Poll pod

Learn how to conduct polls in Adobe Connect.

The Poll pod is used to conduct polls in Adobe Connect. Hosts and Presenters can design the poll either before or during the session. Poll results are available instantly inside the room, and in the dashboard after the session.

The Poll pod can be used to ask multiple-choice, multiple-answer, and short-answer questions. Hosts, presenters, and participants can all respond to poll questions.

Polls are an effective tool for engaging participants throughout the session. They can be used to break the ice at the start of the session, collect data to increase engagement during the session and collect feedback toward the end of the session.

The following topics are covered in this article:

Add a poll pod

To add a polls pod, perform one of the following:

  • From the Pods menu       , select Polls, and then select New poll pod.
  • Select   from the top of an existing Polls pod. Select New polls pod.

Add questions and answers to poll

Follow the steps to add a question to the poll pod.

  1. In the Polls pod, select one of the following question types from the dropdown.

    • Multiple choice
    • Multiple answers
    • Short answer
    Choose a question type for poll pod
    Choose a question type for poll pod

  2. Type your question in the Question field.

  3. Type the answer in the Answer field. For different types of questions, add answers in the following manner:

    • For questions with multiple choices, add one answer per line.
    • For questions with multiple answers, add one answer per line.
    • For short answer questions, the Answer field isn't presented to the host.

    In multiple-choice questions, an option for No vote will be automatically included.

Collect poll responses

  • Select Open poll to open the poll for participants and start collecting responses.
  • When a poll is open, select End poll to close the poll and stop collecting responses. The pod will be greyed out, and the message Poll closed will appear above the poll question. 
  • To collect fresh responses for a closed poll, select Reopen poll.

Edit a poll

Use the following steps to edit a poll:

  1. Select Edit in the Poll pod. If you edit a poll, the current results are lost. Participants cannot view the poll while the questions are being edited.

    Alternatively, select Poll pod options  , then select Edit.

    Edit poll
    View votes


    Editing a poll will reset the Poll pod data, regardless of whether it's live or closed.

  2. Edit the questions and answers.

  3. Select Open poll to publish the updated version.

View poll results

As a host or presenter, you can view poll results. These results are updated in real time as participants continue to cast or change their votes. By default, the poll view shows the aggregate response distribution.

  1. Select View votes in the Poll pod to view individual responses by participant.

    Alternatively, select Poll pod options   and then select View votes.

    view poll votes
    View Poll votes

  2. Select the Poll pod options   and then select Result format to change the aggregate response data format. Select one of the following formats to show the results to the participants.

    • Show as %: Results are displayed as percentage.
    • Show as number: Results are displayed in absolute numbers.
    • Show as both: Results are displayed in both percentages and numbers.

Show poll results to participants

By default, only hosts and presenters can view poll results, but they can choose to broadcast the results to participants as well. 

Select Broadcast results from the Poll pod to broadcast the results.

Broadcast poll results
Broadcast poll results

You can switch between poll questions if multiple polls exist in the room. Do one of the following to switch the Poll pod:

  •  Select   to switch the poll pod. View Switch pods for more information.
  • Select the Poll pod options   and then select Select poll. Then select the poll you want to view.
Select multiple poll
Select multiple poll

Remove poll answers

You can remove the answers and reuse the poll. Select the Poll pod options  , then select Clear all answers to clear the poll answers.

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