Update and manage Adobe Connect meetings


Adobe Connect is about to get faster, smarter, and younger with the upcoming Adobe Connect 12 upgrade, scheduled for Spring, 2022.

With this new upgrade, Adobe Connect’s legacy, the Flash-based Classic View will reach its end-of-life. Customers will no longer be able to host or join Adobe Connect sessions using the Classic View.

If you haven’t transitioned your Flash-based content and rooms to the HTML-based Standard View, then now would be the right time , ahead of Adobe Connect 12 release.

For more information, see Adobe Connect Classic View End of Life (EOL).

Update and manage existing Adobe Connect meetings and its content. Send invitations and obtain meeting information.

After creating a meeting, you can update meeting information, change the participant list, and manage content associated with the meeting.

Obtain information about a meeting

You can obtain details about an individual meeting at any time.

  1. On the Adobe Connect Central Home tab, click My Meetings.
  2. Under My Meetings, click the meeting name.

    The Meeting Information page appears on the right with the following details:


    The meeting title.


    The web address where the meeting is to occur (the meeting room’s virtual location).


    A brief description of the meeting.

    Start time

    The date and time that the meeting begins.


    The projected length of time of the meeting.


    The language in which the meeting is conducted.

    Telephony information

    The telephone number for participants who call in to this meeting and the code that they must enter (necessary only when the meeting is in progress).

  3. From here, click the Open button next to the meeting name on the left to join the meeting.

View and modify a participant list

If you have Manage permissions for a meeting, you can view a list of all invited attendees for each meeting room. However, if this meeting is presented as an event, view and manage participants in the Event Management tab. For more information, see Adobe Connect Events.

If you are an administrator or have Manage permissions for this meeting’s folder, you can add or remove attendees. You can also change an attendee’s permission setting (host, presenter, or participant).

Attendees that have been removed do not receive any notification. They cannot enter the meeting unless the meeting access setting is changed to allow entry to anyone who has the meeting URL.

View a meeting participant list

  1. Click the Meetings tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central home page.
  2. If necessary, navigate to the folder that contains the meeting.
  3. Click the meeting name in the list.
  4. In the Meeting Information page, click the Edit Participants link on the navigation bar.

Add meeting participants

  1. Click the Meetings tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central home page.
  2. If necessary, navigate to the folder that contains the meeting.
  3. Click the meeting name in the list.
  4. In the Meeting Information page, click the Edit Participants link on the navigation bar.
  5. In the Available Users And Groups list, do one of the following to select the users or groups:
    • Control-click (Windows) or Command-click (Macintosh) or Shift-click to select multiple users or groups.

    • To expand a group to select any individual members, double-click the group name. When you finish selecting names, double-click Up One Level in the list to restore the original list.

    • To find a name in the list, click Search at the bottom of the window. Enter the name to display it in the list, and then select it.

  6. Click Add.
  7. For each new participant user or group that you added, select the appropriate permission type (Participant, Presenter, Host, or Denied). Use the Set User Role menu at the bottom of the Current Participants list to select the permission type.

Remove meeting participants

  1. Click the Meetings tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central home page.
  2. If necessary, navigate to the folder that contains the meeting.
  3. Click the meeting name in the list.
  4. In the Meeting Information page, click the Edit Participants link on the navigation bar.
  5. In the Current Participant list, do either of the following to select users or groups:
    • Control-click (Windows) or Command-click (Macintosh) or Shift-click to select multiple users or groups.

    • To locate a name in the list, click Search at the bottom of the window, enter the name to display it in the list. Then select it.

  6. Click Remove.

Change a participant’s meeting permission

  1. Click the Meetings tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central home page.
  2. If necessary, navigate to the folder that contains the meeting.
  3. Click the meeting name in the list.
  4. In the Meeting Information page, click the Edit Participants link on the navigation bar.
  5. In the Current Participants list, do either of the following to select the users or groups whose meeting permissions you want to change:
    • Control-click (Windows) or Command-click (Macintosh) or Shift-click to select multiple users or groups.

