- About content, courses, and curriculums
- Accessing the Training library
- About Training library permissions
- Course and curriculum registration
- AICC content for courses
- Viewing data about training
- Create and manage training groups
- Create a training group
- Add learners to an existing training group
- Remove learners from a training group
- Using CSV files to add learners
- Add learners using a CSV file
- Tips for creating training courses and curriculums
- About seminars
- Pre-seminar tasks
- Create a seminar
- Schedule a Seminar
- Resolve seminar scheduling conflicts
- Extending seminars beyond the scheduled time
- Standby mode and scheduling ad-hoc Seminar Session
- Send seminar invitations
- View seminar information
- Edit seminars
- View data about seminars
- Seminar reports
- Join a seminar from Adobe Connect Central
- Using report filters
- View course reports
- Downloading and printing course reports
- View and manage curriculum reports
- View curriculum status report
- View a curriculum report by users
- Change the user status field in a curriculum report
- View a curriculum report by item
- View a summary report for external training
- View an external training curriculum report by users
- Export curriculum reports
About Adobe Connect courses and curriculum for training
- About content, courses, and curriculums
- Accessing the Training library
- About Training library permissions
- Course and curriculum registration
- AICC content for courses
- Viewing data about training
- Create and manage training groups
- Create a training group
- Add learners to an existing training group
- Remove learners from a training group
- Using CSV files to add learners
- Add learners using a CSV file
- Tips for creating training courses and curriculums
- Conduct trainings with Adobe Connect
Create and manage seminars
- About seminars
- Pre-seminar tasks
- Create a seminar
- Schedule a Seminar
- Resolve seminar scheduling conflicts
- Extending seminars beyond the scheduled time
- Standby mode and scheduling ad-hoc Seminar Session
- Send seminar invitations
- View seminar information
- Edit seminars
- View data about seminars
- Seminar reports
- Join a seminar from Adobe Connect Central
- Create training courses in Adobe Connect
- Create and manage training curriculum in Adobe Connect
- About Virtual Classrooms in Adobe Connect
Adobe Connect reports to monitor training features
- Using report filters
- View course reports
- Downloading and printing course reports
- View and manage curriculum reports
- View curriculum status report
- View a curriculum report by users
- Change the user status field in a curriculum report
- View a curriculum report by item
- View a summary report for external training
- View an external training curriculum report by users
- Export curriculum reports
- Participate in Adobe Connect training sessions and meetings
- Closed captioning in Adobe Connect
Learn how to create and edit training Courses in Adobe Connect. Learn about notifications, reminders, review modes, and enrollee lists.
A course is content for a set of enrolled learners that also includes usage tracking for each learner. For example, a course could be a stand-alone presentation offered as part of a curriculum or shown in a virtual classroom.
The material on courses applies only to accounts that include the Adobe Connect Training application.
In creating a course, your workflow involves the following tasks:
Create content and add to Content library
A course is based on existing content, so ensure that you have content such as presentations, PDF files, or image files stored in your Content library. For instructions to upload, supported file types, and more information, see Work with content in the Content Library. HTML5 content created using Adobe Captivate 9 and Adobe Presenter 11 is supported in Virtual Classrooms and its recordings. See Upload content.
Start the Course wizard
On the Adobe Connect Central Home page, locate the Create New menu bar and click Course. Alternatively, click Training > New Course.
Course information
On the first page of the Course wizard you enter background details about the course, such as a name and summary. (Only the course name is required; all other fields are optional.) You can edit this information after the course is created.
By default, the Update Information for Any Items Linked To This Item option is selected. Since you are creating a course, you probably do not have any items linked to the course yet, but keep this item selected if you think you will link any items later.
