Get started with the sample application

Understand and get started with the sample application provided by Adobe.

To understand how to use Adobe Connect Web Services to build a custom application, download the sample application from here.

The sample application is written in Java and JSP using a model-view-controller architecture and runs on any web application server with a J2EE servlet container. The sample demonstrates how to implement Adobe Connect meeting functionality in a Java custom application or portal, showing how to log in a user, list a user’s meetings, and create, update, and delete meetings.

As you build and design your application, there are several points about the Adobe Connect Web Services XML API you should keep in mind:

Sequence of API calls

Calls to the XML API often need to be made in a specific sequence. For example, you need to get the principal-id of a user and the sco-id of a meeting before you call permissions-update to make the user a meeting presenter. Call sequences for various tasks are described in the first chapters of this guide.

Different parameter names for the same value

A value might have one parameter name in one call and a different parameter name in another call. For example, the unique ID of a SCO might be a sco-id when used with sco-info, but an acl-id in permissions-update. It’s the same value in both calls. The best way to learn this is to use the API reference in this guide.

SCOs are not object-oriented

A SCO is a shareable content object on the server (for a complete definition, see Find SCOs). A SCO can be a meeting, presentation, course, image, folder, or any object on the server. SCOs are stored within folders in a navigation hierarchy. However, there is no object-oriented structure for SCOs, and one type of SCO is not a subclass of another type. Keep this in mind as you design your application.

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