Change the timeout period


Change the timeout period of an inactive Adobe Connect session to enhance security.

To keep Adobe Connect Central more secure, you can change the length of time a session remains open without activity. When the session reaches your specified timeout period, any unsaved data is lost.

  1. At the top of the Adobe Connect Central window, click Administration.

  2. Click Account.

  3. Click Session Settings.

  4. Enter a timeout length in minutes.

    The Web session timeout in minutes field controls the timeout values for Adobe Connect Central. The minimum and maximum permissible values for this parameter are 5 and 720. The default is 30 minutes. 

    The Connect application for desktop session timeout in minutes field controls the timeout values for the meeting session in the Adobe Connect application for desktop in Windows and Mac. The minimum and maximum permissible values for this parameter are 0 to 43,200 (30 days). The default is 4 days.

  5. Click Save.

For the timeout duration set above, you can close and reopen any number of sessions in the Adobe Connect application for desktop without having to re-enter your login credentials. This behavior is applicable to the application for both Windows and Mac.

To configure the timeouts at an account level, see Configure the session timeout value.

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