Select course content
In this part of the Course wizard, Adobe Connect directs you to the Content library, where you navigate to the content file you want to use. You can select only one file from the library, and you must have either View or Manage permissions for this file. After adding content, you can continue in the wizard and enroll learners or save the curriculum and exit the wizard. (To enroll learners, set up course notifications, or enable email reminders later, you can edit the course.) You can run Adobe Presenter, Adobe Captivate, PDF, and third-party SCORM content from the Content library URL in a web browser. All listed content items are objects within the Content library, with existing permissions, content-level tracking, information pages, and so on. Users are able to access this content from the library URL, as with content in the existing product today.
Enroll learners
Only enrolled users can browse to the course URL and log in to view the course. To enroll large numbers of users, if you have the Event Management application, present the course as an event. You can add and delete learners, as required, after the course is created. For information about enrolling users in bulk, see Add or remove course enrollee.
Set up notifications
A course notification is an email message telling enrollee how to access the course.
When you format your notification, you can use runtime fields in the subject line and in the body of the message. These fields are course information variables that are automatically filled in for you when the email notification is sent.
You can change the course notifications after the course is created.
Set up reminders
Reminders are optional. A course reminder is an email message sent to either all or selected course enrollee after you set up the course. You can use reminders, for example, to remind enrollee that they are scheduled to take the course or to notify specific individuals that they are required to complete the course.
After you create a course, you can view information about the course and a course enrollee list.
View course information
You can view or change information about a course from the Course Information page, the page that appears when you click the course name in the Training folder list. From this page, you can view or edit the information for a specific course, including the course summary, content, enrollee, and settings for notifications and reminders. Each of these features is accessible as a navigation link.
Every course has a Course Information page, which is a summary that contains the information displayed in the following illustration.
Note: Depending on your license and your permissions, all the tabs displayed in the top row in Adobe Connect Central may not be visible.
Course Information
The course name, ID, summary, open date, close date, course URL, number of slides or pages, duration, maximum attempts (the maximum number of attempts the enrollee has to pass this course), maximum score, and language.
Training Catalog Settings
Details about the Training Catalog options selected when the course was created, such as self-enrollment procedures and notifications.
Reminder Policy
A field that indicates whether a reminder policy is enabled, to whom reminders are being sent, the date that the next reminder is sent, and how often reminders are sent. Click the Training tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window. Navigate to the folder that contains the course for which you want to get information. In the course list, click the name of the course to select it.
View a course enrollee list
Click the Training tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Navigate to the folder that contains the course.
In the course list, click the name of the course.
Click the Manage Enrollees link in the navigation bar.
A list of enrolled users and groups are shown in the Current Enrollees window on the right.
Notifications are placed in a queue and are sent as follows:
Notifications set to Send now are sent when you click Send.
Notifications set up for future dates are processed every night at midnight. On the set date, depending on the number of notifications in the queue, they are sent within a few minutes or a few hours after midnight PST.
Notifications appear to be sent from whoever creates the course, using the email address specified in their Adobe Connect account. Any email delivery failure notifications are also sent to that address.
All email notifications are sent individually. Recipients do not see the list of other recipients in the message header.
Reminders are placed in a queue and are sent as follows:
Reminders to be sent starting on the current date are sent shortly after the course is created.
Adobe Connect sends reminders from the person who creates the course, using the email address specified in the curriculum creator’s Adobe Connect account. The email reminders are sent individually; recipients do not see the list of other recipients in the message header. (Also, any email delivery failure notifications are sent to the course creator’s email address.)
Reminders set up for future dates are processed every night at midnight. On the set date, depending on the number of email reminders in the queue, they are sent within a few minutes or a few hours after midnight PST.
Following are some important points to remember when changing course content:
When you add content to a course, the content is copied into the course. If you change the original content file, the change is not carried over to the course. (For more information, see Edit courses.)
When you add a course to a curriculum, it is a link to the course and not a copy. If you change a course, the change is carried over to the course inside a curriculum.
Try to minimize changes to course content if the current course content has a quiz that users have already taken. Minimizing changes helps lower the number of versions that exist. It also lowers the number of reports for users who took earlier versions.
