- About content, courses, and curriculums
- Accessing the Training library
- About Training library permissions
- Course and curriculum registration
- AICC content for courses
- Viewing data about training
- Create and manage training groups
- Create a training group
- Add learners to an existing training group
- Remove learners from a training group
- Using CSV files to add learners
- Add learners using a CSV file
- Tips for creating training courses and curriculums
- About seminars
- Pre-seminar tasks
- Create a seminar
- Schedule a Seminar
- Resolve seminar scheduling conflicts
- Extending seminars beyond the scheduled time
- Standby mode and scheduling ad-hoc Seminar Session
- Send seminar invitations
- View seminar information
- Edit seminars
- View data about seminars
- Seminar reports
- Join a seminar from Adobe Connect Central
- Using report filters
- View course reports
- Downloading and printing course reports
- View and manage curriculum reports
- View curriculum status report
- View a curriculum report by users
- Change the user status field in a curriculum report
- View a curriculum report by item
- View a summary report for external training
- View an external training curriculum report by users
- Export curriculum reports
About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
- About content, courses, and curriculums
- Accessing the Training library
- About Training library permissions
- Course and curriculum registration
- AICC content for courses
- Viewing data about training
- Create and manage training groups
- Create a training group
- Add learners to an existing training group
- Remove learners from a training group
- Using CSV files to add learners
- Add learners using a CSV file
- Tips for creating training courses and curriculums
- Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
Create and manage seminars
- About seminars
- Pre-seminar tasks
- Create a seminar
- Schedule a Seminar
- Resolve seminar scheduling conflicts
- Extending seminars beyond the scheduled time
- Standby mode and scheduling ad-hoc Seminar Session
- Send seminar invitations
- View seminar information
- Edit seminars
- View data about seminars
- Seminar reports
- Join a seminar from Adobe Connect Central
- Create training courses in Adobe Connect
- Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
- About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
- Using report filters
- View course reports
- Downloading and printing course reports
- View and manage curriculum reports
- View curriculum status report
- View a curriculum report by users
- Change the user status field in a curriculum report
- View a curriculum report by item
- View a summary report for external training
- View an external training curriculum report by users
- Export curriculum reports
- Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
- Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
Enable closed captions in Adobe Connect and choose caption providers.
You can integrate real-time captioning of audio content into meetings and events and present these captions in the new Closed Caption display. This is a key component of the Adobe Connect accessibility initiative to provide WCAG 2.1 AA compliant (including Section 508 and EN 501 349) meetings and assists participants who are deaf or hard of hearing to participate in meetings.
The Adobe Connect Closed Caption display appears in your Adobe Connect meeting environment.
Meeting organizers can hire professional captioning providers or nominate in-meeting captioners to transcribe the meeting audio.
Meeting participants can choose to view the captions or not and can customize the caption font size and color for better readability. Each participant can change the size and placement of the floating caption display to best meet their needs.
Attendees can also add automated closed captions. They can use a meeting mic to add captions to automated speech. These captions appear directly in the meeting environment.
On the meeting Preferences dialog, choose the option Closed Captions.
Enable the toggle for Enable Closed captions.
Select Enable closed captions. Enter a Caption title such as English in the Caption title field.
Additional caption streams can be configured here, allowing participants to choose from multiple caption streams – perhaps displaying different languages.
Captioning can be done using different methods:
- Line captioning: Select the button to use the Enter button for sending the captions.
- Word-by-word captioning: Select the button to use the Spacebar button for sending the captions
After you click Done, the caption menu will be available to both hosts and participants, and everyone will see a notification that “Closed captions are available now”.
Using an in-meeting captioner
If you have selected the default Assign an attendee to type captions, then you as the host will be notified that “You are the captioner.”
As you type the captions in the caption entry field, the captions are displayed to the participants who have selected to show captions.
After you click Done, the captions are available to both host and participant.
This feature is currently in Beta. Submit feature requests, view, track, and vote for issues or feature requests using our Adobe Connect Support
After you click Done, the caption menu will be available to both hosts and participants, and everyone will view a notification that “Closed captions are available now”.
