Set or reset a meeting passcode

By default, when meeting hosts create meetings, they can set a passcode that users must enter to join the meeting. In Adobe Connect Central, Account Administrators can enable and disable the ability to enforce passcodes, which is disabled by default.

Use the Web Services API to do the following:

  • Enable and disable the ability of meeting hosts to enforce passcodes for meetings.

  • Set, reset, or remove the passcode for a meeting.

  • Check whether a meeting has a passcode

  • View a list of meetings that require passcodes

Enable and disable the ability to passcode protect meeting rooms

To enable the passcode protect option for an account, call the following API:


To disable the passcode protect option, pass enable=true.


Only administrators can call meeting-feature-update to enable or disable a meeting feature.

Check whether the enforce passcode option is enabled for an account

Call the meeting-feature-info API:


If the result list contains feature-id=fid-meeting-passcode-notallowed, the passcode option is enabled. Otherwise, the passcode option is not enabled. By default, the passcode options is disabled.

Set, reset, or remove a passcode

Call the acl-field-update API and pass the meeting-passcode parameter:


To remove a passcode, set the value parameter to empty:


Only administrators and meeting hosts can call acl-field-update with field-id=meeting-passcode.

Check whether a meeting has a passcode


If a meeting has a passcode, the result is as follows:

<status code="ok"/> 
<field acl-id="22701" field-id="meeting-passcode"><value>connect12</value></field> 

If passcode is not set then the result is:

<status code="ok"/> 

Only administrators can call acl-field-info .

View a list of meetings that require passcodes:


The result is the list of acl-ids (meeting-ids):

<status code="ok"/> 
<acl acl-id="21907"> 
<acl acl-id="22701"> 
<acl acl-id="21401"> 

Only administrators can call acl-field-list .

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