"Operation Size Error" on Adobe Connect Enterprise Server


If a SQL query in Adobe Connect Enterprise surpasses 10,000 rows or 200 transactions, you will see the following message inthe Adobe Connect Enterprise Manager: Operation Failed - Error Code:operation-size-error, SubCode:


In Adobe Connect Enterprise, the maximum number of rows that can be updated in a SQL query is set at 10,000 rows or 200 transactions by default. The reason why we have these parameters is to allow the Adobe Connect Enterprise admin to have some level of control over random users running large queries or transactions. The end user will not be able to perform certain tasks until these vaules are increased. We have found it is common for our licensed customers to run into this message, thedefault values are set too low and a bug has been reported to increase these default values.


To increase this limit in Adobe Connect Enterprise, do the following:

  1. Open the c:\{connect}\custom.ini file.
  2. Add these twoparameters to the custom.ini file:
    • DB_MAX_ROWS=20000
  3. Restart the Adobe Connect Enterprise Service.
  4. Run a test on that task that displayed this message to confirm it fixed the problem.
  5. If the message still displays, continue to increase these settings until you no longer see the error.

Note: This solution only applies to Licensed customers.

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