Repair images with the Remove tool in Camera Raw

Learn how to use the Remove tool in Adobe Camera Raw.

The Remove tool in Camera Raw lets you repair a selected area of an image by either using generative AI or sampling from a different area of the same image. 

Using the Remove tool on a raw image means directly processing the raw image data. Working with raw image data directly can provide cleaner matches for retouching (Remove, Heal, or Clone) actions. Also, since any edits and modifications to camera raw images are stored in sidecar files, this process is non-destructive.  

New in May 2024 release of Adobe Camera Raw

The Spot Removal tool in Adobe Camera Raw has been renamed to Remove. You can also use Adobe-Firefly powered Generative AI feature to remove unwanted objects even on complex backgrounds. 

The zipline that appears to be connecting the wire and the helmet (image left) has been removed (image right)

Use the Remove tool

Before you begin
  • Open a camera raw file, OR
  • With an image open in Photoshop, select Filter > Camera Raw Filter.
  1. Select   snak

  2. Select one of the following features available in the Remove tool:

    • Remove   - Removes unwanted objects like tourists, bags, poles, etc. You can use Generative AI or Object Aware to remove identified objects.
    • Heal   - Matches the sampled area's texture, lighting, and shading to the selected location.
    • Clone   - Applies the sampled area of the image to the selected location.
  3. Use the Size and Opacity slider to adjust the brush size and mask opacity before brushing over the object you want to remove. The Feather slider is available only in the Heal and Clone tools.


    Use the bracket keys on your keyboard to change the brush size

    • Left bracket ([) reduces the tool radius size.
    • Right bracket (]) increases the tool radius size.
  4. To change the sampled area selected by default, select   Refresh.


    When you select larger portions of an image using longer strokes, the right sample area match is not found immediately. To experiment with various options, click the forward slash (/), and the tool auto-samples more areas for you.

  5. To remove all the adjustments made using the   tool, select 

Keyboard shortcuts and modifiers

Make image selection:

  • Command/Control + arrow keys to navigate to the next or previous image in the filmstrip.

Circular spot:

  • Command/Control + click to create a circular spot; drag to set the source of the spot.
  • Command/Control + Option/Alt + click to create a circular spot; drag to set the size of the spot.

Rectangular selection:

  • Click Option/Alt + drag to define a rectangular selection. All spots within that selection (highlighted in red) are deleted once the mouse is released.

Extend a selected area or spot:

  • Shift + click to extend an existing selected spot in a "connect the dots" fashion.

Delete a selected area or spot:

  • Select a red or green handle, and press Delete to delete a selected adjustment.
  • Press Option/Alt and click a handle to delete it.

Clean up a photo with the Visualize Spots feature

While working on a computer screen, you may be able to identify and remove the most visible spots or imperfections. However, when you print a photo at its full resolution, the printed output may contain many imperfections that are not visible on a computer screen. These imperfections could be of many types: dust on a camera sensor, blemishes on a model's skin in a portrait, tiny wisps of clouds on blue skies. At full resolution, these imperfections are visually distracting.

The Visualize Spots feature lets you search for imperfections that may not be immediately visible. When you select the Visualize Spots checkbox, the image is inverted. You can use Remove tool features (Remove, Heal, or Clone) to clean up the image further. 

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Open a camera raw file.
    • With an image open in Photoshop, select Filter > Camera Raw Filter.
  2. Select   and check the Visualize Spots checkbox.

    The image is inverted, and the outlines of the image's elements are visible.

    Above, Visualize Spots view is off, and unnecessary elements like wispy clouds (left) have been removed (right)

  3. Use the Visualize Spots slider to vary the contrast threshold of the inverted image. Move the slider to different contrast levels to view imperfections like sensor dust, dots, or other unwanted elements.


    When the Spot Visualization checkbox is selected, to change the visualization threshold:

    • Increase: Press period (.)
    • Increase (in larger steps): Press Shift+period (.)
    • Reduce: Press comma (,)
    • Reduce (in larger steps): Press Shift+comma (,)
  4. Use the Remove tool to clone or heal elements in the photo. Uncheck the Visualize Spots checkbox to view the resulting image.

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