Export color lookup tables

You can now export color lookup tables from Photoshop in multiple formats. The exported files can then be applied in Photoshop, After Effects, and other image/video editing applications. 

You can export color lookup tables only from documents that have a background layer and additional layers to modify colors.

Export lookup tables

  1. Open an image having a background layer.

  2. Add adjustment layers to give the image the desired look or effect.

  3. Select File > Export > Color Lookup Tables.

  4. In the Export Color Lookup Tables dialog, enter a Description.

  5. Optionally, enter a Copyright string. Photoshop automatically prefixes © Copyright <current year> to your entered text.

  6. Enter a value in the Grid Points field (0-256). A higher value for this field creates bigger files having higher quality. Alternatively, select a fuzzy quality setting—Poor, Low, Medium, High, or Maximum—from the pop-up menu.

  7. Select one or more of the available formats in which you want to export the color lookup table:

    • 3DL
    • CUBE
    • CSP
    • ICC Profile
  8. Click OK.

  9. Select the location on your computer where you want to save the generated files. Also, enter a base filename to which Photoshop automatically appends the file extensions.

Considerations for exporting to different formats

  • If you start with a document in the LAB color mode, you can export the color lookup table as an ICC abstract profile. Abstract profiles are the most flexible of the formats and you can apply them to any color mode. When you export the table in an RGB-only format, Photoshop automatically converts the document to the RGB color mode.
  • If you start with a document in the CMYK color profile, you can export the color lookup table as an ICC CMYK device link profile. When you export the table in an RGB-only format, Photoshop automatically converts the document to the RGB color mode.
  • If you start with a document in the RGB color mode, you can export the color lookup table only in 3DLUT (3DL, CUBE, and CSP) and RGB device link formats.

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