition events

    • Meeting rooms created by this user have Engagement Dashboard pod available

About custom groups

Custom groups are groups that you create yourself. You can define specific folder and file permissions for the group in the different libraries. You can assign permissions to a custom group by assigning it to the appropriate Built-in groups.

For example, you could create a custom group called “Global” that contains a group for each country in which your company has an office (for example, United States and Germany). Each country group could contain a group for each office in that country (for example, San Francisco and Boston). Within each of these offices, you could define more groups by job function, and then assign each of these groups the appropriate Built-in group designations.

In this example, you created a hierarchical set of groups called nested groups, because each group is contained by the one above it in the hierarchy. By default, nested groups have the permissions of the parent group. You can expand or restrict these permissions by setting custom permissions for these groups in the relevant libraries.

Multiple permissions precedence

If a user belongs to one or more groups, it is possible that multiple permissions apply to a single file or folder. In such a case, permissions are resolved as follows (higher numbered levels take precedence):

Level 1

If the user has View, Publish, or Manage permissions through group-acquired permissions, the permission granting the greatest access to features applies. These three group permissions are additive.

Level 2

If the user has any Denied permission through group-acquired permissions, all group-acquired View, Publish, or Manage permissions are removed and the user is not allowed access.

Level 3

If the user has View, Publish, or Manage permissions through user-specific permissions, these permissions are additive to the corresponding group-acquired permissions. In addition, these permissions override any group-acquired Denied permission.

Level 4

If the user is assigned the Denied permission setting through user-specific permissions, the user is denied access regardless of any group-acquired permissions.

Level 5

If the user is a member of the Administrator group, the administrator permission applies, regardless of any other individual or group setting.

Level 6

If there are no permissions applied by either user or group (and none is inherited from a parent folder), the user cannot access or perform any actions on the folder or file.

The following table illustrates the way that group and user permissions apply:

Group G1 permissions

Group G2 permissions

Union (G1, G2) permissions

User permissions

Resulting permissions































Set permissions for content files and folders

Only an administrator, a limited administrator, or a user with Manage permission for that library file or folder can customize the permissions list for a file or folder.

Note: Administrators set permissions for Limited Administrators in the Administration > Users and Groups in Adobe Connect Central. By default, Limited Administrators can set permissions for content, but an Administrator can revoke this ability.

  1. Click the Content, Training, Meetings, Seminars, or Event Management tab in Adobe Connect Central.
  2. Navigate to the folder or file and click its name to open it.
  3. Click Set Permissions on the navigation bar.
  4. Click Customization. If the permissions for this item have been modified before, the Customization button does not appear. Proceed to the next step.

    The Available Users and Groups pane displays users and groups for whom you can define permissions for the library item. The Current Permissions pane displays users and groups who already have permissions for the library item. You can change the existing permissions if desired.

  5. To add a user or group to the Current Permissions pane, select the name in the Available Users And Groups list and click Add.
    Setting permissions and navigating Available Users and Groups.
    Setting permissions and navigating Available Users and Groups.

    A. Click to set folder or file permissions to be the same as the parent folder permissions B. Choose a viewing permission C. Double-click a group name to view the users in that group D. Double-click the Up One Level icon to go up one folder level E. Users F. Click the Search button to open a text box for searching G. Click Add to move a selected user or group to the Current Permissions list 

  6. To set the permissions for a user or group, select the name in the Current Permissions list and click Permissions.
  7. Select one of the following permissions from the pop-up menu:


    Users or groups with Manage permission for a folder or file can view, delete, move, and edit the file or folder, view reports for files in that folder, set permissions for the file or folder, and create folders. However, they cannot publish to that folder.


    Users or groups with a Denied permission setting for a folder or file cannot view, publish, or manage this folder or file.


    Users or groups with a Publish permission setting for a folder or presentation can publish, update, and view presentations. These users and groups can also view reports for files in that folder. However, these users can publish content to the folder only when the users are members of the Built-in Author group and have Publish permission.


    Users or groups with a View permission setting for a folder or file can view any content in the folder, or can view the individual file.

    Current permission settings.
    Current permission settings.

    A. Selected name B. Click the Permissions button to select a permission setting. The setting is displayed next to the name. 

  8. To remove a user or group from the Current Permissions list, select the name and click Remove.
  9. To reset permissions for the entire library folder or file to be the same as the permissions of the parent folder, click Reset to Parent.
  10. For Content library only: Select Yes for Allow Public Viewing to make this folder publicly viewable, even if the parent folder is not publicly viewable. Select No to make the folder inaccessible to the public. Only Adobe Connect users with View, Manage, or Publish permissions can view private content. To do so, they must first log in with an Adobe Connect user name and password.

User group mappings for new licenses 

With the new licensing launched in 2023, there are new user groups to manage the allocation of licenses. These new user groups are only visible in the accounts with the new licensing. For accounts migrated to new licensing from existing licenses, both the new and existing user groups will be shown. For newly created accounts, only new user groups will be shown.  

The following table maps the new user groups (for the new licenses) to the old user groups.

Existing User Group New User Group
Named Host (Named Host license) Standard Training Host
Premium Training Host
Enterprise and Education Training Host
Standard Webinar Host
Premium Webinar Host
Enterprise and Education Webinar Host
Named Host (Concurrent User License) Concurrent Host

Some old licenses require a combination of new licenses to get the same capabilities. For example, four Named Webinar manager licenses (500 capacity) will now need a Standard Webinar Host, Webinar Pro Packs, and Named Upgrade 500 capacity groups. 

Existing User Group New User Group 1 New User Group 2 New User Group 3
Webinar Manager (25)
Webinar Manager (100)
Webinar Manager (500)
Webinar Manager (1000)
Standard Webinar Host Webinar Pro Pack Named Upgrade 500 Hosts
Named Upgrade 1000 Hosts
Named Upgrade 1500 Hosts
Premium Webinar Host  
Enterprise and Education Webinar Host  


Existing User Group New User Group 1 New User Group 2 New User Group 3
Virtual Classroom Managers  Standard Training Host Training Pro Pack Named Upgrade 500 Hosts
Premium Training Host  
Enterprise and Education Training Host  

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