Log the user in (see Log in from an application).
For a logged in user, list all the Adobe Connect courses or curriculum the user is enrolled in.
Once a user is logged in, you can list all courses the user is enrolled in with report-my-courses, or all of the user’s courses and curriculums with report-my-training. This lists only the courses (or courses and curriculums) the user is enrolled in, not all courses available.
View a user’s courses and curriculums
Call report-my-training to list all courses and curriculums the user is enrolled in:
Parse the response for name, url, or any other values you want to display:
<row sco-id="2007035246" type="content" icon="course" permission-id="view"> <name>Java 101</name> <url>example.com/java101/</url> <date-created>2006-07-20T17:21:11.940-07:00</date-created> <date-modified>2006-07-20T17:21:38.860-07:00</date-modified> <date-begin>2006-07-20T17:15:00.000-07:00</date-begin> <url-path>/java101/</url-path> <expired>false</expired> <completed>false</completed> </row>
View the status of all of the user’s courses and curriculums
Get the principal-id of the user (see Find a principal-id).
Call report-user-trainings-taken:
https://example.com/api/xml?action=report-user-trainings-taken &principal-id=2006258745
Parse the response for status:
<row transcript-id="2006293632" max-retries="" sco-id="2564016" type="content" icon="course" status="completed" certificate="2006293632" score="0" permission-id="" attempts="1"> <name>Programming in Perl</name> <description>Info about Perl</description> <url-path>/p57283193/</url-path> <date-taken>2006-05-01T17:10:56.400-07:00</date-taken> <from-curriculum>false</from-curriculum> </row>
A course can have many allowed values for status, but a curriculum can only have a status of completed or incomplete. The allowed values of status are described in status attribute in the reference.