Keyboard shortcuts

Know the popular keyboard shortcuts while using Photoshop on the iPad

You can connect a physical keyboard to your iPad and enjoy a great typing experience whenever you need it.

While you have a keyboard connected to your iPad, you can also use popular keyboard shortcuts to easily perform common actions when working with Photoshop on the iPad. 

To access the in-app keyboard shortcuts map on your iPad:

  • From the Home screen, go to App Settings > Input > View keyboard shortcuts.
  • From the editing workspace, go to Help () > View keyboard shortcuts.

Let's take a look at the comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts to work quickly on the iPad:

Action Keyboard shortcut (iPad)
Copy Command + C 
Copy content from all visible layers Command + Shift + C
Paste Command + V
Undo  Command + Z
Redo Command + Shift + Z
Move V
Transform N
Lasso L
Quick select W
Rectangular marquee M (Shift)
Elliptical marquee M (Shift)
Brush B
Eraser E
Paint bucket G (Shift)
Gradient G (Shift)
Spot healing brush J
Clone stamp S
Crop C
Type T
Eyedropper I
Use default foreground and background colors  D
Switch foreground and background colors  X
Brush size increase ]
Brush size decrease
Select All Command + A
Deselect Command + D
Reselect Command + Shift + D
Invert Selection Command + Shift + I
Next selection view F
Previous selection view Shift + F
Fill with the foreground color Option + Delete
Fill with the background color Command + Delete
Invert Command + I
Nudge 10 pixels at a time Shift + Arrow
Nudge 1 pixel at a time Arrow
Cycle to next blend mode Shift -
Cycle to previous blend mode Shift = 

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