Adobe Connect Training contains two review modes: server-side and client-side. It’s important to understand these review modes, especially if your courses contain quizzes.
Server-side review mode is used only with Adobe Connect Training courses. For courses, a training manager can specify the maximum attempts a learner has to complete or pass the course successfully. A learner is locked into review mode in the following cases:
The learner has passed or completed the course within the set number of maximum attempts.
The learner has exceeded the maximum number of attempts allowed to pass or complete the course.
Learners can see whether they are locked into review mode two ways:
The text “[Review Mode]” appears in the browser title bar when a course is opened.
This message appears at the top of the screen: “You have exhausted all your attempts and are now in Review Mode. Any choices selected will not be tracked.” (The message most often appears when course is in review mode within a virtual classroom.)
If learners are in review mode and they take any quizzes included in the course, their scores and statuses are not posted to Adobe Connect. This prevents learners from trying to improve their score after passing a course.
Open a course or item in only one browser window at a time and close the window when they finish. Learners may be locked into review mode incorrectly if they open the same item or course in multiple windows simultaneously.
The server-side maximum retry setting for a course carries over to all Curriculum items that link to the course. Because the server-side retry setting for the course is the only one that is enforced, Adobe recommends disregarding curriculum-level maximum retry settings.
Client-side review mode is enforced through the maximum retry setting in presentations created with Adobe Presenter and Adobe Captivate. Client-side review mode applies only to retries attempted within a single browser session. However, client-side review mode can persist across multiple browser sessions if the user exits the presentation before finishing, causing resume data to be sent to the server.
In Adobe Presenter the retry setting is defined in the Quiz Manager pass or fail options. For example, if you set the “If failing grade allow x attempts” option to 1, users have only one chance to take the quiz. Suppose that a user begins taking the quiz, then leaves it to view a slide that is not part of the quiz or begins a second quiz in the presentation. By exiting the first quiz while the presentation is still open (a single browser session), the user exhausts the single allowed attempt and can’t re‑enter the quiz. Now suppose that a user enters a quiz, answers one or two questions (but not enough to pass the quiz), and closes the browser. In this second case, the user exited the presentation but not the quiz. When the second case happens, resume data is sent to Adobe Connect and, if the user is permitted another server-side (course-defined) attempt, the user can open the presentation again and continue working on the first client-side attempt (although it is the second server-side attempt).
To prevent possible status and score discrepancies, Adobe recommends setting the client-side maximum retry attempts to 1. (In both Adobe Presenter and Adobe Captivate, the default setting is 1.) A client-side setting of 1 does not mean that the user has only one chance to complete or pass the course; the course-level setting governs the maximum number of retries.
You can run Adobe Presenter, Adobe Captivate, PDF, and third-party SCORM content that has been defined as a Training Course from a Training Library or Catalog URL in a web browser. All listed course items are objects within the Content library, with existing permissions, course-level tracking, and information pages. You can access courses from the library and catalog URL.
If you are an administrator or a user with permission to manage a specific Training library folder, you can manage courses.
Edit course information
You can edit course information, which includes the course name, ID, summary, start date, and close date.
Click the Training tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Navigate to the course.
In the course list, click the name of the course.
Click the Edit Information link in the navigation list.
Edit the course information. You can change the following information:
Course Name
(Required) The name of the course; it appears in the course list and in reports.
Course ID
The course number or ID: for example, 100, CS100, and so on.
A course description that appears on the Course Information page.
Course Starts On
The date before which users cannot access the course. If you change an existing course’s start date to a later date, no users (not even those who already accessed the course) can access the course until the new start date. If some enrollee have already accessed the course, their tracking and quiz information is retained in reports.
Course Closes On
The date after which users cannot access the course.
Max Attempts
The maximum number of attempts the enrollee has to pass this course; if you leave Max Attempts blank, you are allowing an unlimited number of retries.
