Backstage for Adobe Connect session

Learn about how to coordinate with your presentation team during the live session.

Backstage in an Adobe Connect session allows hosts and presenters to communicate and manage the session without participants being aware. 

You can use the backstage to: 

  • Prepare and make last-minute changes: Adjust layouts, upload new content, and set up polls without participants noticing.
  • Communicate privately: Discuss and coordinate with fellow hosts and presenters without letting participants hear or see the interactions. This is useful for checking session readiness and ensuring everything is set before going live. 

Access backstage

Follow the steps to access backstage in the meeting room.

  1. Select Room menu.

  2. Select Backstage.

    Backstage in room menu
    Backstage from Room menu

Restrict backstage

As a host, you can restrict the access to backstage for presenters. Select the Backstage options   from BACKSTAGE to restrict access. Select one of the following:

  • Only hosts: By selecting this option, only hosts can access the backstage.
  • Hosts & presenters: By selecting this option, both hosts and presenters can access the backstage.
whom to show HPA
Show backstage area to hosts and presenters

Use backstage

Any pod placed inside the backstage is only visible to the presentation team. A Chat pod placed backstage can serve as a private chat for presenters. Similarly, a Notes pod in the backstage area can be used to take session notes and store answers to common questions.  An Attendees pod can be placed to manage the attendees privately. Changing the layout does not affect the backstage area and remains unchanged while the layout is adjusted.

When the backstage is enabled, any new pod will be added to it first. The host can design the pod while inside the backstage and then drag it to the participant area when ready.

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