    • To locate a name in the list, click Search at the bottom of the window. Enter the name to display it in the list, and then select it.

  6. For each name, select the new user role (Participant, Presenter, Host, or Denied) from the Set User Role menu. The menu is at the bottom of the Current Participants list.

View and manage meeting content

You can view uploaded content, move the content to the Content library, or delete uploaded content at any time.

View a list of uploaded content

If you have Manage permissions for a meeting folder, you can view content uploads to the server from a meeting room within that folder.

  1. Click the Meetings tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central home page.
  2. If necessary, navigate to the folder that contains the meeting.
  3. Click the meeting name in the list.
  4. In the Meeting Information page, click the Uploaded Content link on the navigation bar.
  5. A list of all uploaded content appears. From here, do any of the following:
    • To see the information about a specific item in the list, click the item name.

    • Move uploaded content to the Content library.

    • Delete uploaded content.

    • To determine if the content is still being used in the meeting room, view the Referenced column. A Yes indicates that it is still being used. An empty column indicates that it is not.

Move uploaded content to the Content library

To move uploaded content to the Content library, obtain administrator rights or permissions to manage the specific Meetings library folder that contains this meeting.

  1. Click the Meetings tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central home page.
  2. If necessary, navigate to the folder that contains the meeting.
  3. Click the meeting name in the list.
  4. In the Meeting Information page, click the Uploaded Content link on the navigation bar
  5. Click the check box to the left of each file you want to move.
  6. Click the Move To Folder button on the navigation bar.
  7. Click the folder titles or Up One Level button to navigate to the folder where you want to move the content file.
  8. Click Move.
  9. Click OK.

Delete uploaded content

  1. Click the Meetings tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central home page.
  2. If necessary, navigate to the folder that contains the meeting.
  3. Click the meeting name in the list.
  4. In the Meeting Information page, click the Uploaded Content link on the navigation bar.
  5. Click the check box to the left of each file that you want to delete.
  6. Click Delete.
  7. Click Delete on the confirmation page to permanently delete the selected content.

Edit meeting information

If you are an administrator or a user with Manage permissions for this meeting folder, you can modify the meeting properties on the Meeting Information page.


To edit meeting information while in the meeting room, choose Meeting > Manage Meeting Information.

  1. Click the Meetings tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central home page.
  2. If necessary, navigate to the folder that contains the meeting.
  3. Click the meeting name in the list.
  4. In the Meeting Information page, click the Edit Information link on the navigation bar.
  5. Edit any of the meeting information, such as start time or duration.
  6. Click Save.

Options in the Edit Information page


A required field that appears in the meeting list, the meeting login page, and in reports.


A meeting description that appears on the Meeting Information page, and is included in meeting invitations by default. Summary length is limited to 4000 characters.

Start time

The month, day, year, and time that the meeting starts.

Note: Some Adobe Connect pricing models ignore meeting start dates and allow attendees to enter meetings before the designated start date. Depending on the meeting pricing model, if the start date changes to a future date, users may enter the meeting room after you create the meeting. When you are logged in to a meeting room, you can stop participants from entering the room between meetings.


The meeting length, in hours and minutes.


The primary language used in the meeting room.

Note: If you change the meeting language on the Edit Information page, the names of the pods in the meeting room remain in the original language. It is best to set the language when creating a meeting and keep the language the same.


Use the following options:

Only registered users may enter the room (guest access is blocked)

This option allows registered users and participants to enter the room with their user name and password. Guest access is denied.

Only registered users and account members may enter the room This option allows registered users or anyone who is a member of the account to enter the room. Guest access is denied.

Only registered users and accepted guests may enter the room

With this option, the meeting room is accessible only to people invited as registered users and guests.

Registered users must enter their user name and password to enter the meeting room. Accepted guests are accepted into the room by the host. Adobe Connect can generate an individual attendance report for each registered user in the meeting. Accepted guests are added to the total number of meeting attendees on meeting reports, but no individual attendance report is available.