Max Possible Score
The maximum score a user can receive. Use this option for course content that is not already graded, such as a PDF, or only sends a partial score, such as Adobe Captivate content (content used determines the maximum score).
Note: For content that includes multiple scored quizzes, the max possible score for the overall content is not automatically detected when the content is added to a course. For example, a presentation containing two quizzes, one with a maximum score of 50 and a second with a maximum score of 40, reports the max score of the last quiz taken (40). For a more accurate total score, consider creating one quiz and distributing the questions throughout the presentation instead of using multiple quizzes. For example, create a quiz with ten questions. In the presentation, show four content slides, quiz questions 1-5, eight more content slides, and then questions 6-10.
By default, the Update Information for Any Items Linked To This Item option is selected. Keep this selected if you think you will link any items to the course.
Click Save.
Changing the course title or course summary does not change the information on a presentation summary slide. This slide uses the information specified at the time the presentation was originally published. To change this information, republish the content and then reselect the content that the course uses.
You can change or update the content in a course. If you want to update the content, first publish the updated file to the Content library.
Click the Training tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Navigate to the course whose content you want to change. In the course list, click the name of the course to select it.
Click the Select Content link in the navigation bar.
Navigate to the folder that contains the content that you want to use for the course.
Select the button next to the content that you want to use for the course. You can select new content or an updated version of the existing content.
Click Save.
A warning message is displayed. To update the content, click Yes, Update My Content.
If you add enrollee to a course, notify the new enrollee. You can also set up reminders for them.
If you remove enrollee, they do not receive notification and are no longer able to access the course.
Click the Training tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Navigate to the course.
In the list, click the name of the course.
To modify enrollment one at a time, click the Manage Enrollees link in the navigation bar. Do one of the following:
- Select enrollee in the Available Users and Groups list and click Add. (Press Control-click or Shift-click to select multiple users or groups. To expand a group to select individual members, double-click the group name. Then select individual users.)
- Select enrollee in the Current Enrollees list and click Remove.
To add enrollee in bulk, upload the names in a TXT or a CSV format, using the following steps:
- Create a CSV or a TXT file with the list of email IDs of users who already have an Adobe Connect account. Set the title of the first column containing the email IDs of users as login. Click Import Enrollees, and upload the CSV or TXT file. Upon successful import the role of each enrollee is Participant. Change the roles of various enrollees using the user interface, if necessary.
- (Optionally) Select the check box 'Send Email Notifications to user enrolled on import' to send email notifications.
Note:Duplicate entries in the CSV or TXT file are successfully imported at the first instance. The duplicate instances are ignored and reported after the import.
Notifications and reminders help you communicate with course enrollee. You can change the settings of pending notifications and reminders at any time.
Click the Training tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Navigate to the course.
In the course list, click the name of the course.
Click the Notifications link in the navigation bar.
Click Pending Notifications.
Under Subject, click the name of the notification or reminder you want to change. (Notifications appear in the subject list with the notification icon
and reminders appear with the reminder icon
Click Edit at the bottom of the page.
Make changes, such as editing the timing, recipients, or message text. (If you enter email addresses, use commas to separate the addresses.) To edit the email subject and message using a runtime field, copy the field name from the Run Time Fields list and paste it into the message subject or body. Do not change the runtime field text in curly brackets.
Click Send to apply the changes.
Before you delete a course, be aware of the effect of this action:
The course is removed from the Training library.
Enrollees can no longer access the course.
Reports for the course are no longer available. (To prevent access to the course while retaining reporting information, set the course close date and do not delete the course.)
No more course reminders are sent, and delayed course notifications are not sent.
The content used by the course remains in the Content library.
The course is removed from the item list of any curriculum in which it is included. This affects the curriculum reports. Be careful when deleting courses that are included in curriculums.
Click the Training tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Navigate to the course.
Select the check box to the left of the course that you want to delete.
Click the Delete button.
On the confirmation page, click Delete.