Manage users and groups


Learn how administrators can manage Adobe Connect users and groups -- Change user info, suspend accounts, create group managers, delete accounts, groups, and group members, and more.

Edit user information

If you are an administrator, you can modify the components of a user account. You can change any information you added in custom user profile fields.

However, an Administrator cannot change a user’s password. Although you can assign a temporary password to a new user when you create the user account, you cannot later change this password. Even if a user forgets the password, you cannot change it. The user must click the “Forgot your password? Click here” link when logging in to Adobe Connect. No one can change the password of another user; you can only change your own password.

Change user information

  1. In Adobe Connect Central, click the Administration > Users and Groups.

  2. Select the name of the user. Hover pointer over the row to display and click the information icon in the row.

    If required, type the name of a user in the Search field and wait for Adobe Connect to locate the user in the list.

  3. When user information is displayed, in the Login and Password area, you can use these options:


    • To send a link to the user so that they can reset their password, click Send a link to reset this user’s password. A message appears informing you that the e‑mail was sent. Click OK to return to the User Information page.
    • To set a temporary password for this user that you can provide directly (for example, by telephone), click the Set temporary password for this user. The temporary password page appears with a system-generated password for this user. Click Save to return to the User Information page.
    • Administrators can click Unlock user's account to unblock users to reset their password and access their account. A user login is suspended after five consecutive failed login attempts occur within 15 minutes.


  4. Click the Edit Information link.
  5. Edit any of the fields that you want to change. Click Save.

Unblock suspended user accounts

A user login is suspended after five consecutive failed login attempts occur within 15 minutes. When an account gets suspended, the account owner gets an email notification. Users can gain access to their suspended accounts either on their own or with the help of an Administrator.

  • The email notification contains the contact information of Account administrator. Account administrators can reset the account password to a temporary password.

  • On the login page, account owners can click forgot password to reset their password. A link is sent on the registered email address.

  • In the email notificaiton of the account suspension, account owners can click the link to reset their password.

Assign a manager to a user or remove team manager

  1. In Adobe Connect Central, click the Administration > Users and Groups.

  2. Select the name of the user. Hover pointer over the row to display and click the information icon in the row.

    If required, type the name of a user in the Search field and wait for Adobe Connect to locate the user in the list.

  3. Click Select Manager.

  4. In the Possible Managers list, select a manager. To find a manager, scroll through the list or search a user by typing the user name in the Search field.

  5. Click Set Manager.

    To remove a manager from list, select the manager in Current Team Manager list and click Remove Manager.

    To replace a manager, repeat the above steps.

Assign a user to a group

  1. In Adobe Connect Central, click Administration > Users and Groups.

  2. Select the name of the user. Hover pointer over the row to display and click the information icon in the row.

    If required, type the name of a user in the Search field and wait for Adobe Connect to locate the user in the list.

  3. Click Edit Group Membership.

  4. In the Possible Groups list, select each group to which you want to assign this user as follows:
    • To select multiple groups, press Ctrl-click or Shift-click.

    • To expand a group so you can select individual names, double-click the group name. Double-click Up One Level in the list to return to the original list.

    • To search for a name in a list, click Search and enter the name.

  5. Click Add.

    To remove a group, select it and click Remove.

Remove a user from a group

  1. In Adobe Connect Central, click Administration > Users and Groups.

  2. Select the name of the user. Hover pointer over the row to display and click the information icon in the row.

    If required, type the name of a user in the Search field and wait for Adobe Connect to locate the user in the list.

  3. Click the Edit Group Membership link.
  4. In the Current Group Membership window, select the group from which you want to remove this user as follows:
    • To select multiple groups, press Control-click or Shift-click.

    • To search for a name in the list, click Search at the bottom of the window and enter the name.

  5. Click Remove.

Convert guests to full users or full users to guests

You can convert guests to full users or full users to guests. Full users can log in to Adobe Connect Central. However, guests cannot log in to Adobe Connect Central. Full users also appear on enrollment and permission lists. You can convert guests to full users. A typical example is of an Event in which many guests registered that you would now like to turn into full users.