Users must enter room passcode

Specify an alphanumeric code, to act a password to enter a meeting, if you want to increase meeting security.

Anyone who has the URL for the meeting can enter the room

Anyone who receives the meeting URL. Click Send Email Invitations to create an email invitation in your own email application. The new message contains a pre-populated subject (Adobe Connect Invitation) and a pre-populated message (containing the meeting date, time, duration, location, and summary) that you can edit.


When you select the option Anyone who has the URL, your room is publicly available. Any content uploaded to your room, is also publicly available. Any user who has the URL can access the uploaded content without your knowledge.

Cost Center

Determines how meeting room minute costs are allocated. Use the menu to select an option and bill costs to individual users, your cost center, or a specified cost center.

Audio Conference Settings

You can choose not to include audio in the meeting, or choose from these audio conference options:

Note: If you did not add audio conference settings when you initially created the meeting, you can add them during the meeting. Ask all users to log out of the meeting while you add conference settings, and then log back in to the meeting.

Include this audio conference with this meeting

Audio profiles with preconfigured audio conference settings. Select a profile to associate it with the meeting. Adobe Connect uses the profile to connect to the meeting room and start the audio conference for you. If you have created an audio profile, it is the default audio conference option selected while creating a new Meeting. If you have created multiple audio profiles, associate a specific audio profile with a new meeting.

Include other audio conference with this meeting

Telephone numbers and other settings for calling into an audio conference when the audio provider has not been configured with a dialing sequence. The settings are for display only, for example, in the meeting invitation and meeting room. You must have an account with the provider.

Update information for any items linked to this item

Select this check box to update any items linked to the meeting with the revised meeting information.

Send meeting invitations for an existing meeting

You can send invitations for a meeting if you are the host, an administrator, or have Manage permissions for this meeting’s folder.

A meeting invitation is an email invitation informing participants of the date, time, duration, summary, URL, and audio conference information. You can also choose to attach a Microsoft Outlook calendar event to the email message. This feature enables attendees to add the meeting to their Outlook calendar.


Adobe Connect is unable to send a meeting invite for a meeting where the character count for the content to send to the email client is more than 1000 characters. The issue is related to HTML tag mailto, as browsers cannot launch an email client when the content exceeds 1000 characters.

The way that invitations are sent depends on the type of meeting:

Registered guests

If your meeting is for registered users only, create a custom email message from within Adobe Connect Central. Send the email invitation to all hosts, participants, and presenters; presenters only; or participants only. The subject and message body can be edited.


If your meeting is open to anyone who receives the meeting URL, click Send E‑mail Invitations to create an email invitation in your own email application. The new message contains a subject (the meeting name) and message (containing the meeting date, time, duration, URL, and summary) that you can edit.

Send invitations to registered guests only

  1. Click the Meetings tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central home page.
  2. If necessary, navigate to the folder that contains the meeting.
  3. Click the meeting name in the list.
  4. In the Meeting Information page, click the Invitations link on the navigation bar.
  5. From the To menu, select the group to invite: All Hosts, Presenters, And Participants; Hosts Only; Presenters Only; or Participants Only.
  6. Edit the subject and the message body as appropriate.
  7. To attach an Outlook calendar event to the email, select the check box next to Attach Microsoft Outlook Calendar Event (iCal) To E‑mail Message. Otherwise, clear the check box.
  8. Click Send.

Send invitations to an unrestricted meeting

  1. Click the Meetings tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central home page.
  2. If necessary, navigate to the folder that contains the meeting.
  3. Click the meeting name in the list.
  4. In the Meeting Information page, click the Invitations link on the navigation bar.
  5. Do either of the following as appropriate:
    • Click Send E‑Mail Invitations to automatically display a new blank message in your email application.

    • Manually create an email message, then copy and paste the meeting URL (shown in the meeting details) into the message.

  6. Type the email addresses of the invitees or add them from your address book.
  7. Edit or type, as appropriate, the email subject and message.
  8. Send the email invitation.

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