As a participant, you can show or hide the caption display, and you can change text size and choose text color combinations to best meet your vision requirements.
In Manual captioning, if multiple caption streams are available, participants can choose a stream for viewing the captions.
Attendees can position and resize the caption window anywhere within the meeting interface. The captions stay in the same place even during layout changes.
As a host, you can nominate anyone in the meeting to be the captioner.
You can change the captioner at any time, the captions continue from where the each captioner leaves off – participants will not be notified if the captioner changes.
Before using the service, you must generate and copy a StreamText URL and enter in in the StreamText request form on their website.
To generate the URL, enable closed captions, enter a caption title such as English, and then choose StreamText as caption provider.
To copy the URL (which includes the token), select CC menu > English- Copy captioning API URL.
Use the copied URL to request captioning from the StreamText website. The URL will have the following format:
/domain of the account/service/ccsvc/?token=<token>
Once the information is entered on the StreamText entry form, they can schedule the captioner.
Before using the service, you must request a Meeting ID from VITAC.
To start the captions, enable closed captions, enter a caption title such as English, and then choose VITAC as the caption provider.
In the VITAC event ID field, enter the event ID that you received from VITAC.
Click Done.
In the meeting, click the CC menu, and select English – Start VITAC CC.
A message, "VITAC CC stream started" will indicate a valid connection and captions should start.
While using VITAC it is not possible to configure and view captions from other providers.
To stop the captions choose English - Stop VITAC CC from the CC menu.
Only the meeting host can start or stop the VITAC stream. The host who starts the meeting can stop the stream.
If the host leaves the meeting, the CC stream stops, and participants see the message, "VITAC CC stream stopped".
If a participant who has been promoted to host starts the VITAC stream, and the original host tries to stop the stream, the message, "Not authorized to stop this VITAC stream, the host that started the stream can stop it" displays.
To delete a caption provider, click the Delete provider button, as shown below:
Providers can only be deleted when adding a new provider. To turn off captioning in a meeting without deleting a provider, disable the option Enable closed caption, and click Done.
If you enabled closed captions withing your meeting, then your meeting recording will also provide the same captions and the same options for participants.
While watching the recording you can open the CC menu from recording playbar. Using the menu options, you can:
- Hide or show captions.
- Choose caption language.
- Modify caption text size and color.
- Move captions.
Closed captions help to display and draw attention to your agenda and ideas in the meeting environment. Enable closed captions from Adobe Connect Central home page.
View Closed caption settings for more information.
Automated closed captions are available within Adobe Connect rooms with Enhanced Audio/Video enabled.
If a telephony bridge is connected in the meeting and nobody has joined from telephony, captions will not load in Automated Closed Captions.
Only hosts can enable the automated captioning from the meeting room if the administrator doesn't enable it by default. Once the captions are enabled, they are available to all the participants from the time they join the meeting room.
Show captions
Both participants and the host can show the captions from the meeting environment. It shows the caption pod on the screen.
- Open the drop-down of CC from top bar.
- Click on Show captions.
Hide captions
Both participants and host can hide the captions from the meeting environment. It hides the caption pod from the screen.
- Open the drop-down of CC from top bar.
- Click on Hide captions.
Enable Automated Closed Captions in Meeting Room
On the meeting Preferences dialog, choose the option Closed Captions.
Enable the toggle for Enable automated Closed captions.
Choose the preferred language from the Captioning Languages drop-down to view automated captions in the selected language. Select Done.
Automated captions will remain in by-default meeting language until the language is changed from the meeting room.
Clear all captions
Hosts can clear all the captions from the meeting environment. It deletes all the captions from the meeting server, which can't be retrieved again.
- Open the drop-down of CC from top bar.
- Click on Clear all captions.
Use the mic from the meeting room to add your captions. As you add the captions, there are a few precautions to support automated captioning:
- Only supports 16 languages.
- Using any language other than preferred in Captioning languages can result in gibberish captions.
- Minimal background noise.
- Share pod audio won’t convert in captions.