Enabling Adobe Connect HTML client


Learn how to enable the Adobe Connect HTML client both for administrators and hosts.

Only a member of the Administrators group can enable or disable the Adobe Connect HTML client for participants for the entire Account.

Enabling the HTML client for an account

  1. Log in to your Adobe Connect account as an administrator, and click the Administration tab.

  2. Click the Compliance and Control sub-tab.

  3. Open the setttings for the HTML client.

  4. Select the options to enable the HTML client for meetings, virtual classrooms, and webinars.

  5. Save the settings.

    Enabling HTML client
    Enabling HTML client


This setting is applicable only if Administrator has NOT enabled 'force launch session in Adobe Connect application' under Advanced Settings. When this setting is enabled, all user sessions for Adobe Connect will be launched in an HTML Client.

Enable HTML view in browser

  1. Log in to your Adobe Connect account as an administrator, and click the Administration tab.

  2. Click the Compliance and Control sub-tab.

  3. Open the setttings for the HTML client.

  4. Select the option to enable to Force-enable HTML client for all existing Meeting rooms in this account.

  5. Save the settings.

    The Browser Interface is automatically enabled for users to join in the browser mode.


Force Classic View

Administrators can also force the use of Adobe Connect Application under the Compliance and Control settings. This compliance setting forces the use of the Adobe Connect Meeting Application in Classic View, by default. 

  1. Log in to your Adobe Connect account as an administrator, and click the Administration tab.

  2. Click the Compliance and Control sub-tab.

  3. Open the setttings for the HTML client.

  4. Select the option to force classic view under Application Interface. This compliance setting forces the use of Adobe Connect Meeting Application.

  5. Save the settings.

Force Classic View
Force Classic View


As an exception, the recording playback does not follow the account level flags. Switching to Classic view is for meetings and not for recordings. For more information on recording, see Record and play back Adobe Connect meetings.

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