Adobe Connect meeting room basics


Overview of an Adobe Connect meeting-- the concept of online meeting room, in-meeting controls, roles and permissions, and related libraries.

About meetings

An Adobe Connect meeting is a live interactive online conference for multiple users. The meeting room is a persistent online virtual space that you use to conduct meetings. It includes various display panels (pods) and layouts. There are several prebuilt meeting room layouts, or you can create and use additional custom layouts to suit your needs. The meeting room lets attendees share computer screens or files, chat, broadcast audio and video, and participate in interactive online activities.

Once you create a meeting room, it exists until you delete it. The meeting room location is a unique URL created by you or assigned by the system when the meeting was created. When you visit the URL and log in, you enter the virtual meeting room. A meeting room can be reused as often as you like, and you can create multiple independent rooms. The meeting owner can choose who can access the meeting room and what their role will be.

To participate in a meeting, you must have a modern browser, a browser that supports the Adobe Connect application for desktop for Windows and Mac users. Your abilities in a meeting depend on your assigned role and permissions. You can also access an Adobe Connect meeting room using a smartphone or a tablet. Download Adobe Connect applications and updates here.

Inside a meeting room

The meeting room consists of a menu bar at the top, and a stage or presentation area below. The stage displays content and activities - contained in pods, which are resizable and moveable panels. Individual pods may contain PowerPoint presentations, screen sharing, web cameras, a list of meeting participants, notes, chat, shared files, and more. Layouts are collections of pods that hosts can quickly change between.

The menu bar contains several menus and icons that will differ based on the user’s role in the meeting.  Activities, such as users joining or leaving the meeting, or someone talking, are displayed in the menu bar. Messages and warnings appear in the upper-right corner of the meeting interface. A red circle in the menu bar indicates that the host is recording the meeting. 

(HTML Client) In-meeting options for the participants.
(HTML Client) In-meeting options for the participants

(HTML Client) In-meeting options for the Hosts.
(HTML Client) In-meeting options for the Hosts

Connection status in a meeting room

On the right of the menu bar, a colored bar indicates your connection status in the meeting room – green for excellent, amber for fair, and red for poor. Clicking on the connection status icon will display details about your connection.

If your connection is poor, the streams you receive (camera, screen share, and audio) may be delayed, broken up, or buffered.

A sample of the connection status in the meeting room.
A sample of the connection status in the meeting room.


For HTML clients, the meeting connection status icon () does not include bandwidth for MP3/MP4 formats (file extension .mp3/.mp4)

Real time indicator for Immersive A/V Experience

The connection status for each participant, host, and presenter indicates that the meeting is Immersive A/V Experience-enabled.

The real time indicator defines the quality of connection of the user, for example:

  • Bitrate, Frame Rate, Loss, Packet Drop and Jitter are the factors, which can impact the quality of the audio and video connection.
  • Quality of the indicator defined in terms of Excellent – Green, Average – Orange, and Poor – Red.

The indicator also define the quality as average of audio and video connection, i.e. if the video quality is poor and audio quality is excellent, then the indicator is average.

Meeting roles and permissions

Host, presenter, and participant roles determine capabilities for sharing, managing, broadcasting, and other activities in an Adobe Connect Meeting.

The creator of a meeting is designated as the host by default. The host can specify each attendee’s role, including selecting other attendees to be promoted to presenter or host during the meeting. Permissions for each role are as follows:


Hosts can set up a meeting, invite guests, add content to the library, screen share, and add or edit pods and layouts in a meeting room. They can admit guests, remove attendees, or give enhanced permissions to a participant. Hosts can start and stop audio conferences, and grant microphone or telephone rights. They can also start, pause, and stop recordings. Hosts are able to create and manage small group breakout rooms within a meeting. They can also perform all the tasks that a presenter or participant can.


Presenters can share content already loaded into the meeting room from the library or they can upload content directly from their computer. Shared content might include PowerPoint presentations (PPT or PPTX files), images (JPEG, PNG, and GIF files), Adobe PDF files, MP3 and MP4 files. They can also share their screen, chat, and broadcast live audio and video.


Registered and guest participants can view the content that the presenter or host is sharing, hear, and see audio and video being broadcast, raise their hand, and use text chat. Participants may be granted rights to share their cameras, microphones, and other advanced rights. 

About the Meetings library

The Meetings tab in Adobe Connect Central contains three folders of meeting rooms: Shared Meetings, User Meetings, and My Meetings. Each folder may contain folders and files with meeting content and recordings. Users can create and manage content in the My Meetings folder that appears when they are logged in to Adobe Connect Central. Access to content in the other folders is determined by permissions set for each user by your Adobe Connect administrator.

Content uploaded in a meeting can only be used in that meeting room. To make content available for all your meeting rooms, upload your content to the Content library in Adobe Connect Central. Alternatively, you can move content that has already been directly loaded into a meeting to the Content library to make it available for other meeting rooms. 

Determining Room Capacity

Rooms in Adobe Connect have different capacities based on the licenses procured and the location in which the room is created. You should check with your account administrator for the details of procuring Adobe Connect licenses. 

Determine the capacity of your room from the following details: 


  1. If the seminar is scheduled, the room capacity equals the license capacity.
  2. If the seminar isn't scheduled, the room will open in the stand-by mode. In the stand-by mode, the room has a capacity of five for a shared events license and 10 for a seminar license. 

Virtual Classroom

  1. If the room is created in My Trainings folder of a named user, then the room takes the capacity of Named or Upgrade capacity of the Virtual Classroom owner.
  2. If the room is created in Shared Trainings folder, the room takes a capacity of named license (100 or 300). 


  1. If the concurrent license isn't present, following are the possibilities:
    1. The room is created in the My Meetings folder of a named user, and then the room takes a capacity of the Named or Upgrade capacity of the folder owner.
    2. The meeting is created in the Shared Meetings folder, room takes the named license capacity (100 or 300).
  2. If the concurrent license is present, following are the possibilities:
    1. The room is created in the My Meetings folder, and the user has no Named or Upgraded roles, room takes the concurrent user license capacity. The host needs to have a concurrent host role to get access to the My Meetings folder.
    2. The room is created in the My Meetings folder, and the user has Named or Upgraded roles, the room capacity equals the Named or Upgraded license capacity of the named user.
    3. The room is created in the Shared Meetings folder, the room takes the concurrent user license capacity.  


What is the capacity of a room created in the My Meetings folder when a meeting is created using an API with super-admin rights?

Room capacity will be the capacity of the named license of the user whose My Meetings folder contains the room. 

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