Get the sco-id of the meeting (see Find meetings).
Last updated on
May 15, 2021
Also applies to Adobe Connect 9
Access and list the recorded archives of an Adobe Connect meeting room.
A Adobe Connect meeting can have one or more recorded archives. If the meeting recurs weekly, for example, it might have an archive for each session.
A meeting archive is identified with type=content and icon=archive. The icon value works as a subcategory of type, to identify the type of content.
List archives for a meeting room
Call sco-expanded-contents with the sco-id and filter-icon=archive to list all archives associated with the meeting: &filter-icon=archive
Parse the response for the sco element and extract the information you want, such as name, date-created, or url-path:
<sco sco-id="2598402" source-sco-id="" folder-id="2598379" type="content" icon="archive" display-seq="0" is-folder="0"> <name>EN - Monday Night Football_0</name> <url-path>/p71144063/</url-path> <date-begin>2004-05-17T15:51:54.670-07:00</date-begin> <date-end>2004-05-17T15:54:52.920-07:00</date-end> <date-modified>2004-05-17T15:55:00.733-07:00</date-modified> <duration>00:02:58.250</duration> </sco>