  1. In Adobe Connect Central, click Administration > Users and Groups.

  2. Click Manage Guests.
  3. In the Current Users list select a user or in the Current Guests list select a guest.

  4. Click Convert to User or Convert to Guest.

Delete a user account

If you are an administrator, you can delete any user account. Once the user account has been deleted, this user is permanently deleted from the system and the following occurs:

  • The user is removed from all group lists.

  • The user is removed from the enrollee lists for all courses.

  • Reports for the user are no longer available.

  • If the deleted user was a manager, direct reports now have a blank manager field.

  • If the deleted user created any content, assign another user to manage the content.

    If the user is a member of a Built-in group, the group is credited with one member. For example, if the deleted user was a member of the Authors group, the Authors group can add a user.

  1. In Adobe Connect Central, click Administration > Users and Groups.

  2. Select the name of the user. Hover pointer over the row to display and click the information icon in the row. If required, type the name of a user in the Search field and wait for Adobe Connect to locate the user in the list.

    You can select multiple users by pressing Ctrl-click or Shift-click

  3. Click Delete. On the confirmation page, again click Delete.

View group information

  1. In Adobe Connect Central, click Administration > Users and Groups.

  2. Select a group, hover pointer over the row, and click the information icon.

    If required, type the name of the group in the Search field and wait for Adobe Connect to locate the group in the list.

  3. Click the View Group Members button.

Change a group name or description

If you are an administrator, you can edit the name or description for any group— even Built-in groups, although Adobe does not recommend this practice.

  1. In Adobe Connect Central, click Administration > Users and Groups.

  2. Select a group, hover pointer over the row, and click the information icon.

    If required, type the name of the group in the Search field and wait for Adobe Connect to locate the group in the list.

  3. Click Edit Information.

  4. Edit the fields as required. Click Save.

Add or remove group members

If you are an administrator, you can add both users and groups to a group. You can also remove them.

Add members to a group

  1. In Adobe Connect Central, click Administration > Users and Groups.

  2. Select a group. Hover pointer over the row and click the information icon.

    If required, type the name of the group in the Search field and wait for Adobe Connect to locate the group in the list.

  3. Click the View Group Members button.
  4. In the Possible Group Members list, select each user or group that you want to add to this group as follows:
    • To select multiple groups, press Ctrl-click or Shift-click.

    • To expand a group to select individual names, hover pointer over the group name and click the folder icon. Select users. To return to the original list, hover pointer over Up One Level and click the revert icon.

    • To search a user, type the name of the user in the Search field and wait for Adobe Connect to locate the user in the list.

  5. Click Add.

    To remove a user or group from this window, select it and click Remove.

Remove members from a group

  1. Click the Administration tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
  2. Select the name of the group and click Information at the bottom of the list.

    If necessary, click Search and enter the name of the group in the Search text box to locate the name in the list.

  3. Click the View Group Members button.
  4. In the Current Group Membership window, select each user and group that you want to remove from this group, as follows:
    • To select multiple users or groups, press Control-click or Shift-click.

    • To search for a name in the list, click Search at the bottom of the window and enter the name.

  5. Click Remove.

Delete a group

If you are an administrator, you can delete any group except a Built-in group. Deleting a group does not delete individual members of the group.

Before deleting a group, consider the impact on the permissions of the members and other groups. If the group had permissions to access files or folders in a library, the group members can no longer access those files or folders. However, the members can still access the files and folders if they belong to another group with permissions for those files or folders.

  1. Click the Administration tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
  2. Click Users And Groups.
  3. Select the name of the group. (You can select multiple groups by pressing Control-click or Shift-click to delete more than one group simultaneously.)

    If necessary, click Search and enter the name of the group in the Search text box to locate the name in the list.

  4. Click Delete at the bottom of the list.
  5. On the confirmation page, click Delete to delete the group; click Cancel to cancel the operation.

Users and Groups in Adobe Connect

by Adobe

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